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BSB Jimmy

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Everything posted by BSB Jimmy

  1. BSB Jimmy

    The Art of the Bow - Bow handling guide!

    Awesome guide, I have yet to craft a bow. Might give it a go
  2. BSB Jimmy

    Connecting to Teamspeak...how?

    Try alt-tab? Or use windowed mode.
  3. BSB Jimmy

    Where are the birds ?

    They migrated to the PS4 version. :)
  4. BSB Jimmy


    Wannabee moderator right here. :)
  5. BSB Jimmy

    Will we need to buy DayZ in future?

    fixed :)
  6. BSB Jimmy

    Remove achievement script

    DayZ has achievements now? Did I miss something?
  7. Turn on V-sync if you can put up with it, personally I would rather have the tearing though.
  8. BSB Jimmy

    DayZ Dicks

    I thought this was a suggestion to add dicks into SA, this thread was not even half as amusing as I thought. Edit. Or maybe it is, I just read his forum name.
  9. cross fire for $500 is a bit of an ask. I would say just go for 1 beefy card.
  10. I hate these threads :facepalm:
  11. Corsair raptor HS40 is what I have. Astros are good but are fairly pricey.
  12. BSB Jimmy

    Some Gun Suggestions

    Deagle is from Israel, I doubt they would be common.
  13. BSB Jimmy

    GTX 660 & Fx 8320, What does it take to run DayZ?

    I have an 8350 and the game runs fine. Playing at 1080 with high settings
  14. BSB Jimmy

    Friend gets attacked by a Bee! (While gaming)

    Haha, you deserve more views. Subbed. "THERE IS A BICK BEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" :) Although, that has happened to me before. I can confirm pants were soiled.
  15. BSB Jimmy

    Did you run a DayZ mod server? If so...

    Spectate would be difficult to implement though, and it would have to have a fairly large delay to prevent admins abusing it.
  16. No it's not the res, it's the aliasing. Try turning off fxaa (sharp filter) and see how that looks, personally I think the game looks better with no aa rather than that crappy fxaa. MSAA is good is you can run it.
  17. BSB Jimmy

    Controlled Clapping

    Also, we need an evil slow clap. While where at it add an evil laugh.
  18. BSB Jimmy

    Did you run a DayZ mod server? If so...

    IMO server admins in the mod had too much power. Some were good and trusted admins but most servers had rampant admin abuse and they just used their power to spawn in gear, use maps to find players etc. I like the game how it is meant to be played, these one hour restart servers are bad enough as it is. Although, I am just a player not a server owner.
  19. Is that FXAA, your game looks awful.
  20. BSB Jimmy

    Bleeding Zombies

    I think it could be a performance issue, tracking a bleed effect on such a scale could impact the server. Not sure though and is still a cool idea, I think 2 mins would be better though.
  21. BSB Jimmy

    DayZ SA - Intimidation Tactics

  22. BSB Jimmy

    What town am I in? lol ^_^

    That is like saying i'm a vegetarian but I eat meat when i'm hungry, you are only supposed to use maps when you are lost or don't know where to go. Using it to go from Balota to Cherno (or any other costal town/city) would be ridiculous. I often get lost in random towns but I find that it adds to the gameplay experience, those who use maps like these are almost as bad as dupers and exploiters in my opinion.
  23. BSB Jimmy

    What town am I in? lol ^_^

    +1 Completely ruins the feeling of being lost, I haven't used it in SA yet and don't intend to.
  24. BSB Jimmy

    Hands Up

    Not all the time, but if someone speaks to me every now and then I will take the risk. Sure, it has got me killed a few times (by kiddies thinking it is hilarious to shoot a fresh spawn) but also lead to some encounters were the player will actually give me gear. Wouldn't recommend doing it if you were tooled up though. If I didn't do that from time to time I might as well play battlefield.
  25. BSB Jimmy

    Things DayZ Players Say Before They Die

    Haha, brilliant. Subbed