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Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

  1. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    *Disclaimer - I am not that great with Photoshop, please excuse the poor logo Welcome everyone, to my DayZ survival guide. This guide will be geared towards new player's who have no clue what to do, and just need that little bit of help to get them on their way, and to more savvy player's who may just not have known a few things i will mention here. I am not, nor will i claim to be, the best in any way (Honestly i would consider myself half assed, haha) But in this guide i will give my tip's on nearly every aspect of the game that i can currently think of. Anyway's, this does it for my introduction, now on to the guide ! -------------------- -------------------- The first area i would like to cover is, of course, the icon's you will see on the right side of the HUD. Going from Top to bottom, The Ear - This is the detector for how much noise you are making, aka, how much of a dinner bell you are ringing to nearby zombies, best to keep this as low as possible. The Eye - This is the detector for how visible you are, aka, how visible the zombie's next meal is, like The Ear, keep this as low as possible. Thermometer - This is the detector for your body temperature. I personally have never really seen a change in this, except for when i was dying once, and it turned red. I only assumed i was really warm then. This will start white, and change varying on your temperature. Canteen - This can obviously be determined as the detector for your thirst. Yes, you do have to keep drinking water in DayZ. This is survival, not Call of Duty. It start's green, and will turn to orange, and then to red the thirstier you get. Blood Drop - This is the detector for your health. Like the Canteen, it start's green, and will turn to orange, and then to red. Knife & Fork - This is obviously the detector for your hunger. As i said earlier under Canteen, this is survival, you need to keep your belly full. Thing's to watch out for & The Medical Treatments - Broken Bone - This will appear between the Eye & the Thermometer. This signifies that you have broken your leg's. You will need a Morphine Injection to cure this, which is commonly found in a hospital. If left untreated, you will simply be forced to crawl everywhere. Shock - This will appear as what looks like 2 white, broken wood slivers, and will appear above the broken bone icon. There is no cure for this other then time. The range of time varies from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. If left untreated, the worse that can happen is that you log out during shock, when you log back in you will be left unconscious for a period of time (Quite a annoyance) Bleeding - This will appear as a flashing cross in your Blood Drop icon. You will need a bandage on yourself, or another player bandaging you up. If left untreated, you will bleed out your blood, till near dead. Pain - Pain is different, in the sense that there is no icon for it. The only way to tell if your character is suffering from pain, is to look in 1st person view. Pain is detected by excessive screen shaking, and makes aiming very damn difficult. You will need painkiller's to fix this. If left untreated, then you will just continue to shake, and make aiming very annoying. Infection - This one is a real bitch. Infection causes you to cough and to lose blood constantly. The only way to cure infection is to treat with Antibiotics, but they rarely spawn. The blood loss stops at 6000 blood, but the coughing will continue, and it attracts nearby zombies. -------------------- -------------------- 1. The most important thing you can do for yourself when you first spawn, is pay attention to the bottom right corner of your screen. In that corner, is the only chance you will get to see where you have spawned, and get any sense of awareness as to where you are at. The text will go as such. Example Spawn - Chernarus ----------------------- Not Important, is simply stating the map on which you are on. Elektrozavodsk------------------ VERY IMPORTANT ! THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO ! Useless Jibber Jabber--------- Again, Not Important 1 (Continued). Using this text, the middle text is, as you can see, the most important line of text to pay attention to. Using the middle line of text is what you use to locate yourself on the map, which i will provide at the end of this guide under References. 