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Everything posted by Sumrak

  1. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    There are no plans for removing ER7 completely, I feel, changes in 0.60 seems to be working pretty nice and ER7 its rare enough. The ER7 is not the problem, duping IS. If I would remove ER7, people will dupe AS50 or something like that.. so what is the point in doing that? - I was actually thinking about something around the loot, something like the local server loot setting, I would like to discuss this idea with you guys. Basically what I mean that the server owners could choose from a variety of different loot setting (default, hardcore, ..). Everything needed would be included in the current files, no pbo changes for different loot settings etc., what do you think? I was thinking for example loot setting, where the AK-47 would be almost the most powerful weapon available, but there could be of course more options! (Like russian weapons only, no sniper rifles,..) If you like it, please shoot me some of your ideas! Thanks a lot! :)
  2. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks all! You can try, as @ST already said, Namalsk Crisis campaign, you will get all needed background around it, anyway, I can described it here too a bit, because I will do it anyway during the .7 release :) EVR sequence is basically from Namalsk Crisis story (named and used by NAC to experiment & protect themselves), source is in unknown & old alien structure called A1, capable of doing *I do not want to spoil anything*, so lets say it does stuff. It has nice visual and sound effects. The most important part on the gameplay is however the fact, it will blind players for a moment / make them unconsciousness. It is really pretty dangerous, mainly for human's brain. This sequence will start every 1 - 1.5h. There are 3 possible ways of surviving / dealing with EVR. a) You will just ignore it, once it starts, you will just do normal stuff and ends up blind for few seconds completely, hurt a bit, then lying on the ground for 30-40 seconds, getting your vision slowly back to normal. B) You wont ignore it and once it starts, you will start quickly searching for any cover (this is fun part and I think, people, who played Namalsk Crisis will know what about I am talking), and once it will start, you will get similar progress like a) but you wont get hurt c) You will be lucky enough to find protection device (apsi), you will be able to detect it around 1 minute before others (without apsi) will do and while you will be blind for a few seconds, you wont end lying on the ground and definitely wont get hurt I have to mention also, that scripts, controlling this thing, were modified and it will behave slightly differently than in Namalsk Crisis or Namalsk Crisis warfare, but that's mainly from the "technical" side so servers wont explode. 18, and yeah, less antibiotics .. if you visit hospital, you will find that there is quite lot of antibiotics currently (thats why I am going to decrease it a bit, but of course not to DayZ original rates) Since .6 there are also medical care packages spawned on the island, those are also source of the antibiotics.
  3. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Unfortunately, as far as I know, the standalone version of DayZ will have modding disabled unfortunately. So that basically means no custom mods, islands, etc., but that could change over time as DayZ devs will manage to secure the core DayZ experience. Adding more and even community maps, possibility of travelling between them, I am sure they do not want to miss this chance and it will be possible one day :) Oh, yeah, I forgot to say... I do not want to announce exact day, because I am being really busy last few days / weeks, but lets say, I would be glad to see this out by the end of this week.
