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Everything posted by lvg

  1. You need the files from both games to make it work the game runs through combined ops which means it uses both repository's your character is tied to your CD key ...
  2. lvg

    Game wont Launch

    Try restarting steam, or right click OA then properties and verify game cache
  3. lvg

    Overabundance of servers.

    They have seemed to have died down lately, not sure if it's to do with the hackers or people getting bored.
  4. lvg

    help!!! cant delete @DayZ folder!!

    Delete the mod for the mod to work? that's some strange logic you have there. Make sure ARMA isn't running in the processes, then try.
  5. lvg

    Server wipes allowed?

    The only way you can have it wiped anyway is to ask the devs. But i'd say probably not.
  6. Downgrade the beta patch, a lot of people have been getting this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12180&highlight=%2316
  7. lvg

    Can my PC handle ArmA II/DayZ?

    No problem but before you buy the game, you could always try Arma 2 Free to see if it'll run.
  8. lvg

    Invalid CD Key and can't enable DayZ

    So you have an illegal copy of Arrowhead? I'm not surprised you get no CD key error if you don't actually own the game.
  9. Right click ARMA 2: OA in steam and press reinstall battleye, but i got it to work without doing so
  10. lvg


    Not sure if the civ clothing bugs, but just try running east for a while or if you've got nothing just respawn.
  11. lvg

    Can my PC handle ArmA II/DayZ?

    You'll be able to play with either of them I'd assume but I'd suggest something like the 6970 as the prices have dropped with the release of the 7 series depends on how much you want to spend
  12. lvg

    Battleye Failed to Update

    try right clicking ARMA 2 :OA and reinstall battleye
  13. lvg

    Invalid CD Key and can't enable DayZ

    Launch from steam and the mod line is -mod=@DayZ. As for the CD key could be an issue with where you bought it.
  14. I know what you mean you're getting in game it's then kicking you back to the server list. I've had this and solved it by connecting to a variety of servers, make sure you don't press anything while connecting creating a character can take a while. is there any error message?
  15. lvg


    There's about 1000 of these threads, are you wearing camo clothing?
  16. lvg

    Can my PC handle ArmA II/DayZ?

  17. lvg

    How do I clean this up as an admin?

    a simple restart should remove it, if not no idea but seeing as they're not synced with the database they should be removed same with illegal choppers and things like that
  18. lvg

    Resetting the map

    Why are you trying to reset it anyway? even though you can't.
  19. It happens to me from time to time not sure what causes but usually for me after a while it starts working, shift and tabbing a few times, also are you sure you're not on a server with it disabled?
  20. lvg

    Can't Get to Run Nicely

    Can you post some screenshots please
  21. lvg

    Cant see my friends

    wrong server or wrong place lol if they can see messages got to be the wrong place, unless hard core de sync issues.