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Everything posted by sniperdoc
A week and no changelog??? Come on...! :/
Seems there is a hack out there that allows players to broadcast over the comms regardless of distance from individuals... :( Had someone come over comms even though I was out in the middle of nowhere and say "I see you..." Was no one around for miles... :(
I noticed that dead bodies on inclines are still a problem. If someone dies on an incline, their body slides down the incline and you can view the contents on the dead body. However, you cannot do anything to the contents. You can't remove items, can't drop the items on the ground, can't put them on directly, can't put them into your own inventory... nothing. My gut feeling says that the contents are located where the body was actually killed and that if there is too much of a distance between the physical body that slid down the incline and the place where body was killed, then you can't remove any items. This needs to be remedied. Soon.
There seems to have been a huge gfx performance drop with the latest updates. The one before .55 had it as well, but the one before that was smooth as butter. Definitely has something to do with texture handling as I've never had texture pop in on me. But, with .55, I get zombies that have LOD issues, fences that show up without textures (grey/white walls), and just general low fps in towns. I only run a 680 SC and I've had no major issues until the patch before .55 and .55 itself.
Responded with some of my findings in green:
Haven't posted in a while, but here goes nothing... Pro: Love the new Infected. Actually paranoid while drinking and eating now. Con: Don't like that the sound effects for them don't really work anymore. Can't hear the footsteps at all, nor the pursuit noises they used to make. Definitely would help to have those back. Pro: Great new UI Con: Why the -newui switch. Could've just implemented it? Pro: Love a lot of the new gear and where it is distributed. Such as the police gear at the police station. Great job sorting that out finally. Con: Don't love the overall distribution pattern for it. (http://i.imgur.com/LQ0KRHz.jpg) Plus, what is the deal with the crazy loot stashes in certain objects/buildings? I mean... that's almost an April Fools Joke if you ask me. Con: Not liking the 5 minute timer on loot that's been touched. That's a bit lame, if you ask me. I was killed by an Infected and my buddy took all my stuff of my body. He checked it a few times while he was doing some errands. After I reached my body (about 20mins later) everything that wasn't a backpack or a weapon was gone. The vest and all clothing items despawned. Not cool. Enjoying the overall changes, just wish they wouldn't have released the persistence in a buggy state. Shouldn't that have been sorted? Lost tents with a lot of stuff. That was a lot of time and effort wasted. Trucks disappear, gear disappears... lots of things disappear. So, it's not really persistent, is it? xD Finding some things, like sewing kits or matches is really like a quest for Holy Grail. xD Trucks sometimes flip for no reason. Usually before a bridge of some sort. Sometimes Infected will make the trucks flip or jump around like crazy. I've seen ONE Deer in over 30 hours of .55. Somethin' ain't right there. Overall... great move in the right direction. Enjoying the more "intense" Infected... just some audio cues letting us know that something is after us would be great. ;)
I thought that if a server was public, admins weren't supposed to kick people off for no reason? I had 3 friends with me on the ~SOG~ |Bringing Friendly Back| server on the 3/27/2015 16 10:40 CST and they kicked all of us to leave only Arrrow ~SOG~ and Yama ~SOG~ on the server. This is the server: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ We did nothing wrong. We had a truck and were driving to meet up with 2 of our friends that were separated and right as we met up, they kicked us all of. When we rejoined they kicked us again? "Bringing Friendly Back"... Not so much.
~SOG~ kicking people off their public hive server?
sniperdoc replied to sniperdoc's topic in General Discussion
Actually, they must've rebooted the server. We had a truck that was at half gasoline. When we were able to log back onto it, the two SOG guys were gone and the truck was full of gas. Same location we left it after we got kicked. -
~SOG~ kicking people off their public hive server?
sniperdoc replied to sniperdoc's topic in General Discussion
I thought so myself... it should be a private hive if they want to have their own pow-wows... -
I don't think it's related to joining max pop servers... it could be... but I've seen servers hanging/freezing like that on low pop as well. I was on a server last night with 8/30 and ended up getting stuck in a truck because the server crashed without any indicator it had done so (i.e. no message received for n seconds). I'm guessing there's a memory leak somewhere as it causes the client to crash as well. I think the client and server crashes are related.
