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About kamadrion@gmail.com

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  1. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Thank you again, Johnny! I actually had the latest version installed, but now reinstalled the 97448 patch. However, the server is still not accessible. I will try reinstalling everything when I get back from work, but if you have any other ideas, please let me know. I really appreciate any support I can get.
  2. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Yes, there was. But the dayz-commander confirmed that my files were up to date. Or do I actually have to manually download this beta patch? Thanks for helping, Johnny. I am still quite the noob.
  3. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Wow, ok. It's shown as offline to me. My only off night wasted. That sucks.
  4. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    What the hell? I thought the server was down all day?
  5. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Nice pictures, Duff. ;) Sadly it seems that the server is still down.
  6. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    C'mon, man. I just started playing. I won't stay this bad for long. :P I would be glad to help. I promise I'll try real hard not to kill anyone or damage your vehicle or even get lost anywhere :lol:
  7. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    That was very a bad first day.... I killed H in Elektro, who rescued me before, by accident. It can't get worse than this. H, if you are reading this, I owe you all your weapons and ammo. I know, I said it about three times now, but I am sorry for putting a hachet to your head and not even realizing that you weren't a zombie.
  8. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    What a fine choice, Dr. Duff. Currently I only have a Crossbow. But I am looking forward to at least having a 1911 and a Glock/Makarov. If possible and of course in your interest, how about we get together and see what we can do? Maybe we can find a safe stash to put all medical supplies in. What do you think? I found a nice flat bed truck. It should serve its purpose. ;)
  9. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Sure Astrix. Try resending it. I am sure they did not receive your mail. I just played for like 20 minutes. It's awesome. Everyone is friendly and very helpful to a Newbie like me for example. Great Server.
  10. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Sure thing, Shadz! I plan on doing some emergency tasks as well, as in helping hurt or trapped survivors.I will only use Pistols and a shotgun, so if I come across anything bigger than that, I'll be glad to store it in your SUV. ;) But first, I need to get some gear together. I'll start playing tonight around 9:30 PM GMT.
  11. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    Damn, I really hope I will be able to open my pharmacy with all those bandits around. Can't wait to join this server.
  12. kamadrion@gmail.com

    New UK Private Hive Server With Password - cheese4gaming

    The first post got me excited for this server. I sent the application right away. I hope, I can start playing tomorrow. :)