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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    New 'suggestion' board

    It doesn't necessarily have to be up votes but perhaps a star rating 1-5 at least if only one or two people look at an idea and think its great they'd vote it 5 stars that way it'd be nearer the top where as an idea with 1 star voted down by a large range of people would be buried, it would give the community a vote on potential things they'd like to see.
  2. lvg

    New 'suggestion' board

    Do you have any good IPB plugins in mind? I'm familiar with vBulletin overall so I'm not sure if a feature like this exists for IPB, iit would be a great feature.
  3. The only way this will be possible in stand alone if private hives are implemented as if you're hosting your own hive you can alter the database anyway you want (at the moment anyway) but due to the scripts problem hopefully being eradicated then there shouldn't be a high demand for just private hives as public servers should run smoothly, the public hive can't be altered by server admins.
  4. lvg

    Ghost in the machine

    It's the ghosty of FaggleOs
  5. Please discuss it here, already have about 4 topics on them. http://dayzmod.com/f...s-can-incident/
  6. Your name would most likely fit the most as well lol, there's still time unless they're removed for ever anyway.
  7. Me either, i don't play the mod, Thanks for the image though.
  8. Fair enough, I'd have rather seen Joey's work as a small rare Easter egg or something for the specific textures (Like mountain dew) anyway and for you to have to notice what is actually on you'd zoom in while it was on the floor. I'd like to thank Joey anyway.
  9. I assumed they were just different textures with the name "Beer" or "Soda" so if you zoom in on it on the floor it's like a little easter egg having the mod name seems rather silly.
  10. lvg

    DayZ logo animation

    I don't believe the creator has posted it here, so i will It's an incredibly nice concept, props to arneoog for making it.
  11. lvg

    New Food and Drinks Names

    Just so you know it's not like we all begged to have items in the game, personally i haven't played the Mod since the release of 1.7.0 which i think was around 6 months ago, so personally it doesn't make a difference to me, it's a nice gesture though.
  12. lvg

    DayZ MOD Vs. DayZ Standalone

    The are new and more zombie skins including female models, the current infected models are just reskins of Arma 2 Cherno citizens.
  13. lvg

    DayZ Development Twitter

    Enough with the Frankie Stuff, this isn't the place to discuss it do it on another website.
  14. lvg

    Arma 2 Editor for Taviana

    If you're just talking about the Arma 2 Editor then the UI which is Green is ARMA 2 and the brown UI is for Operation Arrowhead which has all the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA content.
  15. lvg

    Different in-game maps

    You can already place markers as well as way points on the ARMA although it's not perfect, it will most likely be reworked in the stand alone.
  16. lvg

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    They are still "independent" as far as i'm aware.
  17. Defeats the whole purpose of it being an unforgiving perma death game, so no.
  18. Seeing as Joey here is making something for everyone I thought I'd return the favour with a joke not a suggestion, took me 5 minutes to model and about 10 to rip off the star bucks logo. Forgive the render i couldn't be bothered to set up Vray
  19. Giving people more ammo for photoshopping your face, this can only end well
  20. lvg

    Real-time Mocap and VR

    Oculus rift baby I'd love things like this in the future it's just moving around unless you're in a warehouse with lots of space and completely wireless I think it will be too difficult without some form of joy stick, enjoyed the video though.
  21. lvg

    How zombies should work.

    That's because they're not dead, they're infected hence they are still alive but are husks of their former selves and only live to attack. Zombies = Dead meaning they will deteriorate at a fast rate (Half life 2, Resident evil, The walking dead) Infected = living will not deteriorate unless starved or kept him harsh conditions for example constant wind and rain (L4D, 28 days later)
  22. Was never a fan of the blender interface I'm used to max.
  23. Once again left out </3 I really like your stuff, I'd love to see you do a live stream of your modelling and texturing, are you using 3DS?
  24. lvg

    so i just wanted to say...

    I accidentally this whole thread, is it dangerous?