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Everything posted by beastoverlord

  1. beastoverlord

    Noob Question of the day..........

    You have to look at the ones advertised on this site or just search the web for one.
  2. beastoverlord

    [HELP] Worrom No Site

    That isn't an error with DayZ Commander.
  3. Talk to the server owners. They don't have any control here.
  4. beastoverlord

    Banned from US230

    You have to talk to them about it. This is just the forums... they can't help you here. Them being the owners of the server.
  5. beastoverlord

    [HELP] Worrom No Site

    DayZ Commander is much, much better. Just download that instead.
  6. beastoverlord

    Our new server was fucked by hackers

    I'm guessing you didn't have a whitelist... Why didn't you just ban them once they joined?
  7. beastoverlord

    How safe are white list servers?

    Very hard... but once they are populated it is awesome.
  8. beastoverlord

    DayZ Standalone Myths

    I try to keep all of my comments and rants PG. Along with this, I find it best to not offend anyone in the videos too much. I keep all of my negative comments on the forums. :P
  9. beastoverlord

    How safe are white list servers?

    No, they don't... It takes a lot of time and they know they will get kicked before they can cause any harm.
  10. beastoverlord


    I hope you just don't know anything about computers and aren't just trolling... I'm surprised you can even run the game with those specs.
  11. ... so this is a second thread for the same post? Isn't this the same as double posting?
  12. beastoverlord

    What if Day Z had a story?

    I thought it was 12... but maybe I'm just dyslexic. :rolleyes:
  13. beastoverlord


    Get DayZ commander and it's easy. :)
  14. beastoverlord

    DayZ Standalone Myths

    I have not seen any information on this at all and I don't think that exists. The console version is a complete afterthought for extra money if the Standalone sells well. I doubt they have thought it through at all. My best guess to your question would be no, but there is no official information. No problem! I did it just because it also bugs me when they throw up a video with no explanation... It kind of forces you to watch it and it gives them views without really earning them.
  15. beastoverlord

    Thinking of coming back

    Just play on WHITELISTED Private Hives and you won't see any script kiddies.
  16. beastoverlord


    Ask them, not the people here. They are the ones that have to lift it.
  17. beastoverlord


    They get hits, but I don't believe they are monetizable. There is a difference in monetizable hits and hits when you look at the view breakdown.
  18. beastoverlord


    Look at his other posts... They are all unintelligible. Either a troll or someone using Google translate
  19. beastoverlord

    fishing and hunting

    There is an INCREDIBLY detailed thread about this exact thing... You should check it out.
  20. beastoverlord

    Survivor GameZ II

    I didn't watch because Sacriel and Oshi7 didn't play.
  21. beastoverlord

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    I see you're back...
  22. beastoverlord

    DayZ, I am dissapoint.

    I heard that if you take 5 of each you can bike faster. :rolleyes:
  23. beastoverlord

    ive got global banned for no reson Help me

    Contact Battleye. They can't do anything for you here.
  24. beastoverlord

    What if Day Z had a story?

    DayZ... It's your story.
  25. I don't have a quote, but zombies will aggro to cars. Running over zombies with cars will damage the vehicles and zombies can do mele damage to windows. If the windows are broken they can pull players out of the vehicle.