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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    BattleEye : Unknown game version

    As far as I know from Arma 2, it means your game is out of date. Try restarting steam and checking for a new DayZ update.
  2. beastoverlord

    Concerned with BattlEye

    BE just checks for suspicious coding in your files and the execution of illegal scripts, nothing else.
  3. beastoverlord

    So Sacriel trolled everyone?

    Twitch.tv/hicks_206 This is one of the developers testing the new build. Sacriel wasn't trolling.
  4. beastoverlord

    Merry Christmas

    Happy Holidays!
  5. beastoverlord

    Intrusion Alert From Twitch IP Addresses

    You are not 'physically' watching DayZ from the servers at all. The streamer's computer is recording an image of their screen, then broadcasting it to you. There is no way at all you are in any way linked to the DayZ software, or any other software for that matter, by watching a stream.
  6. beastoverlord

    Character save wipes

    It's due to server hopping I think. If you only use previous servers it won't wipe your gear.
  7. beastoverlord

    "Hick's List" Post on Reddit

    Yeah, they are way too nice to the community and in turn take so much flack. If I was one of the Devs, I would have lost it by now and stopped being so open. Props to all of them for somehow keeping their heads.
  8. Thanks for this post guys! I really hope there are more little tidbits like this when the game gets released. "DayZ Lambo Fleet" car here I come!
  9. beastoverlord

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    First off... Da fuk? That doesn't make sense.... Secondly, what other developers are as open as Rocket? The only reason people complain was because he was too open about the game. Almost no other Devs are as open as him. Most game developers just shut up and make a game without telling the public anything. If Rocket was like them, we wouldn't know that the Standalone was late, we wouldn't know that they redid the zombies, and we would know how many times they remodeled things. All we would know is that the game had a release date eventually.
  10. beastoverlord

    Done with Dayz?

    The only way to do that would be to gain access to their Steam account, which I doubt anyone will do. You should buy Arma 2 to play Arma 2. DayZ isn't the only fun mod you can play and the base game is awesome in its own.
  11. Hello, I found this video on YouTube and I think it's really entertaining! If you are interested in the new content that DayZ Aftermath is rolling out then you should watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5Cgd6dCzDA They show some new gameplay from their servers that they haven't released yet.
  12. beastoverlord

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    I feel like they should postpone release until the new zombie AI is implemented. If they release with the old AI, there will be people saying the game is a 'scam' with crappy zombies. If they release without zombies people would again think the game is a 'scam'/POS. We have been waiting long enough that a little more waiting really doesn't matter. I personally wouldn't care at all if they took an extra month to polish the game a little more and implement better zombies. Remember that most companies review the game on places like Metacritic even if it's in alpha. The game doesn't deserve to get bad reviews just because it was a bit crappy for the first couple of months.
  13. Read his blog on it. The article makes it sound like the guy was savable. In Dean's blog, it sounds like the guy was just about dead at the time. How do you get a person who is unresponsive through all of the cliffs on Everest and all the way down the mountain with no rescue material? Plus, if the guy was completely limp, it is unlikely that he would have even survived a portion of the rescue even with proper supplies.
  14. beastoverlord

    Temperature affects survival! [SA]

    So, Arma 2 weather has fog (kinda), clouds, and thunderstorms. Does it already include those?
  15. beastoverlord

    Heli not refueling.

    Repair everything on the repair menu and it will work. Don't worry about what it shows in the cockpit, only repair the things that you can access by using your toolbox.
  16. beastoverlord

    More Content (Future Suggestion)

    I believe that they have trouble making underground things due to however the landscape is rendered. The only Arma 2 map that has underground is Namalsk. They are planning instanced underground base building, so perhaps when that is implemented they will add things similar to your suggestion?
  17. beastoverlord

    game is not hard in private hives

    Just play on servers where admins don't intervene... There are plenty of those.
  18. beastoverlord

    Stockpiling for log-outs.

    Yes, Dean liked the idea, but the community hated it. Not everyone's life revolves around the game.
  19. beastoverlord

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    inb4 "ERMAHGERD, Rocket! Stop wasting your time posting and start working" and a week later, "Rocket doesn't pay attention to the community" BTW, I love the communication. Every little comment we get is great and helps to solve arguments or debates that can't be solved on our own.
  20. beastoverlord

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Mass chaos... and much drooling waiting for the Dev Blog. :)
  21. beastoverlord

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Nobody tell the mods. :ph34r:
  22. beastoverlord

    Where are all the devblogs?

    So now that Rocket has posted something we are all talking about homoeroticism, hookers, and WarZ? Hmmm... I'm kinda excited now and more than ever about the Dev Blog. When it comes out in 2016 we can actually get on topic. :lol:
  23. beastoverlord

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I live in the United States, and yes, a great amount of people here are pig-headed and ignorant. It doesn't mean we all are though. ;)
  24. beastoverlord

    Where are all the devblogs?

    This Rocket guy needs to be reported. He keeps derailing this topic. :P
  25. beastoverlord

    What's your Favorite MOD for this MOD

    Vanilla... but nobody runs pure vanilla servers anymore. My clan attempted to but nobody was really into joining it.