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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    What about Sacriel? He and Oshi were the ones Rocket was rooting for in the original Survivor Games.
  2. beastoverlord

    New player - What do you think of my strategy?

    Best strategy: Avoid Cherno and Electro like the plague. There is no gear there you can't get somewhere else. They are overrated.
  3. Matt, I do have to say that you NEED a new microphone if you keep doing this interviews. If you count how many people each one of these can prospectively get to buy the game, you can spend a little money on a better mic.
  4. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    And then we can play an altered version of Duckhunt where the survivors are the ducks.
  5. Yeah, I like Rhino. He comes off as an asshole, but it makes it really entertaining. I have to say one of my favorite YouTube videos right now is his WarZ rage too. I couldn't stop laughing about it.
  6. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    1000! :D Now there is no way I can't get invited. :rolleyes:
  7. beastoverlord

    Opinions on this behaviour

    This video should instead be named, "Definition of What is Wrong in the DayZ Community"
  8. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    This obviously can't be true if I wasn't invited.
  9. The Blue Snowball is pretty cheap and has excellent quality. ;)
  10. beastoverlord

    You're Gonna Love This!

    I just looked through this guy's whole profile. All of his threads are just advertising his own videos and almost all of his posts are commenting on his own threads. All I see here is a pure troll that is only concerned for his own well being and popularity.
  11. beastoverlord

    Base Building in Standalone

    No thank you. Why does everyone want to make DayZ more like other games? Does anyone just enjoy it because there are no saves and nothing is safe? Where is the paranoia once you can have everything safe? People need to get over their obsession with clinging onto their gear and more into just the base survival of the game.
  12. beastoverlord

    You're Gonna Love This!

    I do have to say that every hacker I have ever heard in-game sounds like a little kid. For that, I never play with any teenagers anymore.
  13. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    I'm behind the SA 100%. So far I see no reason not to trust Rocket. All of his decisions have been great so far, especially now that he is delaying more so we get a more polished game from the get-go.
  14. beastoverlord

    Best Place To Build a Stash?|

    Some of the best tents are the ones hidden in towns. Try hiding them in towns that aren't very popular and use the buildings to block the views.
  15. beastoverlord

    Dying and the Consequences-SA

    That isn't a good idea. This is a survival simulator. You can't do that in real life.
  16. beastoverlord

    DayZ Character/Gear Problem

    I personally don't trust official servers at all. I sometimes lose my gear on the randomly too. If I were you I would stick to private hives with reliable admins if you want to keep your gear.
  17. beastoverlord

    You're Gonna Love This!

    You guys should be ashamed. It's stupid when people do this. You are the type of bandits that people complain about and then you try to brag about it?
  18. beastoverlord

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Welcome. Just keep yourself updated on these forums and the Developer blog. If you have twitter it's also a good idea to follow the games lead Developer Rocket @ rocket2guns for more information.
  19. beastoverlord

    So I just found...

    This Bizon does no damage. I usually just see this as a squad gun for eliminating zombies. It doesn't almost nothing to players.
  20. beastoverlord

    FrankieonPC's new Theme Song.

  21. beastoverlord

    Mental health

    This^ I don't think it impairs them to kill and watch others suffer. Although I do think that voices in their heads would be rather entertaining.
  22. beastoverlord

    Advanced Radios

    Please just use the search function. This thread has been brought up far more than once.
  23. beastoverlord

    What happens when your dog dies in the standalone.

    I loved it! Great job man.
  24. beastoverlord

    v175 beta: meat issues [solved] [old]

    I think that blood bags are quite overpowered, especially if food is getting nerfed. On the side though, I wouldn't insult people for doing something for free with their own time.
  25. beastoverlord


    No idea what they teach in public schools nowadays.