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Everything posted by Ihasaaccount

  1. Ihasaaccount


    No longer my server
  2. I was wondering if there was a way of disabling specific keys so their input is invalid(Not functioning) and/or result in a different action. ex. you typically use "W" to walk, but instead nothing happens. but of course I'm not looking to do something like that, I'm looking to block certain keys that hackers use to activate their scripts and what not.
  3. Ihasaaccount

    Disabling a Keys Input?

    Well from my understanding I thought it was possible, not to long ago I went searching on where all these skids got their scripts trying to find ways to block it and I read about some anti hack script they have which would block their key they used to inject/run their scripts along with a game freeze, or something similar resulting in it not working. But if that's not possible server side, I like the idea of having them disconnect too. I'll have to look more into it.
  4. Ihasaaccount


    no longer my server
  5. So I've been trying to find out how to add more vehicles to my private hive, I'll mention I am using HFB for server hosts for my private hive, I have searched but I yet to really find anything useful on how to add them. I was wondering If anyone can help point me in the right direction and give me some advice, this would be greatly appreciated. It's not like I'm a moron or anything, I'm just new to this part, so like I said if you can just point me to the right spot it will be more than enough. Thanks.
  6. Ihasaaccount

    Adding More Vehicles To Your Hive?

    Alright ill see if I can do that later. Please pardon all my noobiness haha. I use hfb for my private hive, I have access to the files,fttp and what not. Would I still be able to do it? Even though it isn't directly on my pc? (Sent from my android) EDIT: Apparently I can't.
  7. Ihasaaccount

    Adding More Vehicles To Your Hive?

    Yeah, I managed to read some information on that, bits and pieces, the thing is I'm unsure on how to connect to the database. I've read around like I said, and I didn't really find an exact answer.