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About JackPearce95

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. JackPearce95

    Any old DayZ mod servers?

    Im from UK and use US 3480. Very good server with usually around 15+ people on. I get a good ping as well considering the distance.
  2. JackPearce95

    sax guy in church

    Best video I have seen so far on these forums! :')
  3. JackPearce95

    Morgan Freeman needs a Boat

    Anyone know the voice changer for either Morgan or Peter? would love to know.. sorry for going off topic. btw great videos! :D
  4. I too believe its going to be horrid to start with. However, once loot is respawning and zombies are roaming it will be a totally different ball game... I think its a good way to force players to go North and not hover around the coast. Same goes for bandits, the need to stay on the coast wont be as high as more players will venture off as fast as possible. Overall I stick to what I say, Horrid to start but in future it will be interesting to say the least...
  5. JackPearce95

    Bows, we need BOWS

    This really will be a game changing weapon I think. Would be nice to be able to retrieve the arrows and what not. To be honest I just want to roleplay Robin Hood :lol:
  6. JackPearce95

    Weapon suggestions

    Where's the craftable Bow and arrow? :(
  7. I actually like the idea of a train. The fight to get it would be insane... Also imagine barricading the track and ambushing the train with a group of friends, would be epic!
  8. JackPearce95

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Firstly I thank you all for liking my first ever picture on this thread. Like I said I am re uploading that picture in a better Res. So here it is! Also other pictures I have taken today ;) Enjoy!
  9. JackPearce95

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I shall take some more as quite a few people seemed to enjoy that photo set up. Thank you :)
  10. JackPearce95

    Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

    To be honest when I have a weapon and enough ammo to last me a while I stay out the way of the military places. I was at NWAF in the tower just last night and in the space of 15min I had killed one hopper, and watched another log around 10min later. After that I realised how bad it was and decided to lay down in a bush over looking the tower to see how frequent it was. I must of seen about 5 people in the space of 45min all spawn in the tower and quickly raid it. This was all done on a 4 hour restart server with 7-9 people in at the time due to it being night.
  11. JackPearce95

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    EDIT - Will be making the same photo again but bigger and more High Res. Also more photos to follow :) EDIT 2 - New Pictures now up
  12. JackPearce95

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Got bored of seeing all the military people so this is me currently.
  13. JackPearce95

    Best Character Contest.

    Trying to look more Hero... Not quite finished yet :(
  14. JackPearce95

    Combat Logging At It's Finest!

    All to much of a familiar thing now :/. Sorry to go off topic but how do you manage to have 2 main weapons and a fire axe?. It doesnt work for me when i try to add it to my backpack (Hunting backpack). It just puts my M4 on the ground :/. Once again sorry aha.