  4. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hey guys, I am sorry that I am taking time before releasing compatible build .7, but trust me, it is worth waiting. So, to keep you updated, here is the preliminary changelog for the upcoming Namalsk Crisis + DayZ: Namalsk update! [Namalsk Crisis Update 2.2] Please keep in mind, that I am still trying to accumulate as much things as possible before bigger data file update (model fixes). So this is still one of the smaller updates, fixing and adding small stuff. Added: Several detailed objects Added: C130J wreck site on the western mountain ridge Added: snowfall function for Namalsk - 'dzn_fnc_snowfall' (requires function manager module) Added: breath fog function for Namalsk - 'dzn_fnc_breathfog' (requires function manager module) Changed: Lowered a bit volume of the ambient sounds on Namalsk Improved: Mutant scripts for multiplayer Improved: Blowout module behaviour and code Fixed: Several objects collisions and terrain spikes on Namalsk [DayZ: Namalsk v0.70] Please keep in mind, that this changelog is only for DayZ: Namalsk, if you want to read more about Namalsk Crisis Update 2.2, which was released with DayZ: Namalsk v0.70, ↑ Client-side New: Snow can fall on Namalsk when the temperatures are appropriate for it New: Breath fog script implemented New: White version of ghillie suit and warm clothes (but won't know which version you got, you just have to wear it :D) New: The way of distributing 'HeliCrashNamalsk' loot - clients are no longer spawning it - everything is happening on the server (= less rare stuff again) New: Loot tables were invaded by some new weapons and other new stuff (also new backpack)! New: Survival aspect added - so called "EVR sequence" - A1 device is out of control and there is no way to stop it, prepare yourself, take cover & get protection device! Added: More infected spawn positions on some objects (to prevent weird behaviour of infected) Added: More infected custom spawn points on map Added: Loot positions and other params for 'Land_wreck_c130j_ep1' Added: Control measures on client-side, preventing login on servers with incorrect server pbo Added: 'DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf' to \nst\ns_dayz\code\external\ to support the snowfall addition Changed: Scripts, included in ns_dayz.pbo, were adapted for DayZ v1.7.4.4 Changed: Loot chance for 'Land_mi8_crashed' set to zero Changed: Temperature script - added new negative factor for the snowfall event Changed: Temperature script - dynamic variables 'snow' and 'rain' now affects the strength of its appropriate negative factors Changed: Temperature script - wearing green camo clothing (dayz original) now affects negatively (only a bit) your temperature (because, well, tshirt on Namalsk..?) Changed: Temperature script - added support for new winter themed skins Changed: 'player_wearClothes.sqf' to support new player skins Changed: Nameplate of warm clothing (class CamoWinter_DZN) to "Survivor" Improved: Aiming while using warm clothes Fixed: !_isHiveOK script warning upon login Fixed: Loot positions on 'Land_molovabud2' Loot type 'civilianNamalsk', 'genericNamalsk', 'genericNamalskNoFood' Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD' Loot type 'militaryNamalsk' Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug', '30Rnd_545x39_AKSD', '30Rnd_556x45_G36', '30Rnd_556x45_G36SD', '75Rnd_545x39_RPK', '100Rnd_762x54_PK' and '1Rnd_HE_GP25' Loot type 'militaryNAC' Added: Loot chance and spawn of '8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug', '30Rnd_545x39_AKSD', '30Rnd_556x45_G36', '30Rnd_556x45_G36SD', '75Rnd_545x39_RPK', '100Rnd_762x54_PK' and '1Rnd_HE_GP25' Loot type 'hospitalNamalsk': Changed: Lowered loot chance for 'ItemAntibiotic' Loot table 'ResidentialNamalsk', 'SuperMarketNamalsk' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'MakarovSD' Loot table 'MilitaryNamalsk', 'MilitaryNamalskWinter' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Saiga12K', 'G36C', 'G36K', 'RPK_74', 'AK_47_S', 'AKS_74_UN_kobra', 'AK_74_GL', 'AK_107_kobra' and 'AK_107_GL_kobra' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'BAF_AssaultPack_DZN' Loot table 'MilitarySpecialNACER7', 'MilitarySpecialNAC', 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNamalsk' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'M4A1_RCO_GL', 'Saiga12K', 'G36C', 'G36K', 'G36_C_SD_eotech', 'G36a', 'MG36', 'RPK_74', 'PK', 'AK_47_S', 'AKS_74_UN_kobra', 'AKS_74_pso', 'AK_74_GL', 'AK_107_kobra', 'AK_107_pso', 'AK_107_GL_kobra' and 'AK_107_GL_pso' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'BAF_AssaultPack_DZN' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN' and 'Skin_Sniper1W_DZN' (only for 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter') Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'APSI' (only for 'MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter', 'MilitarySpecialNACER7', 'MilitarySpecialNAC' and 'MilitaryNamalskWinter') Removed: Loot chance and spawn of 'M136' Loot table 'HeliCrashNamalsk' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'PK', 'Pecheneg', 'AKS_GOLD', 'Bizon' and 'KSVK' Added: Loot chance and spawn of 'Skin_CamoWinterW_DZN' and 'Skin_Sniper1W_DZN' Server-side Added: New function 'heliCrash_dzn', which spawns HeliCrashNamalsk loot (permaloot) on the predefined locations on Namalsk (Land_mi8_crashed and Land_wreck_c130j_ep1 objects) Changed: Needed sqf files to support DayZ Changelog was maybe a bit compromised, so it does not spoil everything! :lol:
  5. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I am very close to solving this problem (I can't say it will be 100% perfect, but it seems to be very accurate now), but it required a lots of repositioning & testing of memory & view pilot lods.. I hope that hive will be able somehow to save the ammo status on the vehicles some day :) Did you noticed some changes lately, when the servers upgraded to Yes, exactly like Zeridian said. I have one question for you guys, did you found gauss rifle (er7) since 0.60? (anywhere .. on players, in A2, etc..) Thanks!
