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About Zackary

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  1. While playing the standalone I've noticed that zombies will not die as easy as the wiki said they do...I've had to hit them numerous times for them to die, the wiki said that with the fireaxe it should be one hit to the chest/head. Plus most of the time the zombie knocks me unconscious before I can manage to kill it. Can anyone help me and tell me why this isn't working properly, or is it just a bug? Thanks, Zackary.
  2. I'm new to standalone and I just spawned in and I was up in the Guba bay city and I was climbing the ladder to get on top on a building and it was fine, when I wanted to go down it broke my legs and I've searched the small medical houses and no luck for a morphine or splint. I was wondering if someone can come up to me and give me some help? Thanks, Zackary.
  3. Ill do it, heres my skype name : zackkhamis2 Ive got fraps. :]
  4. Sorry it took me so long to reply, was kind of off the forums for a while, i added you on skype :P
  5. Ive had a dayz server for quite some time now, barely any players actually I only get 3 a day at most. I did advertise and all that jazz but what am I doing wrong? Or what should I do?
  6. Zackary

    DayZ Private Hive|Special Forces

    Sorry for the late reply...but yea we have some really good players most not bandits, and like 3 former military's.
  7. Zackary

    Looking for a Partner + Ram Disk Guide

    You can join my group we have 5 people just about we play dayz, Feed the Beast and other games but mostly DAYZ, we have our own server. Add me on skype: Zackkhamis2
  8. Thanks man, also I loved the soda haha, too bad they removed it :P(sorry a bit off topic)
  9. Well I wont cry over spilled beans :P, but Ill have to get myself to normal humanity, thanks for helping a noob(me) out :]
  10. Hello im one of the 3 admins on Dayz Special forces, We'd greatly appreciate it if you joined :] here are the server details. -Custom Buildings -Custom Vehicles -Nice Admins -Nice and friendly people -Custom bases(we change your tank trap, CAT wire, etc... into a small structure for you!) -Night/Day Cycle -Restart every 6 hours
  11. Zackary

    Standalone banned players

    Ever think someone can steal you cdkey?
  12. Mostly every time I log into dayz about 3/4 of the time i spawn over the ocean and it bounces me up and down until I break my leg and die. This has started becoming very annoying, Ive lost lots of gear to it, can any one please help me?
  13. Zackary

    New player looking for group

    Ill play with you, whats your skype?
  14. Zackary

    Gaming PC

    go on newegg and see what you want, I prefer cyberpowerpc heres a link (i believe the english pound is about 2 dollars so if not please forgive my mistake) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229332&name=Desktop-PCs