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Everything posted by BuddyRP

  1. BuddyRP

    advanced camouflage

    not to ask for a ghillie but it would be really nice to be able to use a knife bayonette or anything to pull brush from your surrounding area and tie (USING THE USELESS ROPE) or tape (USING THE USELESS DUCT TAPE) to your clothing so that you can blend and conceal yourself within the environment that youre hiding in.
  2. BuddyRP

    I want to be a HERO!

    this is about as close to the classical HERO skin as youre going to get if thats the look youre going for. looks pretty damn good too! http://postimg.org/image/o9zdip9y9/ ( id make it appear without having to click the link but i still have no idea how lmao )
  3. that depends entirely on your playstyle imo. do you enjoy scurrying about towns / cities / military where theres corners and tight areas all around? (city dweller) OR are you more of a patient observative type where youd like to be fully aware of an entire area all at once while hidden in safety? i personally never use / carry a sidearm when the m4 is my main weap of choice; its ammo is more common than both .45 & .357 (from what ive seen at least) and its accuracy is FAR more than superior to the fnx45. good for a quick spray to players in close quarters, even better to drop a zombie from a decent safe distance. where as carrying a mosin as my main weap i will always carry the fnx45 due to it being a more silent and alternative with a greater rate of fire for the zombies who sneak up on you. mosin with fnx45 vs. m4 with magnum would be the logical way to go in terms of primary & secondary. this way whichever your preference, you have a high rate of fire to take care of zombies either way while you also have the single shot with a kick for when you need a bit more power / range. so again, it all boils down to whether you like being up close in the action, or further away watching your prey from a safe distance getting the drop on them :)
  4. would be really nice to see more parts for the mosin especially something like that. nice find
  5. BuddyRP

    Down Jacket Locations?

    a friend and i got lucky when we hit rify actually wanting to find some of these. theyre fun to mix & match with other clothing / bags i suppose. http://postimg.org/image/rd2w67u6x/ http://postimg.org/image/bkr4dn805/ looks rather odd though with the anti-stab vest on "over" it as it almost hides it completely lol EDIT: any reasons why im unable to use those links to actually have the picture displayed in my post? those and any other pic uploaders ive tried are all invalid for the community <_< what do you all use?
  6. BuddyRP


    Residential loot spawns are your best friend. Pubs Schools Cars (ALWAYS check cars) Few other places I'm sure just can't think of them at the moment Happy sniping ~
  7. BuddyRP

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    let me take a stab at this thread... im excessively particular when exploring a military base. i see myself a closed door barracks i will first do a 360 around the full building glancing through each window to ensure its empty. i will then proceed inside closing the front door behind me, i then quickly go down the full hall opening each door to check yet again that it is completely empty. then and only then will i begin to look around for items of interest and switch them out in my gear. 5 TIMES it has happend to me that ive done this full process and yet a SERVER HOPPER will spawn in behind me out of nowhere within the previously secured and closed barracks only to blow my brains out from behind. 5 TIMES too many and i for one cannot wait for a solid solution to be rid of this abused exploit; no doubt the person was doing it for a quick grab at some fresh server loot like yourself, but when they saw me it was their greed that pulled the trigger each and every time., i now take great pleasure in camping a distance away from places like the tents at northwest keeping an eye out for players who just appear in out of thin air (you guessed it; server hoppers!) i then will have myself a chuckle and blow THEIR brains out and let any other who makes the effort to WALK over to that military base, loot the hoppers gear and they go on their merry way with a juicy loadout. youd be shocked at how many players will just spawn in there within a 10 minute period on some days, TL;DR - this is an exploit that needs resolving, for the better of this game and its players
  8. BuddyRP

    Steam Achivements

    it is indeed a game based on survival... in the form of a sandbox where there are no limits nor are there any set goals or objectives that you are required to achieve. you cant "win" so to speak, in the world of dayz. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_game http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/106875-dayz-sa-will-dayz-remain-a-sandbox-game-forever/
  9. BuddyRP

    Steam Achivements

    achievements?.... in a sandbox game?.... this isnt c.o.d. or any of those big name console games..
  10. BuddyRP

    The Hero

    Never having the slightest idea what will happen next is what defines DayZ to the fullest! Loving the hero outfits everyone. I LIVE for taking mine up and down the coastline saving bambies one can of beans at a time!
  11. Hello, i did my best to find a previously discussed thread on the topic but was unsucessful in getting one that gave solid (as solid as they get in alpha) answers, forgive me if there already was: i was hoping someone could give a more in-depth informative response (discussion) about how each item degrades over time. i do understand that this is alpha and 99% of the items that degrade have absolutely no effect on your game play. im curious to know for the future. so what in-game can cause given items to lose their pristine condition? to my knowledge, being hit by a zombie will damage your head gear, but are there currently any other known triggers that cause item degrade? my current charactor has not once been hit by a zombie or enemy fire, yet some of my items are beginning to fade from the original condition in which they were found. do some wear faster than others? does stepping in a pond / the ocean and getting damp clothing have effect? or is it just a constant over time occurence where gear starts to age.. if so, how does that work? observation on the topic: was with a few friends up at north east airfield when we were jumped by a few bandits; one of us was instantly killed and the bandits fled. the rest of us looted his body and couldnt help but notice that every last bit of gear he had on him went from pristine / worn ect to completely ruined (minus the M4 in his hands) - while i completely understand that being shot will damage your gear, why would it ruin everything 100% that way? even the protector cases and what was inside. id expect that had he been shot in the chest than just gear in that portion of his body would take partial damage, but his entire loadout? sort of defeats the purpose of killing a player if their loot is ruined and useless to use id think. enough wall of text though, discuss :)
  12. BuddyRP

    Shopping Mall Cart. storage more loot.

    i lol'd so hard at this thread. pure awesomesauce~ see a dude rolling through cherno with one of these, you hollar out to him and he hollars back sayin "hey man! i just looted up the DayZ thrift shop!" beans for you sir!
  13. BuddyRP

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

  14. BuddyRP

    Ultimate Mosin Hunting Guide

    pubs and cars in general will spawn a mosin as well. in fact any residential has the potential for a mosin spawn
  15. BuddyRP


    i was actually about to post something along these lines. the current loot table already consists of things such as winter fluff coats (or whatever theyre called), russian winter hats, winter hunting pants and matching jackets... so why not have a bit of winter within the game itself? give the map and players a little more variety of environment to play with and explore. my thought was far up north around the same elevation and / or higher as the new guba town, make it a snow-covored wasteland / forest that extends across the entire top sliver of the map or at least maybe in the very corner(s).. being in these areas could require warmth similar to namalisk where you need warm winter clothing to survive / stay warm. lakes that are furthest up north could even be frozen over where you could find items that could cut through the ice and go ice fishing right over the lake / pond itself. potential items to add for the environment could be - snow shoes / crampons or cross country skis (faster snow travel so you dont sink within the snow) - a full body snow suite - goggles - winter gloves - winter boots - ice climbing pick ( new mele weapon) ect... the list could go on forever and has a lot of potential i think :) i hope this gets taken into thought!
  16. BuddyRP

    bandaging buggy?

    hello, looked around quite a bit and didnt see it mentioned so i thought i would ask.. does anyone else have trouble when trying to bandage your bleeding wounds? it often takes me AT LEAST 5-6 click attempts to "use" my rag/bandage before it actually does anything and performs the animation. this has caused me to lose half of my blood several times and im wondering if its common or just really bad clicking on my part, thanks in advance!
  17. after having solo dipped in and out of the urals on sec b without breaking a sweat as im sure many of you all have done, we can understand and appreciate that the devs would only increase the difficulty level of things that happen there. the 2 hueys that stay behind and patrol and guard the mayors house is perfect, spreading guards to places that used to be weaknesses makes us all have to think of new strategies and those machine gun mounted trucks, guards with nvg's were damn good curve balls as well! but out of all seriousness..... no matter how large or small your group, whether you go in with makarov's or m24's, be it in the day or at night, it is seemingly damn near impossible to make any sort of progress without getting your ass handed to you. ESPECIALLY when theres a restart cycle on the server giving you limited time to make it through. id LIKE to think im a fairly decent pvp'er, but these guards are nothing less than BRUTAL and dont appear to have any downfalls at all. now ive heard several people be all "oh yeah ive done a full sec b sweep already" or "easy as pie, quick in and out" - and that may even be so, but i have yet to see any actual proof of footage of a full run where they made it in and took on guards, raided the urals, killed the mayor and got out safely. speaking of the urals, i thought loot was randomized and rare? the best ive seen thus far was a fal and a bunch of m16's or mini uzis... would someone please just humor me with a video of themselves or a group actually successfully completing a sec b run on this new update? i completely appreciate the new challenge and im sure all others do as well, but holy shit its just not even worth it after so much death. my group and i have tried every possible infiltration method that island can offer us.. what has everyone else around here tried out, and how has it worked for you? - i look forward to hearing AND WATCHING all of your responses!
  18. BuddyRP

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    how about the ability to make barricades in entrence-ways / doors using debris found around on the ground like tables or chairs or scrap metal even wood you chop down? you can use a toolbox to build and disassemble it.a way to fortify enterable buildngs from unfriendly players and or zombies :) of course set them to be destroyed upon restarts so that players cant just go around and block off every building in say elektro and make it perm impossible to find loot anywhere
  19. BuddyRP

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    how about zombies that walk in packs or herds around the map and the more zombies they encounter the more that stay with the heard itself until players kill them all off.
  20. BuddyRP

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    interactive wildlife.. bears / wolves / tigers / bobcats / moose that are a threat similar to the bloodsuckers on namalisk map that try to kill you. could kill them for their meat and use their claws maybe for a spear or their fur for some other crafting material.. maybe even infected versions of each of those that are twice as deadly and can infect you and eating their meat would also infect / make you sick?!
  21. BuddyRP

    [DAYZ SA] - ultimate Q&A

    making our characters have to shit'n piss after consuming x amount of food & drink would be great. give us a potty-meter icon and everything! will there be some sort of base / fortress building aside from the average tent? somewhat similar to origins where only the builder can access it
  22. BuddyRP

    Combined Mods?

    straight and to the point. i think it would be an insane experience for the players if it was possible to take traits from each different mod of dayz and put them into one. having the hero / bandit levels & houses, garages from origins, the countless new weapons and customizable weapons and enterable buildings from civilian mod, trading system from epoch ect... ive heard of some hosts trying to make it work, not sure how its worked out for them, but could it theoretically be accomplished? id kill to play on such a server! thoughts? input?
  23. so i came across this a little while back while browzing youtube and got all jiztastic about it, and ive been looking around on here trying to find out a little more but unfortunately havent been successful. does anyone have information on this update? - release date? - features? ect.... thanks in advance!
  24. Alex, if what you're saying is true and you feel you have indeed been wrongfully banned, please do follow this link and create a ban appeal explaining your situation. your case WILL be examined and cleared up, hopefully for the better ;) http://www.happyisle.net/index.php?board=17.0