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About AMF3

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. I've only killed a bandit, and it was my first and only kill. Everyone else I've come across I've let pass by or put my gun down. And every single time I've been shot. Like 4-5 player deaths now. The one time I saw another survivor and they didnt shoot at me was because it was a noobie without a gun. I heard him coming and posted up in cover. I gave a split second a saw he didn't have a gun. But he did have a zed following him. So I shot the zed and he realized I was there. I got up to give him my hatchet and he hauled ass. And was promptly killed by aggro zeds. Tried to help haha. Then next day I got really lucky and noticed a sniper in the door way of a barn scoping me up. I rolled and brought up my Enfield and he ran off. 95% of people are gonna shoot you on sight. Odds are always against you.
  2. Oh yeah, every once and awhile there's awesome glitches, my 3rd night I spawned on the map at night and there were no other survivors, OR ZOMBIES, on the entire map. I just ran around the entire map as much as I wanted, getting all the loot I could carry. I wish I knew the layout of the map better, I could've cleaned up. I didn't wanna shut my comp off because I knew it was too good to last. The next day I logged in and promptly got shot for all my cool new loot. Part of the fun :)
  3. My 2nd day I played on a server where we were all teleported in a group way above the ground, off the normal parts of the map and dropped to our deaths. 3 times within an hour. Luckily the admin was on the ball and did a rewind and it was ok the first 2 times but the 3rd time I was out of luck kept spawning unconscious on that server. Since then I've been on a nice quiet little server and have only died from my own stupidity so far. Quite often. The only part that still drives me nuts is zombies running through walls and fences to beat the hell out of me. Just never get used to it. But so far it's part of the package, which overall is pretty badass. All that loot stops mattering until you know you're in a tight spot and are about to lose it and that's the exciting part of it.
  4. See I really wanted the naga but I saw soooo many bad reviews on it. But I didn't know if its something that's be addressed by razer since its release. But if you look on newegg there's literally 2 solid pages or more of reviews stating that the side buttons don't work out of the box or after drivers are installed. It was too many to ignore. Then I looked at the g9x and it was the center button that seemed to be a problem there. I've been looking at the Tt esports Theron and I've seen a lot of positive reviews so far. I'd like one with that "sniper" button but I don't know of too many that offer it. As for a keyboard I've been looking at the Logitech g510. It's got so many bells and whistles, I feel like a dummy looking at something shiny haha.
  5. I've been looking at the steel series stuff as well. The r.a.t.s are cool but it seems like the higher the series the lower the ratings. I guess if you want all the bells and whistles it comes at the cost of quality in some aspects.
  6. I was looking at the razer naga but every razer mouse I look at has 2 pages worth of bad reviews saying they have problems with buttons going out, just never working and always customer service. I can definitely understand there being some problems with thousands of products sold but them not standing behind their product scares me off. I like the r.a.t., was doing some more checking up on them. I also looked heavily at the Logitech g9x but see a ton of posts about its buttons failing as well.
  7. This is off topic of the game itself but I thought you guys would be a good judge and have good input. I've been looking at some gaming mice/keyboards and if you read the reviews on sites like newegg, all of them are apparently horrible. My Alienware setup came with just the basic keyboard/mouse and I wanted to get a keyboard that lit up since I play mostly at night on my tv and a mouse with some extra buttons but I read a lot of horror stories. So I wanted to get some advice from hardcore gamers.
  8. AMF3

    Combat logging details.

    Being shot sucks. Losing your gear sucks. But there's not a bigger rush in the game than those shoot outs. Not a bigger kick in the ass than getting blown away, nothing more rewarding than finding good gear and winning a couple of those fights. The game shines when you're in conflict. Get beat up a little and just start again when you have to.
  9. I've managed to be alive for 3 solid days. 3! Haven't seen a player and I'd like to keep it that way since I'd gotten killed 4 times in 2 hours on my 3rd day playing. By the way I'd like to suggest that we be required to put our names and addresses on here so I can go and strangle the little douchebag kid that told me "I was just gonna break your legs dude but you turned around" after he shot me to death while I was staking out a building....without a gun! Anyways, I've managed to stay alive, get way north to a town I didn't really wanna end up at, one of the military bases, and get some food, like 4 water bottles, an Alice pack and a sniper rifle, which I keep in the pack because I've heard that people will automatically blast you or having one. I don't wanna confront anyone, I'd like to team up but I don't have the desire to shoot a player. But I know if you're that far north, you mean business and you didn't get there by being nice more than likely. What do you guys do? I'm doing what the games about, surviving. Ill drop down into a town, grab some food and drinks an hit the road. I haven't taken a shot at a player this life (I've seen a couple in my scope driving and looting choppers) and I just wanna keep it moving. How do you approach people about teaming up or trading? Every single player I've come across has killed me and the o my one I took a shot at had a bandit skin. But he was probably just better at not being a victim haha.
  10. AMF3

    Free running the map

    Very cool. I had to come back down some and try and look around for some food. Luckily I'd found an Alice pack and could stash away a little more. It's a nice change of pace from getting shot by every single survivor I came across. It was getting to the point where I thought everything was gonna have to be KOS or avoid everyone. This has been a refreshing little break.
  11. AMF3

    Free running the map

    Does there get to be a point to the north where there's just nothing as far as towns, etc? I'm guessing not a lot of people who've been this far without transportation
  12. AMF3

    Free running the map

    Don't wanna kill anyone, just see what's out there. Stocked up some and found the rest in the way. It's been about 30 min since I've come across even a house haha.
  13. I've been running the map for about 2 hours now. Got off the coast and started headed north. I can't believe how much spaces I've covered and not seen too many settlements. I may die for it, I've only got like 3 cans of food and no wood or matches to cook meat. Pretty crazy though, it's awesome to see the real scale of this game.
  14. I tried to switch, messed it all up and lost half my stuff. Them while I was trying to figure it out I got jacked by a pack of zed. I got a ak, map, watch, food and water off of killing a bandit and lost it all because I wanted that damn backpack. Haha I never thought I'd feel horrible about dying in a video game haha.
  15. Are you still able to see your stats? I've seen screen shots where it showed bandit kills, murders, etc but I dove right into the play and am just kinda learning buttons as I go.