  6. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Sorry, can you be more specific? I know about the aiming problems while wearing warm clothes (haven't figured out why it is happening) :( I am having a lot of work last few days, but I will try to take a look on Namalsk this weekend, to evaluate the state of .7 and will try to finish it, so it is ready to release sometimes next week. This issue needs to have edited BE filters for, there were problems also on Chernarus with this afaik (with all skins). Thanks, I will try to investigate this issue and what could possibly be done about it (some temp script changes I guess). Restart server :P I definitely wont give you a way to resupply the rocket launchers :lol:
  7. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hey guys, sorry about the information silence last few days, I've been pretty busy with several of things, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten on Namalsk at all! :P The next version is going to be officially 0.70 (as it does have enough features and changed / fixed things) and will be released with the next official DayZMod community version update. What you can expect.. More changes to the loot tables + new things, new backpack, new clothing, new weapons Snowfall! Again, my favorite temperature script changes and additions! Distribution of the helicrash loot moved on server as permaloot (it is working nicely and I am pretty satisfied with it) I've also added pretty awesome crash site of c130j on Namalsk :) And also bonus content! (you may be surprised what you will find :thumbsup: ) The release date is still TBA. ps.: .7 will also contain new measures against wrong used server pbo and you will be able to enjoy finally nicely balanced gameplay.
  8. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks, well I think, you can expect a patch when DayZ gets updated (because I will need to edit my files to be same like those in the newest dayz release). And as for DayZ: Namalsk itself, there are lots of things waiting to be done or finished. I am currently trying to figure out the aiming problem with warm clothes and also implementing the snowfall into weather script, on which is DayZ running (this may take some time.. but it is looking great even now!).
  9. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Then I am not sure where the problem lies. I haven't done changes to sniper rifles except their spawn rate, which is completely something different. Did you tried it in the editor, just shooting random things, or even on other DayZ map? You can here, pm me or mail me, thanks!
  10. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Was your character wearing warm clothes at the time of shooting with your sniper rifle?
  11. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks! Breath fog could be awesome together with the other winter stuff I am planning :P Will take a look on it as most of the servers have 3rd :| I can try to play with it (be sure, you are not alt tabbing much, I am having problems, that sounds are louder and louder with each return to arma) Oh, I didn't know that running is faster, interesting, will take a look on it! The only thing, which has changed, was spawn chance of them, I haven't done any changes to the rifles or ammo itself.
  12. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks, hehe, yeah, I agree, there should be more Russian weapons, I will take a look on it and see, what could be done, I will probably need to develop some additional changes to the distribution of these high end weapons like KSVK for example. I can try to look at it. That would be interesting, yea, I guess, it can be implemented, I will add it to the feature list :) Yes :P I will try to implement weather system changes so there will be rain and also snowfall, so it will be even colder than it is during raining. From Josh on DayZ Commander forums - "It'll be on there tonight" :thumbsup:
  13. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks! Yes, this is doable and I would like to implement some randomness, but again, serverside update, which in the final, will apply like on 10% on the server population :/ We really need to centralize changes for serverside before deploying any additional things on servers. Yes, definitely! In winter update :P
  14. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Yes, I know about these visual bugs, I will try to fix some of them and include it in the next release. Vehicles are on Namalsk, over 35 spawn points, boats, urals, uaz, bicycles and also Mi-17 and Ka-60 choppers. Thank you! I said numerous of times that server hosters should use the edited server pbo as a basic for their servers, because I do not want to have helicrashes enabled. I already tried partially get rid of the helicrashes by replacing the loot table with trash, but it still needs at least partial modifications to the server pbo. If someone just use the default chernarus like server pbo, Namalsk related changes wont be applied and it will be bugged. This also applies when someone merge namalsk world package with other (like killmsg and carepkg packages) using bliss server pack, but this will be hopefully fixed in the coming days. Helicrash loot on Namalsk has special value (it has been done to be even more rare in the last update, check the changelog) and more special locations. Giving access to the high grade weapons only to lucky ones. Yes, there are still plenty of mid class weapons, but from the last patch you can see, I am not trying to leave it as it is and trying do some changes (yes, be aware, DayZ: Namalsk is also not 1.0 release but 0.60). However the military building count probably wont be changed, only loot in it could be in the next releases. But it won't be like Chernarus, Namalsk is simply different map.
