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Everything posted by lvg

  1. It's worked for quite a few of my friends and others on here, what's the problem you're having?
  2. lvg

    Was there an update?

    You don't have to delete you can simply replace them but it's the same thing basically To make sure you install the beta correctly I made this guide it says 1.7.1 but it still applies to Let me know if you have any problems
  3. lvg

    Windows Server Files

    The files for the game itself or the mod server files
  4. Press G right click the bandaged and heal, same applies for food/water The axe is for cutting trees down for wood not a weapon, to cut trees you right click in the gear menu As for the menu it can be a bit temperamental
  5. lvg

    Was there an update?

    Well when you join a server that's running a newer version it flashes up telling you to update, if that's not clear I don't know what is, And I'd you look at the change log it tells you specially what files have been changed and need to be updated, if you search you will also find loads more threads saying the same thing. If you want to avoid update problems just download all the files and replace everything
  6. Just it Ignore it, it happens to everyone one
  7. lvg

    What do i need for Day ?

    You can use arma 2 free and Buy OA yes, Then for the mod look here http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421
  8. lvg

    What admin do you use?

    I use BEC and Rcon GUI
  9. lvg

    Was there an update?

    Ever seen the announcements section at the very top of the board?
  10. lvg

    Character invisible in 3rd person

    didn wurk um Y ISNT IT WURKING u were supposed 2 get it rite suped lol wut r u canadean Esstrel pls
  11. lvg

    Really weird bug

    You're in the debug area run east for about 2km or try respawning and make sure you have the latest beta installed and are actually running it
  12. lvg

    No Debug Monitor, no sound

    Searching is magic
  13. lvg

    Direct3D9 error since update

    Download the beta Once installed go to your main directory and rename "arma2oa.exe" to something like "arma2oa2.exe" then proceed to "arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta" Copy the "arma2oa.exe and place it in your main directory where you just renamed the non beta. Then right click ARMA 2 : OA and put this as your launch parameter -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@Dayz The run as CO and should work Not sure if it'll work the same way for six updater though. Does for steam
  14. Are you talking about an actual sever hosted from a dedi box or you pressing "host new server"
  15. lvg

    "You Cannot Play/Edit This Mission"

    Run the game as combine operations.
  16. lvg

    No chat box

    So when you press / you can't use the arrow keys to Select direct communication?
  17. lvg

    No chat box

    Do you mean this?
  18. lvg

    Character invisible in 3rd person

    Searching is magic
  19. lvg

    Stuck in debug forest/plains

    Respawn or try running southeast but the running option takes ages
  20. lvg

    Updater keeps getting stuck

    Do it manually?
  21. lvg

    No Servers?

    You sure you haven't changed the settings to LAN instead of Internet at like the bottom left?