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Doctor T

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Everything posted by Doctor T

  1. Well in one of my old post i talked about my old pc dieying but i build a new one and here is the specs http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1A1r8 and for some reason im kinda glad that my old pc died because now i got my new one earlyer and i can actauly run BF 3, and on max settings
  2. Doctor T

    The birth of a new PC

    windows is still installing right now, ill give you results later but to other people on bf3 they average around 30 fps a sec and why not save a little bit more money and get the 8320 or 8350, oh and i love both companies but for being 14 amd was best for my budget. and yes i payed for my self, no one helped me sorry if the last bit seemed a bit douchey
  3. Doctor T

    The birth of a new PC

    not yet but i will give you results after windows is done installing
  4. Doctor T

    The birth of a new PC

    I built it
  5. Doctor T

    DayZ Aftermath beta key giveaway

    May the games begin
  6. Doctor T

    Share your /facepalm moments

    Ran 6KM to get medical supplies for a freind then i ran all the way back and forgot morphine
  7. Doctor T

    Lagging on Chenarus

    more ram mabey
  8. Doctor T

    I'm new and need tips

    DONT trust any one in Dayz, and look for weapons at fire stations, deer stands, barracks, military tents, militay hangers, control towers, and if your lucky, residential buildings
  9. Doctor T

    DayZ ?

    Ok hop on this teamspeak (its the Reddit Rescue Force Teamspeak) then join the channel, Doctor T's Loungeif you don't know how do use teamspeak then add me on skype my name is MinecraftTodd
  10. Doctor T

    DayZ ?

    sure but let me ask, what play style do you play, Hero or Bandit I play Hero and have 30,000+ humanity -PS: I've Been Playing a lot of dayz origins latley
  11. I'm looking for some mature hero's to play with i have 30,000+ humanity and iv played dayz for a year now. I'm 14 and great in combat.
  12. DayZ Squad This is going to be a small 4 man squad so were only recruiting 3 Members There is no ranks so we all make decisions as a team, note we leave no man behind This is a Hero Squad only on vanilla DayZ but on other mods were Bandit's We will Use Teamspeak 3 as our communication and the TS ip is: Once in the Teamspeak Server join the channel Doctor T's Loung My name in Teamspeak is Doctor T so msg me on it or poke me stating that your wanting to join. To get Teamspeak 3 go to http://www.teamspeak...?page=downloads and Download the Client The Only Requirements is that your 13+ years old and you have 3 months or more of Dayz or Arma 2 Experience Please Reply on the post before join the teamspeak and fill out this apllication ​Age: In Game Name: Native Language: Country: Time Zone: Combat Skill: 0/10 PS: I'm going to Start a YouTube Channel =D
  13. Doctor T

    SA Survivor Travels

  14. Doctor T

    Forming a small 4 man squad

    Hop on the TeamSpeak Today Around Noon to 3pm Central TimeZone
  15. Doctor T

    Forming a small 4 man squad

    Tomoro at noon GMT+/-5:00 (Central Time Zone) How on the TeamSpeak
  16. If you got teamspeak 3, join this server: and join the channel Doctor T's Lounge ( breaking point ) If you don't have teamspeak 3 then add me on Skype my name is: MinecraftTodd, hope to see you soon PS: I'm not a noob ive been playing dayz for 10 months and only on vanilla dayz i play hero
  17. Doctor T

    Premature poop

    What kind of computer do you have or is it custom build, if it is custom built, msg the parts
  18. So I'm looking to play DayZ origins with someone, I'm not experienced in origins but very experienced with DayZ. I'm 14 and I'm only willing to play with someone 13 or older ​ Communication Programs i use: Skype: MinecraftTodd TeamSpeak: Will join any one's teamspeak Mumble: Will join any one's teamspeak
  19. Doctor T

    Looking to play DayZ origins with

    if you can get teamspeak that would be great but if not ill just add you on skype
  20. Doctor T

    hero bug

    I have the same issue, I got tiered so i im not playing Dayz till its fixed, it can be fixed though if your wearing a gillie suit or camo clothing
  21. Doctor T

    Need DMR!

    Kids these days