  15. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks! M4A1 CCO SD seems to be pretty correct and accurate for example, can you please tell me, on which weapon did you noticed it?
  16. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    It depends on what you download. ( I will describe it as it is on http://www.nightstalkers.cz/en_index_dn.php?menu=en_dn_player ) You can download DayZ: Namalsk v0.60 - data file pbo (3.9MB, *.7z), but as it is written below it, you will need to have then Namalsk Crisis Update 2 "Pathfinder" and Namalsk Crisis Update 2.1 (click-able links there) Or (better) You can download DayZ: Namalsk v0.60 + Namalsk Crisis Update 2.1 (85MB, *.7z) and you will just need to have Namalsk Crisis Update 2 "Pathfinder" (click-able links there) I guess most of you guys already have Namalsk Crisis Update 2 "Pathfinder", so just download DayZ: Namalsk v0.60 + Namalsk Crisis Update 2.1 Extract content of the downloaded archive to the @NC\Addons\ and confirm the overwrite of the files. Sure, I will take a look on it!
  17. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I do not want to have helicrashes enabled because when you have them enabled, it spawns helicrashes near the spawn points and on not really meaningful places, I wanted to get them under control, with much much less yield and on the meaningful places like for example mountains, where player has to take some risks going there. :)
  18. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Good news everyone! DayZ: Namalsk got its first update released! :) Version 0.60 brings variety of fixes, balancing and also new things! Read more about this update on the main website http://www.nightstal...u=en_dn_changes Download the newest version here http://www.nightstal...nu=en_dn_player Download the newest server things here http://www.nightstal...nu=en_dn_server Please note: Bliss server package will be updated tomorrow, but you can already download needed files (updated server pbo and mission file) from the official website! This DayZ: Namalsk update also requires Update 2.1 of Namalsk Crisis released also today! DayZ Commander support is coming! I hope you guys enjoy this update and as always, keep feedback coming! :thumbsup: Here some beans for you, you will need them :beans:
  19. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    This is preliminary of changelog for DayZ: Namalsk v0.6. (something may be missing) New: You can see zombies now roaming in the forest areas, this has been done to enhance player's cautious while travelling or hiding in the forests on Namalsk New: Necessary steps has been done to make sniper rifles more rare including the experimental gauss rifle Added: CfgBuildingLoot changed to CfgBuildingLootNamalsk, this class now contains not only the custom loot tables and loot spots, but also redefined Chernarus buildings, used by Namalsk Added: 'building_spawnLoot.sqf', 'building_spawnZombies.sqf', 'zombie_generate.sqf' and 'player_spawnCheck.sqf' moved to nst\ns_dayz\code\compile to support the CfgBuildingLoot -> CfgBuildingLootNamalsk change Added: 'gather_meat.sqf' to nst\ns_dayz\code\actions to support the animal change Added: 'player_animalCheck.sqf' to nst\ns_dayz\code\compile to support the animal change Added: Small addition to the mission file to prevent players with any older version of DayZ: Namalsk to connect on 0.60 servers Added: 'player_monitor.fsm', 'player_monitor.sqf' added and modified so the clients are able to receive version info of DayZ: Namalsk from the server and compare it with their own (+ string added, in case of the wrong version) Improved: Roaming zombie script now spawns on the predefined position/s (hangPos[] in CfgBuildingLoot), if this position is not defined, it spawns zombies on the default model position (dayz default behaviour) Improved: Roaming zombies should find a bit more possible locations for walking than before Changed: nst\ns_dayz\code\init\variables.sqf to support the CfgBuildingLoot -> CfgBuildingLootNamalsk change Changed: ALL CHERNARUS BUILDINGS WERE MOVED UNDER CUSTOM NAMALSK LOOT TABLES (hospital, supermarket, offices, deerstands,..) => I have now 100% control of the loot tables of Namalsk Changed: used sqf files in ns_dayz.pbo from dayz_code.pbo were updated for DayZ 1.7.3 code version Changed: Animal spawn made a bit higher (more low & mid class animals), but the yield lower Changed: Disabled zombie spawn on 'Land_most_blok' Changed: 'Land_mi8_crashed' (only helicrash loot type object on Namalsk - with custom loot table HeliCrashNamalsk) now contains only 2 lootspots (previously 4) Changed: 'Land_st_vez' relooted due to possible broken loot spot coordinate Changed: 'Land_molovabud1' was relooted (broken z coordinate of loot spots) and changed its count of the loot spots to 9 Changed: 'Land_ind_expedice_1' was relooted due to broken lootspot coordinates and changed its count of the loot spots to 13 Fixed: Wrong loot positions on Land_ind_quarry, Land_ind_sawmill and Land_psi_bouda Fixed: Player, wearing warm clothes, blocked access to the vehicle for the people without warm clothes (the player, wearing warm clothes was on different side) Tried: To improve behaviour after model change, to prevent swimming in the ground or on the objects (probably not 100% fix) Added: Loot type 'medicalNamalsk', based on 'medical' Added: Added spawn and spawn chance of 'ItemAntibiotic' Added: Loot type 'hospitalNamalsk', based on 'hospital' Changed: Higher chance for spawn of 'ItemAntibiotic' Added: Loot type 'militaryNamalsk', based on 'military' Changed: lowered chances for the spawning of mid class ammo (STANAG, AK,..) Changed: added spawn and spawn chance of 'ItemWaterbottleUnfilled' Added: Loot table HospitalNamalsk Changed: 'hospital' loot type to 'hospitalNamalsk' loot type Changed: Lowered chance for finding the 'MedBox0' Added: Loot table SuperMarketNamalsk Changed: 'generic' loot type to 'genericNamalsk' loot type Changed: 'food' loot type to 'foodNamalsk' loot type Loot table FarmNamalsk Added: loot chance and spawn of 'ItemMatchbox' (box of matches) Changed: Increased a bit chance for getting 'foodNamalsk' Loot table ResidentialNamalsk Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Loot table IndustrialNamalsk Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Loot table HeliCrashNamalsk Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk' Changed: lowered chance for looting 'M107_DZ', 'BAF_AS50_scoped' and 'DMR' Changed: increased chance for looting 'FN_FAL', 'FN_FAL_ANPVS4' and 'BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG' Loot table MilitaryNamalsk Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'M24' and 'DMR' Loot table MilitaryNamalskWinter Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'M24' and 'DMR' Loot table MilitarySpecialNamalsk Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk' Removed: Spawn and spawn chance for looting 'DMR', 'M24', 'M107_DZ' and 'SVD_CAMO' Loot table MilitarySpecialNamalskWinter Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Changed: loot type 'medical' changed to 'medicalNamalsk' Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR' Loot table MilitarySpecialNAC Changed: loot type 'military' changed to 'militaryNamalsk' Removed: Spawn and spawn chance of the experimental gauss rifle - 'nsw_er7s', 'nsw_er7a' (ammo for it stays) Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR' Added: Loot table MilitarySpecialNACER7, derived from MilitarySpecialNAC (please note, that there are 2 objects on the map, which does have assigned this loot table, they have lootChance 25% and 1 lootspot) Added: Spawn and spawn chance of the experimental gauss rifle - 'nsw_er7s', 'nsw_er7a' Changed: lowered chance for looting 'DMR' Temperature system changes New: Wearing the ghillie suit now gives you a partial ability against the cold environment Changed: More balancing has been done in the temperature script - some positive and negative factors changed, affecting the player's temperature Changed: Heat pack item can now add 5 degrees to the current player's temperature Changed: With DayZ 1.7.3 isinbuilding function got fixed and so the detection and building factor is working correctly (few highlights of the new temp script changes) Make sure you move enough Do not try to swim Buildings are good, but you are not 100% cover at nights (half efect of the negative night factor while in buildings) Heatpacks are now better Wearing ghillie suit will help you a bit, but it does not have effect like warm clothes have Server-side changes Added: Care package event - server spawns small package of the medical supplies with higher chance for getting antibiotics Added: DayZ: Namalsk version check, server now knows about the used version of DayZ: Namalsk and it sends this version to all clients for comparing Please note, that I will be trying to highlight, that it is really essential for server owners to use proper server pbo file. Since DayZ: Namalsk was released, there was quite lot of servers, which had different server pbos, which resulted in few bugs or helicrashes available. Since Namalsk v0.60, version checking system is implemented in server pbo, if there will be wrong server pbo, clients won't be able to connect at all.
