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About bsers5

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bsers5

    First time killing stories?

    My first kill was in electro i had found my server the one i like most and i started playing on it. since i have no gear i dont worry about dying i haul ass into electro do some snatch and grab in the offices. im just about to go to the top floor when i hear footsteps slow, too slow for a zombie, so i stop dead in my tracks just under the stars. i aquire a m1911 the steps stop..... my heart is pumping im dead quiet in skype with my freind playing league of legends. i sit for a good 5 munits. then i realize WTF AM I DOING I HAVE NOTHING OF USE!!! so i grow abnormally sized balls and sprint up the stairs as soon as i hit the first step i start blindly firing like an idiot. well i succsefully killed a door and half a wall, but the threat of the unknown footsteps still remains. i clear each room on that level making sure nobodys there. then i get ready to go up the last flight of stairs. i glance up the stairs nobodys there. i clear the whole office twice over and nobody is there at all. i say well wtf were those footsteps. after a while of snooping for supplies i head down the 1st flight of stars from the top i hear footsteps again fast this time i see a guy running into the office he has a primary weapon i just cant tell if it is a firearm or a melee weapon, like an idiot i start screaming at my computer FRIENDLY!!!! FRIENDLY!!!!!! and then i realise i have to press caps lock. so i say friendly twice over chat adn dont shoot he replies with " yeh im a freindly" i sit upstairs as i hear him run from room to room scavenging i slowly walk down the stairs lean to look where he is and a spray off bullets nails the stairs and the wall behind me. i yell over chat YOU BLOODY ASS! im at the middle of the stairs to afraid to look at him again.he replies "sucks to suck bro" firing 3 more shots i hear him reload. i fly down the stairs and he fires off 1 shot, misses im right outside the doorway leaning against the wall. i run past the door twice he fires a full round misses and i lean and pop pop pop pop pop pop hes unconsious, and im outa amo. i sit on his body and say "yeh dued it does suck to suck" then he wakes up i start freeking out running around him then i reaize he has no ammo. i sit and watch him bandage up. hes got a broken legg so he cant get up. hes laying in the door way and im inside neer soome cabnits. hes just looking at me when bang, he gets shot in the side of the head!!! again i start flipping out at this point im sweating like a pig, flipping out heart beating. after sitting for a while i wwalk to the little opening in the wall. i cant see who killed him but i can hear him running i dont think he knows i was there. i walk to the back of the room and find a m1911 mag oh thank god. i pick it up. and slowly walk outside, up the stairs slowly i figure he wont hear me walking since hes sprinting everywhere. i start hearing metal noises i know he slimping the ladder. i run upstairs outside and pop pop pop. only three shot 2 in the back and one might of gon in his head. he falls to the ground i unload 3 more rounds into his head he dieds i pick up his lee enfeild and some other loot. and proceed to RUN THE F$#@ AWAY FROM THIS DREDDED PLACE!!! and thats my story :D HOPE YOU ENJOYED!