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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    Girl Characters

    Girl characters can't wear camo suits or ghilly suits. It makes it unfair for female characters so some servers took them out.
  2. Great update. I love watching these videos. One of the really interesting parts is to see how the ideas about the game have changed since these.
  3. beastoverlord

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Wow! This is awesome. I hope they can enjoy as much time with their families as they can before they have to go back for their trial.
  4. beastoverlord

    Stream sniping series coming your way

    I saw the title and was about to troll about that... But you beat me to it. On topic: You OP are a dickhead. I love watching my favorite streamers on Twitch, but quite often are they ruined by stream snipers. Nobody should enjoy your video and you should be ashamed. Tomorrow I'll come to your house and f*** with all of your TV channels. How would you like that?
  5. beastoverlord

    Help with vehicles.

    Is it an old server version? Like one where you still have to manually save the car?
  6. No, trolling. I don't think you can even do that. You would have to fire at a ridiculous angle. I will give truckloads of beans to anyone who can do it though. Just record what you do. It makes it much easier to impress people when you pull out a sick video.
  7. You threw me off man... what are you talking about? lol. What you want in-game?
  8. beastoverlord

    Help with vehicles.

    The car should save exactly where it was parked at the server reset. I think it is a glitch if your car disappeared.
  9. beastoverlord

    Most Useful Weapon..Your Thoughts

    I like the M14AIM for all around long range and close quarters team fights. As for a good looting non-pvp gun, I like the M4A1 CCO SD. My loadout right now though is an M107 and M240 with a M9 SD sidearm. The only reasoning for my load-out is that I play on a squad heavy server and I use the guns to take out their vehicles.
  10. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    It won't be coming out for any current generation consoles. They won't be able to run it without massive changes.
  11. beastoverlord

    Any Death match servers?

    This is DayZ, not CoD. Play a different mod for Arma II if you want military simulator battles.
  12. beastoverlord

    DayZ Historical Time Periods

    Medieval Ages would be baller. Only crossbows, siege weapons, and swords. :D
  13. beastoverlord

    any people to team?

    You should provide more information about your stuff and people will be more likely to answer these.
  14. beastoverlord

    Cannot pick up items?

    Try dropping an item out of your inventory (like your bandage or painkillers) onto the pile and see if you can pick stuff up then.
  15. I once shot a bandit with a makarov from 1000 meters. Sorry for no pictures or video. It's true though!
  16. beastoverlord

    Roles/Classes List

    Why do you need to have classes? I feel that if everyone carries a little of everything, the only two classes you need are snipers and people that just have their favorite gun. My squad plays like this and it works. Everyone just has a secondary or sidearm that is silenced. No need for medics because everyone has medical supplies. No need for engineers because all of the gear is in the cars. It's much similar this way.
  17. Arma II doesn't just have DayZ. It's a whole game with plenty of other fun mods.
  18. LMAO! On topic though, how the heck would someone get your key from you just being on this forum?
  19. Check for tents in these areas.
  20. Why? If everyone was on private whitelisted hives, then there would be no hackers. There's your solution. Telling them to go away doesn't help.
  21. You should post more information about yourself if you want people to reply man.
  22. beastoverlord

    Gaming News; DayZ On Xbox360

    No thank you.
  23. beastoverlord

    Giving up, to much stupidity.

    This world is full of idiots my friends. Unfortunately though, we can't keep them all only in video games.
  24. I would buy rhinoCRUNCH cereal. "The flavor punch of a trampling rhino and the great crispy crunch to back it up."