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Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

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About Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    I think am going to wait for the SA now.

    The best thing for you to do would be to find a well run private server, or put in request to join whitelisted server's. These have the least hacker's out of everything. The only downside ofcourse is that they arn't hives :P But if its ran well enough there would be no reason. I currently play on "1/9 WDU MADMAX" server. I live in FL and i have amazing ping to it, and it's the best server ive found. It's always well populated, hackers are next to non existent, and don't get me wrong, some slip through, but the ones that do are usually banned within seconds to minutes. The only thing i find annoying are the rollbacks after hacker's, but i havn't had to deal with rollbacks in a while. Just saying, worth checking out if you live in the US :P
  2. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    Starving to death needs to be COMPLETELY overhauled.

    First off, calm down dude. It's a game, games are never perfect, there are to many people to try and please at once, there will always be flaws with it. Attitudes like that don't change dev's minds, they just ignore rants like this. Just mention it as a suggestion, and trust in the dev's will take it into consideration. Making and upkeeping a game isnt easy, with the thousands of line of code, they can't just change thing's on a whim, there are processes that must be gone through to ensure that the simple 2 word change in the thousands of line of text dont fuck up the entire game. Just have some patience, is all im saying. Once it hits the standalone version, they will have a bit more versatility, because as it is, its just a mod. They can't do much with a mod editing wise because otherwise they would fuck everything up if they were to mess with game mechanics. Anyhow, calm down, be patient, and be nice :P
  3. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Cant wait to see how that turns out for ya ghost :) Im working on a major overhaul for the guide soon, giving a bigger, better, and more detailed index, with more in depth sections. And to Jimmy, yes, i kill on sight. I must admit though now im a bandit because of all the KoS'ing ive done to bandits :| So now i gotta be weary of my own teachings xD
  4. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Bawmp !
  5. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Sure ! I was thinking about adding a "Items" section, and a tips section on maximizing the use of your backpack, things you should consider carrying, etc. etc.
  6. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    You have my beans sir :P
  7. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    1st off, i would like to say . . . you lucky mother f**ker, i looked and looked for a bicycle but never found one :| Lol but that aside. 1. There could be several reasons to this. Do you play on different servers every time ? This being the case, more then likely the servers you are playing on previously are private hives. Private Hives are privately owned servers, and not "Official" servers. Unofficial server's are shown by having a small cloud with a X to the left of the server name. If you look at all the filters on the left side of the DayZ Commander screen, there is a checkbox for "Hide Unofficial" This will hide all Unofficial servers. The upside to this is that if you make a survivor on a official server, it carry's over to all other official servers. The downside to this, in my experience at least, is that there are more hackers. 2. This i don't know, and would like to know myself :P
  8. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! If you ever come across new players that seem to be struggling, recommend em this guide ! Trying to get feedback from new player's, so i can see exactly how this would help someone who has no experience.
  9. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Bawmp !
  10. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! Means alot coming from a member of the Forum Team :)
  11. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Updated the guide with custom buttons and added a Tips and Tricks question !
  12. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks ! Just be sure to check back, ima be updating it alot more regularly once i get going and start learning alot more myself :P
  13. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Thanks :) Today is my off day, so after i clean the family guns with pop's and play a lil more DayZ, ill come back and update this guide, and on the bottom ima add a "My Tip's And Trick's" section :)
  14. Edgar Allen Bro (DayZ)

    DayZ Survival Guide !

    Cmon guy's, i know it's not the most dead on guide, but a LITTLE feedback would be appreciated !
  15. Well, being a bandit, couldn't you use this as a trap ? Throwing a flare over into a well trafficked building, like a Hospital or Super Market, and wait for the less informed kiddies to come strolling about and KoS and take their stuff ?