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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    They should put a train in the game

    3rd train thread in two days. <_<
  2. beastoverlord

    New private hive server

    Can you compare it to others? This is a horrible review. You need more information.
  3. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    I think that radios would only be a novelty. Anyone who wants to communicate for competitive reasons will just use other programs.
  4. beastoverlord

    Engine Makes me Cry

    I have a laptop and I can still record and get decent rates.
  5. beastoverlord

    Whats up with the hackers

    Play private hives... do you people listen at all?
  6. beastoverlord

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    Thank you sir. Being halfway across the world I didn't know of it. :)
  7. beastoverlord

    70 DayZ alive.

    How many kills over 70 days though?
  8. beastoverlord

    CD Key in use

    You probably had some type of malware or phishing program on your computer that stole it. You should scan your computer. In the end, if it really was stolen, it was your responsibility to keep it safe though. Sorry. :(
  9. beastoverlord

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    What's Slough? A slough, or THE Slough?
  10. beastoverlord


    Run a full system scan if you have a good anti-virus.
  11. beastoverlord

    Skill System in DayZ?

    Why do people keep bringing these up? Very few people like these. This is a SANDBOX game, not one with a crap-ton of rules. I want to be able to do whatever whenever.
  12. beastoverlord

    It says I don't have the right version.

    Get DayZ commander and it will sort it out for you: http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Many servers run different Arma patches and versions for the game. This will help you download and find the versions you desire.
  13. beastoverlord

    Banned from Private Hive, Can You Help?

    Nope. It's their server. They pay for it and they can do whatever they want for any reason. You have to talk to them personally.
  14. beastoverlord

    Wan't a friend? :)

    ^Yep. This doesn't belong in off-topic. This is a legit thread to have.
  15. beastoverlord

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    The map is going to be large though. I feel that players are very dense on the coast, but if everyone spread out, even 150 on the usual map wouldn't make it overcrowded.
  16. I've had this happen. If you damage a part of the bike, sometimes it will then give you the option. (Like shoot a pistol round at the frame)
  17. beastoverlord

    Killing people for no reason is funny

    You can do whatever you want. It's up to you how you want to play.
  18. beastoverlord

    Pain and painkillers

    You should include morphine with this too. I can shoot up all the morphine I want currently and nothing happens.
  19. beastoverlord

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    150 players would be the most epic thing ever. So much for knowing your are safe in the empty parts of the map.
  20. beastoverlord

    [Idea] Trains bring them back into gaming!

    Why is there a new thread for this? Wasn't there a train thread like 2 days ago?
  21. beastoverlord

    Killing people for no reason is funny

    Usually dying is people's own fault. I remember when I first started playing how most people tried to creep around and not agro zombies. Now everyone just runs through towns past all the zombies and QQs when they die because the zombies are OP. Same goes to bandits. It's not that hard to be stealthy.
  22. At least for the first few months DayZmod will have more content... so I feel that some people will enjoy that more.
  23. beastoverlord

    Really confused about Day-Z

    That is really strange... You shouldn't have gotten a global ban if you didn't do anything illegal though. Contact BE about the global ban I guess...
  24. beastoverlord

    Backpack Loot Fix

    This is great! Nice work.
  25. beastoverlord

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Rocket's twitter today hyped me up so much about clothing. I hope they have some working things soon.