2. Before you alt tab to go to the map, it is important to, of course, make sure there are no zombies near you (Obvious tip is obvious) 3. Using the loot map i will provide at the end of the guide, locate yourself on the map, or at least locate yourself in a general area. 4. Another important factor to take into consideration, is whether it is Day or Night. If it is Day, then you have to be ALOT more careful as to where you tread, and your View Distance / Sound Distance from zombies. At night, you still have to be very careful, but your sight detection goes down alot, letting you sneak by at closer distances, but still, do not take this as you can go running by zombies at night, no matter what, you ALWAYS have to be on the tips of your toes. -------------------- -------------------- At this point, you are probably saying, "Okay Jyphx, i have spawned, im safe, i got my location on the map, but i dont really know where i should plan my route for, any tips ?" Of course i have tips there Billy ! *Disclaimer - If you are reading this, you are now Billy. Completely New Players For new player's, i suggest starting your routes towards smaller towns and area's of residence. These are of lower interest to players, and can give you time to focus on learning how to move around zombies, when to move, when to stand really f**kin still, etc. etc. Pretty much teaching you the first step of DayZ, surviving the zombies. When you get into these smaller town's and villages, i would say, unless you are wanting to start repairing a car or some shit right off the bat (not recommended) Then avoid industrial buildings, and instead, stick to residential buildings. Semi-Seasoned / Seasoned New Players For player's that have a couple hour's under their belt, then i suggest you route your way to a big city like Cherno, or my personal favorite, Elektro. These places will hold the majority of what you need to get started on your journey. The only difference between this, and the Completely New Player's routes, is that these places will not only hold the threat of zombies, but of other player's as well. I am not claiming in any way that every other player in the game is hostile, but do not take it lightly, this is a survival game, if someone is about to die of hunger, and they see you strolling on by, they will kill you simply THINKING you have a Can of Beans on you, or any food for that matter. And then you just got the Douche Canoes that will kill player's for fun. But that aside, these will hold the greatest early game treasures for players. -------------------- -------------------- *Disclaimer - These are strictly my opinion as to which area's i think are worth looting, and what you should aim for early on. For this, i will use a picture of Elektro, and some high area's of interest that i believe new players should focus on. I will go by the color coordination of the circles i created, to show the better points of interest for newer players in order from most important to least, and of course, what each behold. The Church - This one, i forgot to circle, but it is the black circle that is below the bus that is below the purple circle. In my opinion, this is the first place a new player should try to hit up. From my experiences (And i find this kinda funny) Churches seem to pack the heat, i've almost always found a pistol with ammo in a church, and they can also behold ammo, food and water. The Hospital - This is the green circle. This is really only useful if you are playing with other players, for most of the items (Blood Bags, Epi-Pens, etc.) are required that another player use them on you. But here, you can find Blood Bags for hp (*Must be used by another player*), Painkillers for the Pain effect, Morphine for broken bones, Epi-Pens for unconciousness (*Must be used by another player*), and some other medical supplies that are useful. High Value Residential Buildings - This is the purple circle. Oh, how i cannot praise these enough. I will loot these over a Firehouse, over a Barn, Industrial Building, almost anything. These hold a huge variety of things, specifically utility items, like A Box Of Matches, A Hatchet, Binoculars, A Map, etc. And they do occasionally carry a gun. Other things include food and water, ammo, etc. I highly recommend these for all new players. They are difficult to get to, due to enemy player's and zombies, but well worth the pay off. Super Market - This is the black circle. Super Market's are only so far down on the list because i would deem the other's in a more demanding supply, but Super Market's are almost always worth going to, as they behold (of course) Food and water, and very often will carry a pistol, and also have chances of spawning utility items, and even bigger packs ! Why, just today, when i had to make a new character, i went into this supermarket on this map, and found a Czech Backpack and a Alice Pack (I prefer the Czech over the Alice anyday, but thats just me) The Firehouse - This is the red circle. I put this last on the list, because all these things really hold is alot of ammo, and occasionally some good guns. When it comes down to it, if you can find a pistol in one of the other places, you are set, but these are worth stopping by to see if you can land yourself a AKM or something :) But another reason i put it so far down on the list, is because how popular these things can get. What i mean by that is, alot of newer players with less sense, will hear that these things carry guns, and FLOCK to these things. As i said, if you can find a pistol, or like me, find a Lee Enfield (AKA, The Dinner Bell) in one of the High Value Residential Area's, you are just as set. -------------------- --------------------- To make this a bit easier, i will categorize the tips ! Never stand straight up, EVER. This greatly increases the chances of both Zombies and Bandit's