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About Strave

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Strave

    Worth it to recruit for a group?

    I happened to find someone in the teamspeak of the server I was playing on... after we got a helicopter then had about an hour stand off with a couple bandints... which we won btw haha! then proceeded to crash in electro after being shot at... hmph... but anyway we've been playing almost nightly since then.. What kind of play are you looking for and server type and time? if interested you may be able to come play with us as we would like a couple more people.. he has a couple of other friends but they arnt on much.
  2. Strave

    Noob Servers?

    Hey I have been playing on Bambiland... yes there are a few bandits but there are a bunch of nice people willing to help out... last night I had to people I hadn't been talking to for more than 5 minutes help me get a helicopter just cause I asked haha Plus a great thing for new people is you start with a map and a gps... so that helps you learn the land a lot easier than just running around in some random direction. Im not a spokesperson for the game so I don't really know what else to say about it but I've had this game for a few months but actually only have had a couple hours of actual play.. This server has made the game a whole lot more enjoyable for me at least :) Bambiland - Bambiland Teamspeak - Bambiland.teamspeak.net
  3. Strave

    Need a Buddy

    Hey sent you a message on skype... Im about where you are in the game.. I don't want to play alone... but I dont really want a big group because it kinda takes the imersion out of it for me... so hit me up on skype if you wanna :)
  4. If it is from the Onion then it must be legit!
  5. Strave

    Public Day Z Teamspeak

  6. I would prefer to coordinate with someone outside of the game first. been playing on your server for a little bit and it is pretty good but people keep saying they want to team up but nothing comes of it. So I am still looking for some people. The server in the sig in the second poster seems fun if anyone wants to roll with me there... lol
  7. I'm looking for 1 or 2 people to play Dayz with. I'm tired of playing alone lol I don't have any server suggestions so if you have a prefered one that is ok with me. Tho I would like a fairly populated server where the whole server isnt in the same clan.. I want some risk from more than just zombies. I am pretty new to the game I have a basic understanding for most things tho I do not know my way around the map very well. I don't do skype. I use Vent or Teamspeak.. I have Vent servers to use... Contact me either through this post or e-mail me at 5ziP6v431gtw@meltmail.com (Don't freak out at the e-mail it is just a temporary forwarding e-mail address to prevent my actual e-mail from getting random spam :) ) Edit to add : Forgot to mention I am in the -6 time zone.. I live in iowa and I am 28 years old
  8. Strave

    Counter Bandit group

    I'm listening! I would be interested in something like this if you could get it organized
  9. Sent you a request on Skype. How many people you have playing and what are your server stats?