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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    Can i play this game with arma 2?

    Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, which makes Combined Ops. Use the SEARCH button next time. Locked.
  2. The ARMA 2 engine is very "trusting" in the execution of scripts, Rocket has stated it won't be so "trusting" in the stand alone.
  3. lvg

    Snow in Day z.

    Real time seasonal changes would be an awesome addition to the realism.
  4. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/98046-dayz-cartoon-style-fixed/
  5. lvg

    Found a golden AK/Revolver?

    No you don't
  6. So you're pretending to be a girl so people will come to you, so you can kill them?
  7. You best have a good reason for having 3 accounts, best answer quickly before they're disposed of.
  8. lvg

    Were to Buy Arma 2 Too play DayZ

    Locking this because what? Steam wouldn't let you download DayZ and steam banned, You're talking rubbish. Amazon BIS Store Steam
  9. Nothing to do with us, contact the server admin.
  10. Just press log out, problem solved.
  11. lvg

    Hi guys, I'm new here

  12. lvg

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    You don't seem to understand if you're complaining about hackers speak to battleye, Rocket didn't make the banning system.
  13. When it's approved by support it'll be there. It's to prevent spam.
  14. lvg


    Nope.avi Anytime you try and take off and land you'll be attacked, the runways are pretty much the only flat land you're able to land a plane, where would you hide it..
  15. I'd prefer the idea of players guarding their own base, I like not having any alive NPCS
  16. lvg

    Rocket should add a silenced shoe...

    Moved to suggestions.