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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    Cheater on RU 62 SPB

    You can't just leave? I feel like remaining on a server with a hacker is quite similar to feeding trolls with continued responses. But anyways, that sucks about the cheater. I hope he gets banned.
  2. Is this hourglass truly endless? I've known someone who thought that they got hacked but they simply kept logging off while still in shock.
  3. beastoverlord

    Stat menu in-game

    They took it out on purpose.
  4. beastoverlord

    Banned from US 303 (not hacking)

    Restriction 54 is a battle eye error... some choppers randomly self-repair and battle eye will think you are hacking and disconnect you from the server. I've had this happen on my server numerous times. The admin ban is separate from the battle eye error.
  5. Sounds awesome! Too bad I'll be busy that day. :(
  6. beastoverlord

    Looking for a Great DayZ Community?

    Please private message me as said in my post. Only people that are genuinely interested need to know. I would say most are from Eastern Standard time, but we have quite a few in the EU and the west coast.
  7. beastoverlord

    New player about to step into the game

    Although you need to find a map as loot in-game, you can use DayZ DB to help you with your location and loot spawns.
  8. beastoverlord


    Personally I think this is a horrible idea. You will have very few people that want to play $5 a month for a server. There are plenty of hack-free whitelisted servers that are free. Just go join an already made one and save yourself the hassle.
  9. beastoverlord

    Private Hive Fun

    What I want to know is how you had a SAW and Ghillie, but only had a patrol pack and thought that an alice pack was a big deal?
  10. beastoverlord

    Best spot to set up a post?

    The server I play on has one outside of Rogovo to the north, mostly because there is a flat field to build on, no close zombie spawns, and is a moderate traffic area.
  11. beastoverlord

    Getting kidnapped by hackers...

    Why didn't you just log out if you had good gear? I doubt you were in combat that entire time.
  12. beastoverlord

    Can anyone help me find my way?

    http://dayzdb.com/map/namalsk Enjoy. :)
  13. beastoverlord

    No new loot respawn.

    The game would be INCREDIBLY laggy if the game had to record every single loot location on the map. Plus, I feel the lifespan of the sever would only be a couple weeks because everyone would eventually run out of everything and die.
  14. beastoverlord

    Cant locate Day Z UI HELP

    You can't see your zombie kills/murders/etc, or you can't see your food, blood, visibility?
  15. beastoverlord

    Is it worth buying now?

    Depends if you deem a $30 payment worth of a month of playing or so.
  16. beastoverlord

    Please fix/patch Sneaking Alongside Buildings.

    No... The old, old, old versions were far worse. 1.7.3 and most previous seemed pretty good. It seems in 1.7.4 that either they caused zombies to have greater detection abilities or I have lost all of my sneaking abilities.
  17. beastoverlord

    DayZ US1550: NO battle eye

    You don't want any scripters or hackers but it is for banned players? Okay...
  18. beastoverlord

    LFG people to play dayz with

    Dear Box, So you decide to post your copy-pasted message talking about a community of "friendly and trustworthy players" on a thread where the OP posts Sounds like you are trying to build a really nice community there. :P Sorry for being annoying... I just hate those copy-pasted messages that people generally don't care about.
  19. beastoverlord

    DayZ US1550: NO battle eye

    Can 10 year olds set up servers?
  20. beastoverlord

    Server Battleye Help!

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19672-this-server-is-running-an-incorrect-version-of-the-server-side-application/ Search function next time. ;)
  21. beastoverlord

    Private Server Demise

    This server is pretty great. I would check it out. :)
  22. beastoverlord

    1.7.3 Vehicles Fixed after one Repair

    Same. Kinda convenient in some ways though I guess...
  23. beastoverlord

    Military is still active.

    So... they are bombing random stuff to clean up zombies? That seems like an efficient use of fuel, manpower, and explosives...
  24. beastoverlord

    Storm's comin'

    I feel that if it's already in L4D2 you should just play it there... Maybe I'm just being mean, but I would rather have Rocket and the boys coding me some DayZ Standalone.
  25. beastoverlord

    Cherno's Church of Love

    ^ Exactly. Get yourself away from those Cherno/Electro axe fights and up into the tactile warfare of the north.