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About ZedsDeadBaby

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    Project manager, producer, game designer, developer. Game hobbyist and enthusiast. DayZ fanatic. Resident loud-mouth.

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  1. A question only almost as stupid as your post about corpses disappearing. Congratulations on impressing me twice in 30 seconds.
  2. ZedsDeadBaby

    If I can't play I want my money back.

    Tough shit, pickledick.
  3. Next to "You Have my Beans" should be a button to "Nominate for Stupidest Fucking Post of the Week." I would be pressing it so hard right now.
  4. ZedsDeadBaby

    A tool to simplify reporting dodgy servers

    Looks fantastic. Now we just need a GSP willing to actually enforce the rules and do a damn thing about any of the hundreds of reports they must receive every day. So far it seems like their approach is a big fat "oh well, tough shit."
  5. ZedsDeadBaby

    Constant PVP ruins the fun of this game

    Not at all; plenty of other giant walking vaginas around here feel exactly the same way!
  6. ZedsDeadBaby


    They are, but you say that like you can just claim to be "mentally damaged" and sue with no actual evidence to support the fact that you have suffered such damage. That's not how it works. "Mental damage" is a real thing. It's not just being "really upset about something." You would need a licensed physician to testify to the fact that you were mentally damaged by viewing the content. You would further have to show that Dean Hall or Bohemia Interactive knew ahead of time that viewing such content would cause mental damage. You cannot accuse someone of being negligent if they had no way of knowing that their actions might cause you damage. Since you would absolutely be completely making up the fact that you were mentally damaged, and no such thing has ever happened in the history of mankind you would neither be able to produce a physician willing to testify to your imaginary mental damage, nor evidence to show that Dean or Bohemia had any reason to believe such a thing were possible. You seem to have this early-elementary school concept of litigation where you can just sue someone who does something to make you uncomfortable and claim "mental damage" and have your case heard. You absolutely cannot do that. Cases are reviewed and if you have neither evidence of damage nor evidence of neglect on the part of the defendant, your case will not go to court. Period.
  7. ZedsDeadBaby

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    You could have stopped there. That's all you need to realize this idea is a pile of dogshit.
  8. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bad community

    I didn't say I take his word from anything, mate. I just take it over yours. Big difference. There are places where firing a gun is illegal. So by your logic people who use firearms are less intelligent than those who do not? You are purposefully obfuscating the discussion in order to prove a point that is beside the actual thrust of your claim. Cursing is not, by definition, derogatory nor does it necessarily put people's ideas down. I can say, for example, that "That's a fucking brilliant idea!" Or "I fucking love this idea so much." If I tell my wife "Seeing you in those yoga pants makes me want to fuck you cross-eyed" do you think she's going to feel "put down" by that? Because I can tell you from experience that she absolutely does not. Again, you are the one talking about putting people's ideas down. That's not what we're discussing. As for "offending" people, I refer you back to the original video. People who are offended by swearing are just looking for a reason to be upset about something. It's fucking pointless. It's not that I don't understand what you're saying, it's just that I think it's stupid. See that? Notice how putting down your idea has nothing to do with cursing? I can do it using any old language. But, we both digress, don't we? Let us leave it here because I'm pretty sure nothing is going to come of this discussion.
  9. ZedsDeadBaby

    Enhancing Fall Damage: Leg Injuries & Treatments

    Your character's behavior will be the prime factor in figuring out how bad your injury is. If you put on a splint and still can't walk, you know it's worse than a simple fracture. I think this mirrors reality somewhat, because without an X-RAY you can't actually tell a lot about the severity of an internal injury from the outside. I'm just not sure I agree. The same could be said of the complexity of the hunger/thirst system. rocket could have gone with a simple "you're either hungry or you're not" system, but instead he spent the time to basically model a system of digestion, energy transfer, virtual stomachs that can get full, vomiting, etc. With so much specificity and granularity when it comes to how hungry I am, I don't see why we wouldn't expect the same level of detail when it comes to degree of injury. To me the current system just seems simple to the point of feeling inauthentic. Broke your leg? No problem, tie an old dirty stick on it and you're healthy as a horse!
  10. ZedsDeadBaby

    To those who dislike the new combat logging timer

    Then people will be right back here complaining that the need to sit down makes them too vulnerable. That's just kicking the bitch-can down the road. The existing system is fine. Log out in a safe place; it's absolutely not that hard to find one.
  11. ZedsDeadBaby

    So much for a "stable" update

    No, they log out in the corner of a room they just got done looting because they're planning on server hopping to loot the same room on another server. They find the added burden of running outside and finding a safe place to log out unconscionable. Anyone who has a problem with this system is just angry because it is a huge step toward fixing precisely the problems it is intended to fix.
  12. The sentence makes perfect sense without the word "because" in it.
  13. ZedsDeadBaby

    Bad community

    If you think Stephen Fry "appeals to the uneducated," you are completely unfamiliar with his work. He is one of the most brilliant humans of this generation. He's an award-winning documentary filmmaker, stage actor, playwright, linguist, author, comedian, political activist and humanitarian - working to further understanding and support for those with mental health problems as well as furthering LGBT rights. He has been called a national treasure and a living icon. I promise you he does not need to "make money from appearances and such" by using curse words. You will forgive me if I put a little more stock in his discourse on the use of language and vocabulary than I do some random dickwhisker's on an internet discussion forum. You're free to continue to disagree, so long as you're comfortable being completely wrong. The idea that using "dirty words" means you're less intelligent or possess a less-developed vocabulary is completely unsubstantiated hogwash. In other words, it's a bunch of fucking bullshit.
  14. ZedsDeadBaby

    So much for a "stable" update

    No, it's not obviously the preferred method. If the logout timer could be cancelled, then people would simply run and try to combat log knowing they can cancel it at any time if they're caught. In the current implementation they know that once they hit that disconnect button, all bets are off and they have to deal with the consequences. It's a much better system because it uses fear of the unknown consequences to encourage people to stay online and flee to safety the "real" way. Plus, it has the added benefit of making people think carefully about where they go to logout. It makes the decision more weighty. It feels like finding a place to camp for the night or whatever, and that feels more authentic. You feel vulnerable? Good, you should. You would feel the same way if you went to sleep in this shitty world we call home.
  15. ZedsDeadBaby

    The antihop/exiting timers..

    Spoken like someone who hangs out in Chernogorsk all day; just go sit in a bush and logout. 999 times in 1,000 you will be fine. As for the 1000th, tough titties.