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About ManiacMike69

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  1. People will be to busy trying to survive and find materials to keep them alive. Broken legs ull need alot more then a morphine and so on. So all these KOS bitches won't keep playing because getting into a firefight will basically mean death. The MOD is simple and PVP is very easy and gearing up is also, so this is why everyone does it. We will all find out who the true DayZ players are when the SA is out.
  2. OP is a funny troll. Ull be lucky to kill anyone u noob..
  3. ManiacMike69

    Explosives and bombs

    Hopefully sidechat is removed because its the dumbest thing ever for DayZ. As for a guy running away with a DMR...DMRs won't be in SA lol
  4. ManiacMike69

    What you guys think about the new update?

    I think this mod has gone way over the top to bring bak the old DayZ experience. People are to used to finding stuff easy and getting away from zombies to easy. With the Map being so old people are bored going bak to the old days of DayZ. If they can add new exciting areas to the map then mayb it will bring back the old feeling.
  5. ManiacMike69

    To Everyone Complaining About 1.7.7

    People didn't know all this shit alrdy?? Lol Good game peeps!
  6. ManiacMike69

    Dayz Youtube Commentators?

    I've started doing lots of DayZ videos of all types of stuff. Action, Fun, Solo, Group play ect..anything entertaining really. www.youtube.com/user/HotBoxCrew69 I've only got BP stuff atm but I'm doing other DayZ Mods atm.
  7. All admins have the option to cheat.
  8. This game needs to be out b4 GTA or after sooo
  9. ManiacMike69

    Is there any Breaking Point clans

    Yes the O.G clan they play on CA 35. Ask in sidechat for there details
  10. ManiacMike69

    Why DayZ will fail as a standalone game

    OP trolling. Why would this be your first post? You just made another account and decided to troll, end of.
  11. As I said never ever trust players with admin powers. Infact go play Wasteland if u want PVP u noobs instead of spawning shit in because ur all to crap to survive looting an area
  12. Nearly all admins that "play"use the map to see where other players are and they teleport to get gear bak. I've seen this happen do many times