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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    So, what are you wearing? ;)

    I'm wearing. Cool ass gear though
  2. I like the idea, can give actual protection to your camp, could be used like a claymore, sniping from window or something someone attempts to come up behind you and crunch.
  3. The beta works fine, you're just starting it wrong. You don't need to uninstall anything. Read which ever applies to you to correctly start the beta patch. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  4. lol, why the hell would you crawl around? was it him who shot you at the end?
  5. lvg

    hackers and alt f4

    Moved to appropriate section, shame you couldn't get any proof.
  6. lvg

    Death Duo

    Imagine me and you, I do I think about you day and night, it's only right To think about the survivor you trust and hold him tight So happy together...
  7. lvg

    Best way to pinpoint gun fire?

    My best way to pinpoint gunfire is...7.1 surround sound :p To survive,i hide and wait for them to get bored and start moving towards me or my last location, then fire upon them
  8. lvg

    Thank you Rocket!

    If you go in front of a Nuclear reactor and say Rocket man 3 times, Rocket will appear and give to you the secret of God mode in DayZ, Or so the legend goes.
  9. lvg

    Problem installing beta patches...

    That is the correct way, it's just launching it correctly in which you can see from the link pieman posted
  10. I really don't know what you're saying but you do know you have to enequip it from your tool belt and press L right?
  11. lvg

    Invisible bug

    Install the Arma II beta patch, see the guide that fits your start options. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  12. Run steam as administrator right click arma II > properties > local files > verify ingetrity of game cache launch arma to then do the same for OA see if that works.
  13. Are you talking about an M136 rocket launcher, because it's a legal weapon. Next time please provide evidence/names as your thread is no help at all to anyone who can do something about it.
  14. If you want costumes/tents supermarkets are always the best place to look, or find other people's campsites and steal what's inside, they tend to have spare tents
  15. You mean you have to "Update" the mod?
  16. lvg

    Wrong version of the mod.

    Then filter for servers running 1.7.0? If you have a different version of the mod you can't join servers that don't have the same version.
  17. Moved to appropriate section. Why exactly do you need to reinstall it?
  18. Damn an alpha mod that's not perfect, oh the humanity
  19. When communities wish to instead of hosting 4 separate servers merge them into one, also having like 100 + slot servers requires quite a bit of testing as is a large strain on a machine, I hope we will one day see them though
  20. lvg

    ATV floats away

    It's actually just the way Arma 2 is, for example i usually destroy enemy vehicles by driving into them when my vehicle has no weapons, they just fly lol
  21. To be honest, can't really see this ever happening it's a mod that's about survival against other survivors and zombies, if half the server are zombies there are less survivors to interact with, and more intelligent zombies which no one wants.
  22. lvg

    Spawning.. The fuck?

    Moved to trouble shooting, there are already a lot of other threads like this, try searching one of the threads may have a fix. For your friends problem he has met the debug forest, a fix that seems to work for most http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=13497