alike of seeing you. Rather, stay in crouched position at best, and you will more then likely find yourself prone 70% of the time, haha. - Of course, a exception to this can be if your running through the dense forest, trying to cut across a mountain range to get to a city quicker, or something like that. Never Sprint (Double Tap W) As with the previous rule, This greatly increases the chances of both Zombies and Bandit's alike of hearing you. It's always best to walk slowly, or sometimes it's even acceptable to run (not sprint) in a city, just keep a watch on your sound and sight meter's. - Double Tap your Left Shift to change the standard movement from Running to Walking, and vice versa. Be smart with your inventory. Always try and pick things up that you can refill or re-use in some way. - A example of this would be choosing between a Coke and a Water Bottle When starting, pick up every kind of ammo you come across (Of course, if you come across food and water, replace the ammo with that), for it is better to have a lot of ammo for a gun you don't have (but can still find) Then to have a gun, but no ammo for it. You never know, you may have passed on those 3 STAGMAG's 10 minutes ago, and come across a M16A2 in a Deer stand :P - It's not a big deal, you can just drop the ammo that doesnt go with the weapon you find, to make more room for neccessary's. A lot of people don't know how bags fully work (Don't be ashamed, I didn't know for like the first week, hehe) To use bag's properly, you can click on the bag in your inventory, and a button will appear on the bottom of the inventory screen that says "Open Bag" From there, it opens your bag, and you can "drop" items into your bag, at the top of the screen of your inventory, it will show a number that will decrease when items go in, that is how much your pack can hold. A Standard Coyote Pack can hold 8 items. - You can also just double click the bag to open it. - Larger item's like gun's, or car part's, will take up more inventory room in the bag It's often argued that its better to play with a friend. This being my guide, i will throw in my opinion :) I believe it is better to play with a friend, or just someone friendly you meet with. Bonuses of 2 people are that people are A LOT less likely to mess with 2 people that are armed, you can clear area's faster, you can both hold essentials, or car parts for better transportation, and the list goes on and on. When falling, try to land in a bush, it will decrease fall damage greatly. - WARNING ! The previous tip is not proven that i know of, i am going off of personal experiences where I've fallen off buildings and took next to none / no fall damage ! When around zombies, or even around any area with buildings of any sort, pay VERY close attention to your Sound and Sight sensor's. FACT - Zombies are more sensitive to sound then they are sight. This being said, at 1 bar of sight, you can be MUCH closer to a zombie, then if you were to have 1 bar of noise. Generally speaking, you want to stay in prone when maneuvering around zombies, especially as a new player, until you can start learning and judging on your own distances relative to the sensors. It is better to try and raid cities at night, where visibility to zombies will almost always be next to none. Sound will not be affected however, so keep that in mind. Bandit's are identified by their head being wrapped in cloth (Looking much like a Taliban) The reason Bandit's have this special clothing is to identify them as killers. You become a bandit by killing to many survivor's. Kill Bandit's on sight, as they will 99% of time, return the kindness if you don't act. Bandit's often like to travel in group's, so be VERY weary. If you spot Bandit's in a city, it's often best to just get out of the city, as he more then likely has friends close by. When traveling in cities, stay close to wall's / cover at all times, as Bandit's tend to favor the sniping technique of taking out innocent's. Also on this note, it is best to avoid open field's, especially any sort of military base (I.E, The Balota Airstrip) -------------------- -------------------- DayZ Loot Map - This map can be used for both finding your way through Chernarus, and also seeing where you can loot what :) Youtube - It always helps just to look up a few good video's for starters, or one of many other things you can learn about the game :) -------------------- As of now, this is all i can think of to try and help new players. As I said in the intro, I am still slightly new myself, so as i grow and continue to learn in this wonderful game, I will continue to update this guide, to try and help fellow survivors in making your story. After all, this is DayZ, this is your story, your legacy to tell, and i just hope i can help make it a great one :) *NOTE* - Please give feedback / Constructive Criticism on my guide, i will appreciate it. I will not appreciate flaming, as this is simply my attempt to help the community a little. I am not asking you to like it, just please, in a constructive way, help me, help the community :)
  2. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    I think am going to wait for the SA now.