  20. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I kind of like the mid class gun fights too, 0.60 brings some of the initial changes to this. More with the changelog :P
  21. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Hey guys, just a quick heads up for you, I've been testing today on bliss dedicated server (thanks to Shiva for help!), we've tested certain modifications I had to do because of the different versions, which will exists once I will release next update. First is the new mission file modifications should not allow to the players with the current version (0.55) to connect on the server with new dayz namalsk update (0.60, to be released) (because BE is not able kick these people) - we had to do it because otherwise server gets really buggy. The second thing I had to implement today is version checking, similar to the DayZ mod, which will be help managing future releases and protect the servers from the players with wrong version of dayz namalsk. So this slowed a bit the actual release, but it is for good thing definitely! :) We've also tested fix for the warm clothes and you should be able with the new version board the same vehicle. Some of you have problems with blood transfusion, but we've tested this too and were not able to reproduce this issue - it was working normally. Just few more things I need to change in the config and DayZ: Namalsk v0.60 is ready to release! :) ps: changelog almost ready too, should be up soon
  22. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    You can report and talk about issues, things you would to see improved / added in DayZ: Namalsk topic http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101981-dayz-namalsk/ Anyway, this is a known bug, same for unable to give blood transfusion while wearing warm clothes, I am still unable to find the source, but it does have a high prio. btw.. o/ EVE player? :)
  23. Yes, every update will pretty much affect DayZ: Namalsk and I will have to make it compatible. Next update for DayZ: Namalsk (v0.60) will be synced with this release. I wanted to release it on weekend, but then I discovered 1.7.3 is near, so it is better to have one release instead of two :)
  24. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thank you for your feedback, I am already trying to take a look on these issues. But so far I am not familiar with the source of this problem (same for the blood transfusion to char with custom skin). Thank you! I think, the way of living you describe is really similar to the Chernarus DayZ, but I am really not sure about Namalsk, does its size really allows you to stock up and be king with all kinds of equipment behind? Not to mention the amount of people you meet everytime you go somewhere.. With the version v0.6, which should hopefully come this week, I changed several things to the temperature system: The first and the most significant change is that the temp script has undergone more balancing, fixes of not really correctly working things. It also feature some new things (ghillie suit offers you a little more warm to your body, buildings does have a bit different effects, heatpacks will be once again a bit better) -> I will try to describe this a bit more in the release texts. DayZ: Namalsk will also have on default settings small drops care packages, if you find them, you eventually have chance for getting hospital type of loot with higher antibiotics chance. This update featuring also total transfer of all chernarus like buildings under my loot tables, this means also custom hospital loot. You will have better chances to find antibiotics there. (again, this whole loot table transfer will be described into details in the release texts and the changelog too). Matches has been added to the farm loot table with 0.6 version. And about the animals, spawns are pretty much down currently, still deciding and probably higher them a bit + editing the animal type, because with the loot table conversion, there are more changes to the food distribution. I will have to recheck things in this again, how big impact it does really have. More info will come later. Not sure, afaik there shouldn't be any problems with the currently existing signed PBO files. Check few lines ↑, night gameplay should change in a good way, allowing you be a bit more mobile and even allowing you to "repair" bad luck situations, but you will still need to take close look on what you are doing (it will be also noticeable little in the daylight times too).
  25. Sumrak

    DayZ: Namalsk

    The upcoming update wont contain any modifications to the current hunger system (the changelog will be available sometimes soon, changes roughly described here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101981-dayz-namalsk/page__st__160#entry965742 ) So don't worry, but it is awesome you guys are giving your feedback and possible ideas about this problem, because we may get to something, which could be possibly implemented in the future updates ;)