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Everything posted by lvg

  1. lvg

    Arma 2 : Combined Operations

    If you have both on steam, that is Combined Operations, you don't need to bother moving anything
  2. lvg

    Arma 2 : Combined Operations

    If you just buy Arrowhead it will be fine, if you bought retail Arma 2 it will just be more work to get it working, where as if you bought it on steam and you buy arrow head on steam you instantly have CO
  3. People have already created their own form of cheat prevention.
  4. lvg

    Dayz server

    Removing your stand alone ready advertisement because your server isn't stand alone ready.
  5. I buy my own games I have a job I have no problem with buying DayZ stand alone, you seem to be unable to understand that you're entitled to nothing from Rocket or any of the DayZ staff, a mod is something worked on in free time and has no obligations to the consumer or to be completed, you aren't being left with a broken game because Arma 2 still works fine and it did before DayZ was around. I'd love to know what Mods you buy because the only mod I know of that costs money is Garry's mod, and from your rant you say you come from a time when it all was free? To me it looks like someone is playing pretend adult.
  6. There used to be, i believe we had a server that was 100+ slots but for technical reasons the current Mod isn't designed to handle such a large scale of players and the cost of server hosting comes into it, though there are 60-70 slot servers they may not show that number on the browser list though.
  7. lvg

    Create New Squad / Create DayZ Cryengine

    You post was fine until you said Profit.
  8. lvg

    Accident Ban

    If it's a Global ban a hacker didn't ban you and nor did an admin. http://dayzmod.com/f...al-ban-appeals/
  9. Merged. Not sure if your post is serious because i'd love to know how you got from those quotes Pay 2 Play.
  10. lvg

    Accident Ban

    Would you like to be specific on what ban it is.
  11. That was part of the Namalsk crysis mod, Sumrak must of carried it over onto DayZ as well.
  12. Map creation http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_Terrain_Tutorial Adding the DayZ Mod it's self requires scripting.
  13. Can i just ask you why you think Arma 2 Combined Ops is 30$ on steam, and you can get CD keys from a "Friend" for 5$. I'll let you think about that personally i believe it's quite obvious.
  14. Anyone who claims to have bought the game 7 times cannot be innocent, i suggest you disable what ever you're not telling us or buy legit keys because i don't know who would pay for Arma 2 CO 7 times. You could also try the obvious thing of contacting Battleye.
  15. So you're not going to be a person who complains lets say when the Private server goes down due to lack of funds or the server is always full and takes about 1 hour to get in each time, or the server is full of abusive admins, or the server host refuses to update the server and after playing there for weeks you have everything you need you simply have to start again and then the cycle continues. For me that'd be pretty annoying. The option should be what it is now, you have a choice to join public or you go private, there's no need to remove that option at all.
  16. According to Steam if you have it digitally which you do you can just press "Add a Game" then "Activate a product on steam" https://support.stea...=7480-wusf-3601 Even if it doesn't work you can still play DayZ http://www.dayzwiki....to_install_DayZ
  17. lvg

    explain trading in this game?

    If you're connected to the same hive you meet on the same server and swap items, if it's the official hive your gear will be on a lot of servers, so you do the trade and can change server and keep the same items.
  18. lvg

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    Side Chat Survivor 1: Hey where are you? Side Chat Survivor 2: next to a tree I need your Clothes, your Beans and your Bicycle
  19. He means use the actual CD not the key the psychical CD
  20. lvg

    Question regarding forum

    We will be using the same forum, whether or not the host is changed and perhaps a skin revamp is unkown.
  21. lvg

    Cant click singleplayer on Arma 2 OA

    There is no single player, look up hosting a server of your PC.
  22. lvg

    Standalone Donts

    Don't worry none of those will be in the game, perhaps player set quests in the form of bounty contracts things like that but we already have that in place on the forum, maybe it will be easier to do so within the game like a bulletin board where players will leave a piece of paper with someone's name on (not sure how it would work but it's a possibility) but there won't be any NPC's and quests saying kill 5 infected and gain 200xp etc.