Actually, it's better when its wet, because it doesn't get snagged on every little twig... plus it depends on if it's a full ghillie, a patrol ghillie (i.e. how long it is). Is it heavier... sure. But, who looks at realism in this game when you dehydrate in a half an hour....
Hahaha... DayZ devs don't take REALITY into effect... I find it ludicrous that the binos now take up 4 slots, the same as a shirt. That some hats take up one slot, others 2, but shirts take up 4??? Guess the devs have: 1. Never camped before in their life. 2. Never humped a pack. 3. Never packed a rucksack. 4. Seen a rucksack. The way the items take up the various slots now is completely hosed. But, I already beat that concept to death in another thread I made... :(
Have you ever even ran with a rifle in your hand? Pistol... ok maybe not... but a real rifle? You ain't sprintin' the same as without a rifle in your hands... that's for sure.
Maybe you need to understand that deer stand loot is pretty much a low priority?
Maybe they'll do a comprehensive update vs just little ones. Could be that the engine is changing too much on a day-to-day basis that doing small updates is prohibitive?
And Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/ <definite sarcasm included> While I'm at it... how's the MP-station-in-the-wall-exploit fixing coming? Didn't they say it was fixed like 5 patches back? Still a definite problem. Buddy got killed at NEAF two times. Once at the MP station by the Con Tower and then the second time at the MP station that's off by itself at the NEAF. He said that the guy literally walked out of the little cubbyhole wall outside the station (near the fence/trees on the left side of the station if you look at the door). Looks to me like the .dbo stuff hasn't been fixed yet... only way that I think the guy could walk right through walls... no?
So, at that point you go do something else... there's no point in griping or complaining. They're certainly not going to change. If the devs didn't listen to complaints about their (non)communication to the public via the forums, they're certainly not going to change after 6 months of bitching about it. The moderators spend time and effort trying to help, but in all seriousness, the dev tracker is useless. I alert moderators, on occasion, about totally non-related, totally irrelevant comments on the dev tracker that shouldn't even be included... and the devs certainly don't care about what they post and what shows up in the devtracker... so, since none of that has changed in 6 months, what would make people think it'll change today, tomorrow, a week from now, or a month from now... That's why I stopped sending irrelevant comments to moderators. People will trickle away from DayZ, people will come TO DayZ.... all YOU can do as an individual is display some patience and be reasonable. That's the issue with all this complaining. The devs have their own agenda at the moment and it certainly doesn't include anything you or I, or the rest of the world say. The best we can do is keep them apprised of bugs and they can choose to follow-up today, tomorrow or a year from now on the report... how and when they work on stuff is not up to you, me or anyone else. That's the point I was trying to make. But, the scope of both projects are entirely different and in this case not really comparable. Personally, I think the issue is the non-communication. We've got a dev blog that hasn't had anything added in a while, the dev tracker is buried with useless commentary. We've got updates happening to stable and no comments about them from the devs... and in all seriousness, twittereddit is not the place to go look for update notes. The dynamics of twittereddit is absolutely not conducive to dropping the latest patch note updates. As much as I like DayZ, I've just decided to put my time elsewhere for the time being. I prefer stable, but in its current state, it really isn't. So, Diablo III and Rome 2 here I come... (aside from selling and buying a new home)... xD
Just because I use a common expression doesn't mean it has anything to do with how I view genders roles in life. Political Correctness is seriously becoming ridiculous... Ok... so let me rephrase the offending statement: "I'm no fan of the last patch, that's for dang sure, but I'm not on here bitching like a little Eddie Murphy that had his icecream taken away."
@Aj: Complain yes... but bitching about things you have no control over... sorry... there's got to be a line somewhere. Also, I saw no promise anywhere of a requirement to have to please any of us. All of the issues you listed are moot as the game is nowhere near done yet and you're assuming that your concerns are a priority... simply doesn't make any sense. Also, I'm not complaining... I'm trying to knock some sense back into people who think they have an entitlement to anything other than a finished game at some point in time. That's all they're required to offer you. And if you think I'm that I'm arrogant about anything you're completely off the mark. I'm just tired of threads where people complain like they have a sense of entitlement to anything other than a finished game at some point. That's all.