    The best thing for you to do would be to find a well run private server, or put in request to join whitelisted server's. These have the least hacker's out of everything. The only downside ofcourse is that they arn't hives :P But if its ran well enough there would be no reason. I currently play on "1/9 WDU MADMAX" server. I live in FL and i have amazing ping to it, and it's the best server ive found. It's always well populated, hackers are next to non existent, and don't get me wrong, some slip through, but the ones that do are usually banned within seconds to minutes. The only thing i find annoying are the rollbacks after hacker's, but i havn't had to deal with rollbacks in a while. Just saying, worth checking out if you live in the US :P
  3. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    First off, calm down dude. It's a game, games are never perfect, there are to many people to try and please at once, there will always be flaws with it. Attitudes like that don't change dev's minds, they just ignore rants like this. Just mention it as a suggestion, and trust in the dev's will take it into consideration. Making and upkeeping a game isnt easy, with the thousands of line of code, they can't just change thing's on a whim, there are processes that must be gone through to ensure that the simple 2 word change in the thousands of line of text dont fuck up the entire game. Just have some patience, is all im saying. Once it hits the standalone version, they will have a bit more versatility, because as it is, its just a mod. They can't do much with a mod editing wise because otherwise they would fuck everything up if they were to mess with game mechanics. Anyhow, calm down, be patient, and be nice :P
  4. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Cant wait to see how that turns out for ya ghost :) Im working on a major overhaul for the guide soon, giving a bigger, better, and more detailed index, with more in depth sections. And to Jimmy, yes, i kill on sight. I must admit though now im a bandit because of all the KoS'ing ive done to bandits :| So now i gotta be weary of my own teachings xD
  5. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Bawmp !
  6. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Sure ! I was thinking about adding a "Items" section, and a tips section on maximizing the use of your backpack, things you should consider carrying, etc. etc.
  7. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    You have my beans sir :P
  8. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    1st off, i would like to say . . . you lucky mother f**ker, i looked and looked for a bicycle but never found one :| Lol but that aside. 1. There could be several reasons to this. Do you play on different servers every time ? This being the case, more then likely the servers you are playing on previously are private hives. Private Hives are privately owned servers, and not "Official" servers. Unofficial server's are shown by having a small cloud with a X to the left of the server name. If you look at all the filters on the left side of the DayZ Commander screen, there is a checkbox for "Hide Unofficial" This will hide all Unofficial servers. The upside to this is that if you make a survivor on a official server, it carry's over to all other official servers. The downside to this, in my experience at least, is that there are more hackers. 2. This i don't know, and would like to know myself :P
  9. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! If you ever come across new players that seem to be struggling, recommend em this guide ! Trying to get feedback from new player's, so i can see exactly how this would help someone who has no experience.
  10. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Bawmp !
  11. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! Means alot coming from a member of the Forum Team :)
  12. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Updated the guide with custom buttons and added a Tips and Tricks question !
  13. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    The Struggle, My 1st NightZ !

