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Posts posted by r4z0r49

  1. The ideal place to post bugs is:


    Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

    Full Download:
    Client Files: Link
    Server Files: Link
    Mission File: Link

    * [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86Link, X64Link)
    * [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (Link)
    * [Prerequisites] - Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (Link)

    * [server-Admins] - You must install 2015 Redistributable for the new hive.dll changes.
    * [server-Admins] - You must updated your mission file.

    Changes V1.8.9


    Please Note: I can only access the forums from my home PC ill try and keep updated but i wont always be able to reply to messages.

    • Like 11

  2. The ideal place to post bugs is:


    Please make sure they are listed to the DayZ project. Feature requests can also be made through this system.

    Full Download:

    Client Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/%40Client-1.8.8-Full.rar
    Server Files: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/%40Server-1.8.8-Full.rar

    Mission File: http://se1.dayz.nu/latest/1.8.8/Stable/2/dayz_1337.chernarus.rar


    * [Prerequisites] - Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86 Redistributable (LINK)

    * [Prerequisites] - Battleye Filters must be updated manually by server admins. (Link)


    * [server-Admins] - You must download and run this SQL querys to updated your databases.

    * [server-Admins] - You must updated your mission file.

    * [server-Admins] - Please run these SQL updates we missed them within the build scripts. Thanks
    UPDATE character_data SET Backpack = REPLACE(Backpack, '"equip_woodensplint"', '"ItemMorphine"') WHERE INSTR(Backpack, '"equip_woodensplint"') > 0;
    UPDATE character_data SET Inventory = REPLACE(Inventory, '"equip_woodensplint"', '"ItemMorphine"') WHERE INSTR(Inventory, '"equip_woodensplint"') > 0;

    Changes V1.8.8


    Please Note: I can only access the fourms from my home PC ill try and keep updated but i wont always be able to reply to messages.

    • Like 5

  3. Quick status no info on a release date, No word from our release source yet. Soon as we know something so will you.


    Base building, due to a good amount of issues still around we are going to pull the ability to build new bases from stable until we can get some more testing in and remove a few more of the exploits and issues. 
    Achievements will also be removed from stable so we can work on new achievement goals and bring in a new UI for players to see what achievements they have.


    Soon as we get more info on a release ill update.

    • Like 3

  4. It would be quite good to clean at last weap mags recharge in a bag. It would increase the value of bullets. And all drag that on 2-3 mags and they have eternal cartridges


    Arma holds no commands to be able to do such a system we have something in the works in a 3rd party dll but no idea if it will be allowed.

    Any chance of 1.8.7 before Christmas ?   ... seeing as SA Christmas patch is AIDs  :lol:


    No idea depends on everyone's time to test and fix any issues we find.

  5. [Removed] - Achievements.

    [Removed] - FnFal burst firemode

    [Fixed] - Missing magazines on login.
    [Fixed] - Setting fire to tents no longer takes the hole box of matches.

    [New] - Metal fences can now only be destroyed from pipebombs.

    [New] - Damage on metal fences is now synced too database.

    • Like 1

  6. U do that


    [Fixed] - Object collision, fences will no longer be able to be overlapped, Other objects like tents will no longer be able to be placed in rocks and stones again.



    and after that we lost tent hide... The people won't be able to hide the property.


    We will have in a new patch of dayz where nobody will be able to save guns etc. And cheaters by means of maphack, with which administrators of all servers can do nothing, can find shelters.


    Read the dev log again. This change is part of the base system all base items are linked this change effects the test builds only.
