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W. Flonk

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Everything posted by W. Flonk

  1. Well, back when I was 9 years old, I was chillin' about, about to play some vidya games. So, I'm sitting there, about to play Ocarina of Time or some shit, and I needed a name for my save file! So, I thought for a long time, and eventually Flonk came into mind. NOW I AM FLONK THE INCREDIBLE DESTROYER OF WORLDS! ;)
  2. Sounds like a good idea, just don't force -me- to record. Also, I'm only available in the weekends, and from the December the 21th to January the 4th I'll have no internet access what so ever. Add me on Skype: johan.guner
  3. W. Flonk

    Let's team up!

    Heya! I'm just a lone survivor searching for some friends. I have some pretty decent gear. I'm up for any servers etc. Add me on Skype at johan.guner if you want to team up!
  4. W. Flonk

    Let's team up!

    Heya. Yeah, sure. Add me at johan.guner at Skype. Can't play tonight, though. Tomorrow perhaps? And I speak English quite well.
  5. W. Flonk

    Looking for some buddies

    In-Game Name: Flonk Age: 15 Your (self evaluated) Skill Level: Pretty decent. Can hit my targets. Country: Denmark. Favorite Servers (If you have them): Don't have any. Favorite DayZ Moment: When an axe murderer in a ghillie suit came up, screamed and ruthlessly ambushed me. I still miss that SVD Dragunov I had ;(. Questions about me, or anything you want to include: Nothing. Preferred use of communication (Voice via skype/steam, chat): Skype.
  6. W. Flonk

    Anyone wanna play tonight?

    A group of three would be perfect, really. If you want, we could meet up now and wait for Monkey Bones, Poxyz. We can all team up, yeah?
  7. W. Flonk

    Anyone wanna play tonight?

    Hah, forgot. That's my Skype Name, johan.guner.
  8. W. Flonk

    Anyone wanna play tonight?

    Sounds good. Add me at johan.guner. You can have my L85 AWS, I'm happy with my AS50.
  9. W. Flonk


    Age (Don't lie!): 15. Location: Denmark. Do you have skype?: Yes, I do indeed. My Skype Name is johan.guner. Is your mic of a good quality?: Aye. Secret word 1: Crooked. Do you accept our terms/behaviour as a clan?: Naturally. Secret word 2: The. Do you swear loyalty to the clan?: Yup. Why do you want to join?: Mainly because I have a very small amount of friends to play with. And when you have good gear, it's easy to get paranoid when being alone.