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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg


    lol everyone's are going crazy for example if user 1's local time was 5:00 PM and they post at 5:00 PM then user 2 with a timezone of maybe 4:00PM posts at 4:00 PM their time there post will be higher up, i just stole someone's thread because my timezone is earlier so it shows up as i created it.
  2. lvg


    Yea seemed to be having a little trouble the last hour
  3. lvg

    Problem getting on servers

    Please read that, you need to update to the beta http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13684
  4. Sounds like you're not running it as combined ops
  5. Regenerated the mission file no luck, anyone else?
  6. Most likely, because the patch would affect the normal game files then the beta addons on from it. have you looked at these? http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  7. lvg

    Bad CD Key - Invalid CD Key

    Are you sure you're actually launching it though? and if you are i'm not sure if reinstalling battleye doesn't work, try removing it from your registry and re adding your key?
  8. lvg

    Restart the map

    No there isn't vehicles will re spawn now if not touched for a week i think, and what desert? you mean the wilderness ?
  9. lvg

    Bad CD Key - Invalid CD Key

    Do you actually have the Arma 2 Beta patch installed?
  10. lvg

    Bad CD Key - Invalid CD Key

    Try reinstalling battleye http://www.battleye.com/download.html
  11. Not a bad idea but i can imagine if someone does that, they will attract the wrong type of "help"
  12. The only issue that needs to be addressed here is that you need to use the search tool, many many threads on this already and threads on how to fix it. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13684 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  13. lvg

    A girl and her goat

    Don't have to say that again
  14. lvg

    Easter Egg in Cherno ?

    Haha, what a strange easter egg, but chimney + santa works
  15. lvg

    server blocked on loading

    You could try turning your firewall off, are you sure it's set up correctly?
  16. lvg

    Falling from the sky...

    You won't get rolled back, and if it wasn't in the debug where you spawned.. the only options are to have someone bring you morphine or re spawn i'm afraid
  17. lvg

    Falling from the sky...

    only way is to re spawn
  18. lvg

    ''You were kicked off the game''

    Are you running the beta? And have you tried reinstalling battleye?
  19. lvg

    Me getting kicked

    Could try right clicking arma 2 OA and reinstalling battleye
  20. lvg

    3rd Person

    Means you not starting the game correctly or haven't installed the beta Read this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13684
  21. lvg

    server blocked on loading

    Are you white listed?