    You know for the longest time i wanted a game like this. One where its just survival, no other objectives, no levels or ridiculously OP upgraded gear, just straight up survival. I found this and my 1st thought was, "You know, this may not be all that fun, it wont even be scary, and probably will get a bit boring." I am now eating those words. Here is my story. My story starts with like 5 failed attempts at the game. I would spawn, see houses in the distance, and just go sprinting, and of course, zombies would detect me that far off in the daytime and just run up and kill me. I was getting frustrated, didnt know what to do. But right before i gave up, i decided i would try 1 more time on the DayZ UK4 server. So i made a new character and i spawned. I dont remember where, just some long name that started with a P and had a K in there somewhere (haha). Anyways, for the 1st time since i started, it spawned as nighttime. I decided to take it REAL slow. And i just started sprinting forward like usual. I spotted a house in the distance, and instead of blinding sprinting up like a bigot, i got in crouch and started walking. I used my zoom constantly, and was noticing tons of zombies around the area. So i stay in crouch, walking slowly, avoiding and manuvering zombies at a very safe distance, i crossed the road, and was slowly approaching the house in prone position (Zombies were all around me at this point) All of a sudden, i see all the zombies just start sprinting around and go into a frenzy, i just think "F***************************K" and stay motionless on the ground, fearing that moving at all would cause them to see me. All of a sudden the ones in front of me just sprint past me. I was confused and turned around to see them run at the road, and about the time i saw them running at the road, a guy on a bike goes whizzing by. They dont chase him, they just run to the road and run in a couple circles. I was retarded, i didnt act on this, nearly ALL the zombies in the area were behind me and i was just to startled to make a run for it to the house. Well, they go back to their walking towards me, and i start going in prone, but faster now. Sure enough i couldnt make it far before having to go at a much slower pace cause more zombies had appeared in front of me, and the ones behind me caught up. Yet again, i was just sitting in place to scared to move. And then, like before, all the zombies started sprinting around and ran for the road. I didn't even look back this time, i just got into a crouch position and ran, as fast as i could, to the house. I looked back and this time they chased him a small ways to a field next to the yard of the house. I realized that you couldn't enter the house, and got a lil pissed. But instead of letting that get in my way i pushed forward, went around the house, and saw a small shed with a open door. I went to sprint to it but stopped for a second and thought. I went to prone position, and slowly and quietly as a mouse, made my way to the door. Sure enough, as im crawling sideways, their is a zombie right at the front on the other side of the door. So i crawled back ,and around the shed, so that i could get around the fence, made my way through some bushes, and came across another road. What i hadnt realized from looking at the house from the beach, was that there was a whole damn town behind the house, but farther to the right and across some train tracks. I got a little excited at this point, thinking, "Maybe i can actually find some supplies now, especially now that i know how to manuver around these zombies" Well, i cross the tracks, still being cautious, because i had witnessed that zombies will wander a great distance away from town to the middle of nowhere, so i was paranoid of everywhere now, including the empty (looking) area right outside the town. I went to the barren outside the town and slowly, but surely started going towards the town. The 1st thing i noticed was that dead ahead of me, there was a open, yes, visually OPEN warehouse looking building. I decided that's where i will go first, and see a zombie walking past the door. There were a few more but spread out farther away from the building. I patiently wait for the zombie to pass, and prone my way inside. Up to this point, i didn't know what "loot" had looked like. I didn't know if it gave off a aura of some kind, or what. But the first thing i do when i prone into the building, is check for zombies. I see none, just a big, open warehouse, so i go into crouching position into the first corner i find. And that's when i noticed something on the bottom right of my screen. Sure enough, i look down, and i see a crossbow. No glowing aura, no indication, just a crossbow, and when i hovered over it, it gave me the option to pick it up, and of course, i was damn sure taking that crossbow. I picked it up and it came with 2 bolts. Words cannot describe the feeling i got after picking that crossbow up. For the first time, since i started the game, i actually had a small sense of security, a way to defend myself from both the Horde and Bandits alike. And through the ecstasy i was in over the crossbow, i noticed some more debris more in the center of the warehouse. I move toward it, and i found some ammo for guns i didn't have (But figured still worth picking up anyways), a empty tin can (I didn't pick this up thinking it useless), and a heating pad. After about 2 minutes of being in total joy and shock in the corner of a old, musty, dirty warehouse over some scraps