I see that the Entitlement Bug is still highly prolific on these forums... Patience folks... it IS a virtue. All the folks that think the devs owe them anything... updates, time-tables or what not, you signed the dotted line that stated this game was a work in progress and if you thought it would be cool just to play it, not to buy it. Well... I'm no fan of the last patch, that's for dang sure, but I'm not on here bitching like a little girl that had her icecream taken away. I would hope that there's some men left on this planet, that enjoy computer games and can actually step away from their PC a bit and say... "Ok... not happy about what happened and I'm not happy about how fast they're updating stuff. But... there ain't a DAMN THING I can do about it and it doesn't help matter ANY if I just bitch like a little girl... so, I'm gonna step back, and play a little Plague, Inc... kill a few billion people and come back in a month." I don't like that the devs don't tell us about rolling updates being applied. Because then things are just a surprise and we can't account for issues properly on the feedback tracker then... I don't like that they simply won't post some progress notes on the dev blog... I don't like a lot of shit that's going on... but there's not a damn thing I can do about it. So, quit bitching like little entitled bitches and grow up. The only thing that you guys can change is how you choose to react (or NOT react) to events happening around you. That is all!
I think... what a lot of people can't understand is why HALF-ASSED material makes it into the build... UNFINISHED material... or material that was mentioned in the patch notes but doesn't exist in the game. I think THAT is what is starting to piss people off. It makes them look very unprofessional, like they don't even know what they're putting in their own patches. When you add fruits for example, and you don't have the indicator of 100% anymore... does this mean they fixed the issue where sometimes items will stay in your inventory with 0%? So, now... when you pick up a fruit, can you with 100% certainty say that it's a fruit that still has 100% capacity? I bet you they didn't fix the glitch of 0% items staying stuck in the inventory. SOOO... why did they change it? Why did they remove the 100% display? Why add more complexity to the already perturbing 0% item-stuck-in-inventory issue? I haven't tested the new build and can't for another two weeks... but I can guarantee you... no... I can guaran-f-ing-tee you... they didn't fix the 0% item issue. So now, people are going to find fruits on the ground that have 0% (because the previous eater dropped it manually) but there won't be an indicator telling them so. THAT is the issue. That attention to detail has been completely DEVOID in this process. THAT, my friend, is the issue with the last few patch releases. The right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. Communication... or rather miscommunication will be a big problem. If they'd have just put in the new netcode update... GREAT!!! I'm aware it takes a long ass time to develop some solid code... but then why add half-built content? Seriously? Are they that hard up for their player's approval that they have to add half-finished filler??? Attention to detail... that's one major issue they currently have and it can cause them some serious headaches. Uh... they've been doing that since before this last patch... (.42.xxxxx) The only suppressor that I know worked since .42.xxxxx is the Amphibia suppressor. Every other suppressor in the game was aesthetic only. The fireaxe, M4, SKS, Mosin, and helmets have been able to be painted since .42.xxxxxx as well.
Another epic fail at reading comprehension.
You did say "stop being a whiney moralfag"... and he did not MAKE anyone do anything... you're actually the one that was disrespectful. Punching you in the junk for calling someone a Moralfag isn't being disrespectful... it's being respectful of the LGBT community that you so flawlessly slandered. ;)
First off... he didn't say everyone needs to play nice. Second, he's not forcing anyone... he's just voicing his opinion. Third... there's no need for your type of disrespect. If you said that on the street and I saw you, I'd punch you the junk.
That pretty much sums it up. It just ruins whatever big accomplishment was put into the patch. It's like they did the following: Devs: "Well... we spent this entire month coming up with new netcode... but the players won't have anything tangible to see/do/use on the server... lets put in in some stuff so that they can feel like they actually got something." Instead what this does is: Players: "Well... f*ck me! They put in like 4 new things. But, none of them work and all the old stuff is f*cked up??? WTF did they do all this time?!?!?" If it's not done. Don't put it on Stable. Simple as that. If it's done, test it on experimental, and if it doesn't cause problems... put it on stable. I don't really understand how this junk actually made it to stable... at all. Highly disappointed.
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