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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    Can't See Debug Mon

    Download the arma 2 beta and try that
  2. lvg

    Forcing server update?

    The bug is in 1.7.0 as well, but no you aren't forced to update
  3. 80m voice and 20m text http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9518
  4. Are you positive you're starting the beta though
  5. Admins can't delete tents or vehicles anyway they are tied to the database, it happens to all servers sometimes they don't load on the first boot.
  6. Did you install the arma 2 beta patch?
  7. You're best waiting for someone who has the Free version to reply
  8. The beta removes side chat to make it more realistic you can only talk to those around you with direct chat
  9. lvg

    No Debug Monitor, no sound

    Are you sure you're joining servers with the latest beta?
  10. I think if you run it on very high, they look normal from what i've seen
  11. There's no side chat because you're running the beta, and if you try and run through steam it's not using the updated beta file
  12. Lots of people have problems with six updater, i can't offer you any help if it isn't working while you're using six updater
  13. Please go to the ARMA 2 operation arrow head folder and find arma2oa.exe right click it and press properties go to the details tab and look at the Product version, type the number here
  14. If you purchased the game through steam forget about six updater and follow this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13684
  15. Did you change the launch options to make the game run the beta and not the default AO exe
  16. The invisible problem is because you're not running the beta
  17. lvg


    What's the launch option for your game and have you set your HRD quality to very high?
  18. lvg

    "Data file too short" Error

    Did you verify again?
  19. lvg

    Problem with the updater

    Try doing it manually? takes about 2 minutes
  20. Not sure if you can, but you can just go the where the arma2oa.exe is and right click it then go to the details tab and look at the product version, should be like 1.60.93825
  21. lvg

    "Data file too short" Error

    I get failed to validate one file every time as well even though my game works fine, have you tried deleting air.pbo?
  22. lvg

    Problem with signed .pbo Files

    Try right clicking ARMA 2 OA in steam and going to Properties > Local Files > Verify game cache and then try running it
  23. lvg

    A whole server got killed...

    5/10 for a mod that's in alpha is very good