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Everything posted by amlaborde@windstream.net

  1. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Degrading Infected.

  2. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    If you have played Max Payne 3 this year, then you should remember that in one of the later chapters he finds some duct tape and a plastic water bottle and fashions together a little suppressor for his pistol. It only lasts a handful of shots before blowing off of his gun. What if this were put into the standalone of the game? Since I hear there will be a crafting section added, you would just need a low caliber pistol, duct tape, and an empty plastic bottle. Craft them together to create a suppressor that only lasts 3-5 shots.. It would be ideal to deal with pursuing infected without stirring the whole town, or bandits close by. What do you think?
  3. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    The pistol in that second video looked like it was a P226 or something like it.
  4. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    Here is one with a maglight suppressor on a pistol.
  5. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cyM_L3Baec Found a video with the bottle on a .22 rifle Below is one with a pistol.
  6. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    Yeah :( Unless the maglight/pistol suppressor works better.
  7. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    Indeed, there would be sacrifices to that type of mod. It would be best for when Infected are right on top of you. Or when you are in spitting distance of a bandit.
  8. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Bambi Concentration Camp Liberated!

    Silly Bandits... This morning in a Dallas server, there was a solo farm house north of Elektro that was surrounded in Barbed wire and tank traps. Inside were two tents that were loaded with hatchets and crowbars. It was obviously a little arena place that Bandits make fresh spawns fight to the death. It was all freshly made since I saw an unarmed player walking around in the caged area. So my friend and I waited for the Bandits to return. After about 20 minutes, we saw two bandits leading a new, unarmed player to the camp and gun point. My friend and I synced out shots together and killed both of the bandits and freed the captured players. We then announced in side chat about the liberation and warned other bandits if they tried to do this again. So satisfying!
  9. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Bambi Concentration Camp Liberated!

    Even I could not really believe it when it happened. It played out like it was all scripted.
  10. amlaborde@windstream.net


    Kevlar, as most of us know is a compound used in vests that can potentially stop certain bullets and knives... What if this was brought into the world of DayZ? I know what our characters already wear a vest, but it is not protection. Kevlar could be very rare in the game and have a percentage chance of stopping bullets and preventing melee damage to the torso area. Based on the condition that it would be in. As it takes damage, your chances for protection will steadily decrease to the point of it falling off. They would be spawned in heavily military based areas like Airfields and Chopper Crash Sites. What do you guys think of this?
  11. amlaborde@windstream.net

    The Black Widow... Real?

    True. It is just a reskin of War Inc. it plays terribly and I absolutely HATE waiting 30 minutes before playing that character again.
  12. amlaborde@windstream.net

    The Black Widow... Real?

    The link to the picture has been posted!
  13. amlaborde@windstream.net

    The Black Widow... Real?

    Here is a link to the picture. http://tinypic.com/r/a11ngp/6
  14. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Hacker Stories

    Just had one this morning. I made my way to Stary Sobor with me 7 week old character. When I got into the military camp and found myself a DMR, I hear the sound of a Heli flying over head. I look out of the tent and see that it is an Apache Attack Chopper that is strafing the camp. These choppers do not exist in the game, so it is obvious that it was hacked in. Later it vanished and I get the hell out of Stray. Then I hear AS50 shots, then the SAME HACKER kills three people including an Admin in less than 2 minutes. He see me flanking him so I turn and run. There is no way that he could keep up because we were so far apart. But yet he was able to spawn by me as I hear his foot steps. He keeps taking shots at me and missing terribly. So I decide that i want him to play by my rules, not his. So I ran inside a barn and tried to funnel him in... Next thing I know there is an explosion and the whole barn collapses.
  15. amlaborde@windstream.net

    How do you get the new maps?

    Everywhere I look, I see servers that have maps that are not in Chernarus. I see maps that have a giant valcano and a desert like island place. How do I get these maps for DayZ? I have the expansions Private Military and British Armed Forces on disk and the actual OP Arrowhead and Arma 2 on steam.
  16. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Whats up with loot saves?

    I recently starting playing the game after a few months break. I had a full set of an FN-FAL and an M14 from a heli crash site with all of the basic items that you would need... When I started playing again a few days ago I started all over for some reason with new everything, even weapons. Once I was done with that server for the day, I got on another and POOF new equipment again. THEN, I joined another server and POOF all of the loot from my save months ago is back. Why does this happen now? Are the servers given options to customize starting loot and if they want to save previous loot from past play time?
  17. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Gutters filling water bottles.

    When ever it rains in the game and you are desperately looking for a little pond to fill your water bottle, instead you come across a small town and you think "Oh no!" Well, if you look closely at the gutters on some of the houses while it is raining, you will see a stream of water pouring out of them. Why not simply give the player the option to fill his bottle from this source? Seems reasonable no? It would be a total act of desperation, due to gutters being full of dirt, grime, and all kinds of nasty things. There would be a chance of becoming sick with something when you do so... Lets say that when you fill the bottle, a subtext pops up saying "Your water bottle is now filled with Tainted Water" thus tainting the bottle itself forcing you to dispose of it and look for another one.
  18. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Gutters filling water bottles.

    That would make sense. Also the ability to carderise your wounds.
  19. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Gutters filling water bottles.

    If you are in a desperate situation where this is the only water you can find... How will you rinse it out when the bad water was all you can find? You would also need soap probably.
  20. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Gutters filling water bottles.

    OP Updated with extension of the idea.
  21. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Gutters filling water bottles.

    Also it would be a huge act of desperation to drink from it. Like, "I have no choice!"
  22. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Proximity Voice Fix.

    We all hate it when somebody does not know how to use the channels correctly and then spews his voice to all players.... The only one that works is Direct Chat.. Sometimes. What if the voice was ONLY kept for proximity? Say up to 50 yards, you can talk to somebody. That could eliminate that annoyance of chatty people. Also the option to typing chat would still be an option, but it would be just ONE channel only. This is a rough cut idea. Feel free to expand!
  23. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Makeshift Suppressors.

    Would you like a way to very temporarily suppress the sound of your gunfire? Instead of having to run all of the way to Stary Sober; why not find a plastic bottle and some duct tape and fit that to the barrel of your side arm? It would not last for long when you use this, only 1-3 shots; depending on the caliber of your weapon. 9mm's would get to most efficient use from this rig, but more powerful ones like a 357 mag would only get at least 1 shot. What say you to this?
  24. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Makeshift Suppressors.

    I hope so. It would make the grind a bit less stressful.
  25. amlaborde@windstream.net

    Makeshift Suppressors.

    *Double post. Dont know how that happened...