i found. I collected myself and figured it was time to move on. After all, the game has hunger and thirst, i had neither food nor water. So i went prone and crawled out the other side of the warehouse. To my front and right there was nothing but a small open field full of zombies that led to more houses and buildings, but to my immediate left, right across the road i noticed just 1 zombie moving across another open doorway to a barn looking building. So i start moving towards the barn, and it was on a small hill, so i crawl the incline, and as i enter the door, my heart just dropped. Across the small barn, entering the opposite open door, was another player. Pretty much all i have heard about other players are bandits. Killing, stealing, robbing, etc. I just freeze. I know he noticed me because he stopped looking right at me for a second. I did notice he had only a axe equipped at the moment, and i had a crossbow equipped, that did give me some peace of mind. Between us was nothing but 2 sets of stairs going left and right. He went up the stairs on my right, so i went up the stairs on my left. There were stairs going from that small floor to the top of each side of the barn, with windows on each side and very small platforms to stand on. We each reach the top, stop, and look at each other. Suddenly, he speaks, using Direct Communication. I had forgotten about this, and responded. We exchanged a few words, he asked if i had food, i said no, yadda yadda. But it turns out, this guy was friendly. This guys name was Banjo94. We started talking and as i relaxed i noticed another debris pile next to me. I get excited and grab the bandages and revolver ammo from it. I was to busy freaking out over the opposing player, that i didnt even notice the supplies all around me. He told me to follow him, that we would stick together so we could find food and water so we didnt starve. I went down the 1st set of stairs, and low and behold, i didnt even notice it climbing the stairs the 1st time, there was a Rifle just sitting in the middle of the floor. I screamed like a little bitch out loud, and picked it up. So we exit the way he had came in, and there was nothing but a fence a small ways out, i followed him, we jumped the fence and went towards some woods. He had a bike hidden in the woods, he hopped on and so did I. We went down the road a good ways, and im just feeling so happy. We stopped across the street from 3 houses, and he told me the middle one was open. So he goes in ahead and a zombie cuts me off from him. So i patiently wait, and as i enter the yard, Banjo got disconnected from the server. I was kind of saddened, the 1st person i met turned out to be a friendly and even gave me a ride on his Motorcycle, now he was gone, and i dont know if ill ever see him again (And up to now i havn't, if you end up seeing this, really glad to have met ya Banjo :)) Anyways, i went around to all 3 of the houses, none were open. I crawled around back of the right house and into a corner wedged between a fence and a chicken coop with a tree overhead. And as i turned around, my screen went pure white. I was confused and thought the game had broken. But after about 5 seconds, things were coming into focus. It was finally daytime. And my 1st night in DayZ, i had survived. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry for the long story, i wanted to be as detailed as possible so everyone could be as in tune with the experience i had :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what did yall think of my 1st ever night on DayZ ? Were yall's first night's crazier ? Lemme know :D I must know though, right now (while im posting this) it's just turned night again. I still have no food, no water, and currently still scavenging. I want to know if it was stupid of me to not pick up that Empty Tin Can. Can Empty Tin Can's hold water in them ? Let me know please D: Hope yall enjoyed !
  14. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! Just be sure to check back, ima be updating it alot more regularly once i get going and start learning alot more myself :P
  15. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks :) Today is my off day, so after i clean the family guns with pop's and play a lil more DayZ, ill come back and update this guide, and on the bottom ima add a "My Tip's And Trick's" section :)
  16. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Cmon guy's, i know it's not the most dead on guide, but a LITTLE feedback would be appreciated !
  17. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Did i just get lucky ?

    So i was playing on a server, and i accidently went to the server controls or something flippin through the M options, and got banned, well , iwent and i joined US 47, and started on the Left Outskirts of Elektro, well, i was just thinkin "Shit, gotta do this all over again" So i go runnin into Elektro, of course beelining my way to my usual route, and i decided to stop by the fire station this time, just for a quick peak, and when i open the 1st big door, the first thing i see, right in front of me, is a sniper. It turns out its the M107, and it came with 2 mags. Now, the reason i asked this as a question if i got lucky, is because ive never used snipers in DayZ, or Arma 2 for that matter, so i dont know how loud this joker is gonna be when firing, and is it even worth having ? I took it and ran towards prigidorky, im in the woods between, i dont know if i should kind of test fire it at zombies or what ? Opinions guys ?
