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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg


    Are you running the Arma 2 Beta patch? Also provide details on where you purchased
  2. To fix it copy the addons from ARMA 2 to your Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead folder, should fix it
  3. This tends to mean you're not starting the beta patch as combined ops, which version of the game do you have?
  4. Here you go. Attached! Would you mind me having a look on Teamviewer? Everyone gets the error but it's usually ignored, are you sure the server you're playing on isn't the problem?
  5. lvg

    Cant play

    Bad version means the server you're playing on is running a beta patch, Please look at this for help with the patch http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  6. lvg


    The Game is good, The mod is good. Bai
  7. That's rofl, the guy should of invited him in not shot him, also you can get in tents?
  8. lvg

    invisble bandit.

    There is a teleportation hack, shame you didn't get his details.
  9. lvg

    Playing Dayz on a Cracked ArmA:II

    This Forum doesn't endorse privacy, you will get no help here. Locked.
  10. lvg

    Google Group

    I spoke to Ander about getting in, best using IRC to speak to one of the Staffs
  11. The new format is: DayZ - Location ID (version/beta buildnr) [difficulty][timezone] dayzmod.com - hosted by Customtext With alternative long format (includes the city): DayZ - Location ID OptionalCity (version/beta buildnr) [difficulty][timezone] dayzmod.com - hosted by Customtext The Location SHOULD be the countrycode (international format) . US, DE, UK, SE and so forth. Version should be the current dayz version running. Beta is which build/version of ARMA2 you are running. Other special versions may be added after this (try to write in similar style to other servers). If you currently have a cityname in your server you can keep using it for a while, but we'll ask you to get a new countrycode ID and then name your server with the second format if you want to keep using citynames. As for difficulty, you should enter REGULAR, VETERAN, EXPERT or similar. If you got a custom setting you want to mention that differs from standard ,then use the following: 3DP:ON <-- thirdperson on 3DP:OFF <-- thirdperson off CH:ON <-- crosshair on CH:OFF <-- crosshair off RP <-- roleplay server Timezone should be valid international timezone. Customtext can be either your name or the url of your page. Example valid servernames could be (servernames below are entirely fictional.. sort of): DayZ - SE 1 (v1.7.0/Beta 12345) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by DayZDevs DayZ - SE 5 (v1.7.0/Beta 12345) [REGULAR RP][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by DayZDevs DayZ - SE 1 STOCKHOLM (v1.7.0/Beta 12345) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by DayZDevs
  12. lvg

    New arma 2 beta update.

    It will work fine.
  13. lvg

    [VIDEO] Bus Rides on Atlanta 67

    Moved to gallery.
  14. - ninja edit - File ver: Prod ver: same in OA and beta dir. Could you post your RPT file should be %userprofile%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA
  15. Are you joining the same server or is every single one doing it? If all try looking at this http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9124
  16. Real men don't use instructions, if you provide me with your instance number in a PM I'll give you the server files. And there are thousands of requests for servers, for a small team.
  17. Are you sure you've installed it correctly? when you go to steamapps > common > arma II operation arrowhead, right click arma2oa > properties > details, and where is says product version, write the number here
  18. lvg

    Can't use medical/inventory items

    Are you pressing G then right clicking the items on the right side of the screen?
  19. lvg

    Version 1.60.94209

    Moved to trouble shooting Please look at this thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18588
  20. The chat thing, i'd love help with because no one seems to know. When logging in and out of servers if it's night, it does actually make it day again, on all servers I've played anyway, i've never played on our servers while it's dark mostly due to the fact they're US time where as i'm UK time and restarting the server seems to reset the current time. Loot is something rocket mentioned in the change log about it being a bit buggy I hate to say it but hackers on my home server which is 90, have been finding cars and driving them off the map somewhere, not sure if it's on 91 as well. hoping 1.7.2 will fix some of these problems.
  21. No problem you can send your moneys to 123 lvg street pl0x
  22. If you already have a beta installed you will need to completely delete the beta folder and the arma2oa.exe and install the newer version and copy and paste the arma2oa.exe from the new beta folder to the root directory again.