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Hobson (DayZ)

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About Hobson (DayZ)

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  1. Hobson (DayZ)


    Use a printer yo, like everyone else :) Point is, people can sidestep whatever they like if they're able to, but there's plenty who'd see it as part of the game mod and so part of the fun. DayZ isn't a lesser mod without this suggested feature and there's no pressing need to add it, but if it ever appeared, it would be a cool addition.
  2. Hobson (DayZ)


    Why use an in game map when there's teh internetz? Because its immersive, obviously. Which is awesome.
  3. Hobson (DayZ)


    Imagine coming across a radio somewhere, flipping through the channels and hearing some survivors coordinating. Would you butt in, offer assistance, risk having your ass shot by the strangers who want your radio? Or maybe stay quiet and stalk them, picking them off one by one. Whether or not it's practical, from a dev point of view, it's certainly a sweet idea.
  4. Hobson (DayZ)

    MERGED: ammo, ammunition, .22LR etc.

    I like the idea of fighting a horde down to the last mag yet knowing I've plenty more ammo in my backpack, if I could just get a lull in combat to fill the empties. Could lead to some hairy moments, tactical retreats and regrouping etc.
  5. Hobson (DayZ)

    Adding realism to backpacks

    D) I hate you but I like your idea so lets run with it, Heck I'll even let you keep a single can of beans. Pretty sure I read an interview with rocket where he chatted about how the look of the player character should eventually reflect how we play (without being forced into a skin), this is going along similar lines. Good idea.
  6. Hobson (DayZ)

    MERGED: ammo, ammunition, .22LR etc.

    The implication presumably being you can hold lots more individual bullets in the inventory than you could with full mags? I quite like it. There might be questions about how implementation wold work (like, having multiple items, in this case ammo, in one inventory slot), but I like the principle as its realistic and practical.
  7. Hobson (DayZ)

    Player Journals

    Loving the enthusiasm for this idea (minor dissent notwithstanding), really speaks to what's so compelling about the mod; personal immersion. There's no rush, people are telling their stories online already, but finding them in game would eventually be extremely cool. Game/web integration would be great, like voidsheep already linked to:
  8. Hobson (DayZ)

    Humanity specific gesture.

    I'm certainly on board with you here, but I think total realism is only possible when players don't act quite so much like it's an instant respawn game. So little video game conceits like this are neccesary for nudging us back to reality. I was thinking it would be mostly a 'placeholder' though; simpler to implement, a compromise until more complex systems are crafted.
  9. Hobson (DayZ)

    Humanity specific gesture.

    This is meant as a simple compromise following the removal of bandit skins, to perhaps combat the 'I may as well shoot on sight' ethic without totally breaking realism (in such an obvious 'magic skin' way). So: Change the nature of the salute gesture based on humanity value. Ie; survivor's do a lovely wave; bandits do a nazi salute (or y'know, something actually good). Avoiding direct engagement with other players would still be important (and just good practice as far as I'm concerned), but a quick request over direct comms or chat or whatever would give the survivor you've just stumbled on a chance to prove that he or she isn't a rampant murdering beast of a human or such like. SCENARIO: You see another survivor before they see you. You request a gesture over comms. If they comply (or refuse to) then you know what you're dealing with and so befriend/ignore/slot as you best see fit. It's not perfect, but it may cut down on some of the more avoidable player killing, and would definitely puncture that oft mentioned excuse for spiralling into on-sight murder: 'I can't tell so I might as well'.
  10. Hobson (DayZ)

    Girl Character?

  11. Hobson (DayZ)

    Girl Character?

    Just want to add another small supportive thumbs up for this totally inevitable feature. I'm genuinely surprised anyone thinks its a bad idea. Obviously yeah people can be unconsciously sexist, but the surprise is people doubting that it'll eventually be implemented fairly. Of course it will, just look at the attention being paid to everything else. I also reject the idea that, say, an 80/20 split of female/male characters would somehow be less immersive than the current 0/100 split. This is a post-military civilian survival scenario. If you can internally rationalise the reality of a zombie apocalypse but can't imagine for yourself a reason why there might be more female survivors then you need to seriously check your privilege.