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About Opera-Opera-Opera!

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Opera-Opera-Opera!

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey dude! Awesome Ill catch up with u as soon as possible.. you seem a good team member. Im getting the game hmm Friday so be good to catch up with ya.
  2. Opera-Opera-Opera!

    Introduce yourselves

    Steam: Bigguybail, Add me! Skype: Opera Singstagad, Dont be afraid. Origin: mrkill111, Shit name but awesome! PS3: jatskill123, Shit name too xD Add me on these.. Earn MY Trust. Yo Peeps Its OPERA Here and My ingame name Is/Will be OperaSingsta. So many people wont know me much Im new to DayZ You will usually find me in the woods or around small towns :) So anyway your probably wondering what will be my path in DayZ? My path: My path will be very hard to achieve it'll be damn hard when you have players raping you in the face, so my goal is to get alot of humatity and become a HERO So that is pretty hard, and if you are a Hero gimmi some beans for some support. Status: Im mostly friendly and will not shoot unless shot at. If you hear some sniper shots it might be me going at your friendly neighbour hood.. <_< Servers: Mostly OZ/NZ/EU/US Servers because.. They baws. Where im from: Im from Australia, NT Darwin epic place but its damn hot to.. >:( Your welcome to have a chat and talk to me when you like.. Even if you want something I can get it for you right away, so dont be afraid to ask. :beans: :thumbsup: :D Hope to see you all some place!