  18. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    New players guide from Bandit point of view

    Well, being a bandit, couldn't you use this as a trap ? Throwing a flare over into a well trafficked building, like a Hospital or Super Market, and wait for the less informed kiddies to come strolling about and KoS and take their stuff ?
  19. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Did i just get lucky ?

    Im actually on the outskirts of the left part of Elektro, i was thinking of getting on a hill and go to town on a populated server :3
  20. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    I noticed that to orlok, i tried for like 20 minutes trying to get the editing on it just right, but they were always off, and for whatever reason, some times it was putting TONS of spaces between lines of text that i didnt put there. And i have a 24" monitor (And the resolution is something like 1920 x 1600, something like that) EDIT - Oh, i see what you mean, so on my monitor they look normal, but on smaller monitors and resolutions they take up more lines. I will fix this by just making small lines to seperate instead of huge ones, thank you Orlok for pointing this out.
  21. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    The Struggle, My 1st NightZ !

    Thank's for all the responses. Just recently i showed this game to my friend Nick and now he's joined me, along with another friend Andrew. So we got a strong party of 3 going on now, and after several attempts at getting what we need, we finally managed to get all that's necessary to start making a jounry inward !
  22. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Getting the Game Tomorrow

    My tip's to get you on your feet in the hell that is now Chernarus ! 1. Trust no one. Don't, by any means, shoot on site unless they are a bandit (Bandit's have rag's covering their faces, not hard to differ from the standard). TRY to be friendly, but alway's have your weapon ready. And if they are up to suspcious activity, just tell them to back away slowly and go your seperate ways, if they continue, then, in my opinion, is the time to shoot them dead. 2. When you start, as CptMugwash stated, you need to look for the middle line of text that will pop up in the bottom right corner. Use >>This<< loot map to find out where you are, and as CptMugwash said, use it to plan routes, find the high loot buildings, etc. etc. 3. Especially while your new, it's a good idea to avoid the big cities, like Cherno. Im not saying don't go there, they have good loot area's that should be explored, but until you have a better understanding of the game, and have better equipment, it is best to avoid these, not because of Zombies, but because of Players. (P.S Refer to story at the bottom) 4. Always have room for food and water. Until you can find a water bottle, always try to stockpile at least 2 soda's and 2 can's of food. And don't eat/drink when the indicators start to turn (This is a mistake made by many new players, at least me :|) But rather when they start to get a dark orange/red. This will conserve food. 5. Contradicting #3, i highly reccomend you try and find a hospital, as this will provide you with very essential's that you will need more then you know. The 1 i use is on the outskirts of Cherno, in a small residential area by a helicopter. It's dangerous because alot of players might be in this area, but it's good because it's still on the outskirts, and you will run into less, if any players at this part. 6. As other's have said, it is best if you find someone to play with. Not only will it make the game MUCH more fun, but it will provide you with more secutirty. A lone survivor is less likely to f**k with 2 guys then 1. I will add more tips to this later, but now i have to leave for work, also i will add that story :P Check back later today !
  23. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    The Struggle, My 1st NightZ !

    Is their a specific reason why alot of buildings arn't accessible ? And i personally like night better when it comes to sneaking around zombies. But day is fun aswell :) Thanks for reading !
  24. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    New player looking for guidance

    I will try and help you out as much as i can ! Ill add you on skype (Mine is NotableDeath) Only thing is i dont know when ill be on. After i study tonight for my Biology Test tommorow ill hop on. If your on then we can talk :P
  25. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Dayz Free Teamspeak | Experienced player looking for squad!

    Thanks ! I hope this server get's alot more attention. This could be a great way for players to join and find fellow members to squad up with ! You definatly have my beans !