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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    License Key For Server

    All you do is use your steam account to download the ARMA 2 CO files, you don't need to mess around with keys or anything
  2. Do you have the video, because I've never encountered a lay down on your side animation Moved..
  3. lvg

    Banned for hacking/cheating?

    Well hacking i guess? Moved.
  4. lvg

    Any word on an update to fix BattlEye?

    re install battleye?
  5. lvg

    Why was i banned?

    Try this to check if you're on it http://dayzmod.com/f...munity-banlist/
  6. I believe the forum will stay the same. EDIT: The mod hasn't stopped being developed at all, Rocket is working on the mod and the game, so him working on dayz the game then going home working on dayz the mod is probably extremely tiring, give him chance.
  7. lvg


    Contact Battleye, that's all you can do no point in having another one of these threads, this is explained in the global ban section. There seems to be a mistake they made and some users who don't hack are being banned. http://www.battleye.com/support.html Locked.
  8. Are you serious? Let me ask you would you rather have a game that looks like it has been rushed in 2 months not mentioning any names but it rhymes with Corzee, or wait for a game that's of high quality and works, not to mention it's been in development for just over a month and you're saying they're taking their time? Games do not simply come out in a few weeks they take years.
  9. lvg

    no pvp server

    No idea what you're talking about, but No PvP servers are unofficial, those server admins can do what ever the hell they want if they're not connected to our hive, so no solution to your problem will be made. Upset bandits are killing you in a survival game?
  10. Public knowledge of this is not yet released, and it will be a while before the stand alone is even seen.
  11. lvg


    I'm answering the other 2 active members on the forum not OP.
  12. lvg

    Fallujah Fail

    Do not re-post a thread just because a board is a "Ghost town". Merged
  13. lvg

    They all fall down..

    Run rabbit run rabbit run run die
  14. lvg

    Stalkers in DayZ ??

    Moved to gallery..
  15. lvg


    Battleye appear to have an issue at the moment, Contact them. There is nothing we or anyone else can do for you, only them. http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  16. lvg

    Global Ban for nothing

    Locked. http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  17. lvg


    Re buy the game locked.
  18. Look at the stickies, locked.
  19. locked, refer above and to the stickies for your "friend"