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About DeathVader1337

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DeathVader1337

    KoS will never be fixed! ;)

    TO MODS: What rules am I breaking? I'll take out the curse words I guess. I'm a bandit, why can only heroes post? Let's look at it from a realistic perspective. "kos is a permanent feature of game with gun." -our lord and savior, KoS There will always be high levels of KoS in DayZ. Helicopter, vehicles, and carebear hunting and whatnot is just going to INCREASE KoS. So I see a guy with a bow and arrow hunting or some guy cooking. DAS CUTE. Boom, HEADSHOT. Take stuff, run away, repeat. These upcoming features change nothing. DayZ will always be SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. Even with harder zombies and the "third enemy" of survival, bandits will find a way to CONQUER the third enemy quickly like we always do. We can hide from zombies or heck just axe them, quick with a group. We get hypothermia and whatnot? We find a way around it. People were friendly in the early stages of the mod because the game was HARD for them and they NEEDED each other. Nothing Dean will throw at us (esp with the new COD fanboys playing) will hurt us in the slightest anymore. A lot of us have been playing for a long time already. If we want to KoS, we will always KoS regardless of what features Dean is adding. REAL bandits don't give a crap about cooking or hunting. Our goal is to kill and loot, because it saves us lots of time and it's fun as hell. As for heros, we will always outnumber you, and we have a crucial advantage: you have to go into the open to do your job, we don't. We see you helping a person? Cool, double kill. Some of you will probably say "oh the amount of KoSers will definitely decrease with more stuff added." my response: yep, thank god. more kills for the ACTUAL bandits. I can promise you the AMOUNT killed will never go down, only the AMOUNT KILLING OTHERS. No change for you, carebears. Discuss.
  2. DeathVader1337

    DayZ Story: An Epic Tale

    I saw a newspawn on the beach. I made him take off his pants, dance, and sing pop songs. Then, I shot him in the head. /endstory
  3. DeathVader1337

    New player looking for a group.

    What's your skype?
  4. DeathVader1337

    Counter-Clan Strike Force: Recruitment

    I sent you a PM! I'll do any job! :P