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Everything posted by legolas_xp

  1. legolas_xp

    3rd person tweak [suggestion]

    Jesus Christ!! Really ???
  2. legolas_xp

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    I believe that speed is fine what the game needs is more of them, but they are working on it :)
  3. legolas_xp

    New Spawn System needs a fix!

    What's wrong whit it??, the new spawn system works fine, it's harder to gear up,, more run, now u won't expose yourself that often cause u will die and spawn in the other part of the world,, ;)
  4. legolas_xp

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Done!!! I submitted my survey already, I want to see the Desert Eagle, I understand that is not to much like dayz style, but I love that gun,,, :)
  5. legolas_xp

    Should I invest my time in 1st Person Servers?

    Of course they are empty, same history of the mod, people complaining about first person only, but every time you see a server FP only is like 10/50 or 6/50,,, but u know, people is always complaining,,
  6. legolas_xp

    MMO = Monthly Fee?

    wha, ,,, wh ,, ww ,,, wh ,,, whattttt ? There should be some kind of auto-removal post,,, omg !!
  7. This topic is really annoying, every time I see this is the same, people forcing other people to play in FP or talking about the disadvantage of first person or the advantage of the 3rd person,,, most of you apparently want to play FP, go to youtube, go to twich to see some videos and streamers and let me know how many of them play in first person,, let people choose how the want to play, they/we paid the same amount of money that u paid to enjoy the game. FP only servers are coming, so you can go there and play with no "disadvantage",,, but really this need to be removed from discussion,, :| :(
  8. legolas_xp

    iZurvive - DayZ Standalone Map

    This is a great app, I use it all the time while I am playing,, thanks a lot,, very helpful :)
  9. legolas_xp

    Does suppressor make any difference?

    No sound reduction yet,, just cosmetic change :)
  10. legolas_xp

    Clothing and KOS

    That's right, me and my friend play always trying to be friendly but we were wearing a payday mask, with helmets, and guns,, so every time that one survivor spot us, just start running away, so we decide to get rid of mask and helmets, now we are using Christmas hats and people is not running away anymore :):):)
  11. legolas_xp

    Combat loging and server hopping

    Jesus Christ,,,
  12. legolas_xp

    How easy is it finding your friends in SA?

    What kind of question is that?? It's the same map :huh:
  13. legolas_xp

    Needing a can opener to open a can is pathetic

    This was fix with patch# 1, version 113772, now u can open cans with sharp items,,, stop complaining and give feedback,,,
  14. Zombiessssssssssss :rolleyes:
  15. Where did you read lower price??
  16. legolas_xp

    every server is dark

    I don't want 24/7 daytime servers, but I haven't seen the colors on SA yet, I am playing at night but I am missing the sun already. 24/7 daytime should be available for people who want it. If some people enjoy playing only daytime, let them be :)
  17. legolas_xp

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    This is the most stupid post I've ever read,,,
  18. Best Server Ever,,, I will join as soon as I get home today,, see yaaaaaa !!!
  19. legolas_xp

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    One day with new food ???? WTF ??? This is bullshittttttt ,,,,
  20. I can't wait for the release, this is going to be awesome !!!!! Keep doing a great job and thanks for give us a great game. :rolleyes: :thumbsup: