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About TheFournace

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    On the Coast

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  1. TheFournace


    Well everybody, I give my congrats. Before I bought this game (about two weeks ago, three now) I checked out this forum. There seemed to be a lot of complaints about various things (glitches, hacking, etc.). Between that and the pending Standalone, I was unsure whether or not to purchase it just for this mod. Yet I did, and I am very happy I have. Through the past few weeks of basically consistent playing, I have never once encountered a hacker. I have never once encountered a problem that was too much for me to handle and ruined my gameplay. This game, mod, etc. has been a terrific find. Now obviously not everyone shares my opinion, but I thought I'd share some good news and give some congrats to everyone and where its due. Not only the devs but all the players, bandits and survivors alike, this is a terrific game. So, here's to a happy post! Beans to all of you :beans: :thumbsup:
  2. TheFournace

    The New United Republic - Governmently Body

    Age: 17 Timezone: Eastern Standard Gender: Male RP Experience: A bit, fairly considerate amount Country: Canada Gaming Experience: Substantial Name: Roberto
  3. I like the idea but I don't think it should be focused around one sole object. Basically, I agree with what a whole bunch of other people have already mentioned, adding more traps and the ability to upgrade and rig up some of your own. That way you can keep a sense of style and creativity in the sandbox. Maybe what your suggesting would be a good type of extra "mode" in a future stand alone version, where there is a structure and you try to take it.
  4. TheFournace

    New Items: Cigarettes/Cigars?

    I agree with the principle behind it, like using some item to come across friendly and maybe as a type of currency, but I don't know if any game is going to toss in cigarettes in today's society. As a game that has a large number of youth playing it, I just don't see Rocket and the devs tossing in something like that. Maybe they will, and I'm not against cigarettes, but I just wanted to say I love the idea ... whether in the stand alone its cigarettes or some other item which can be used like that.
  5. TheFournace

    DayZ map set in USA?

    @ DaGolem Canada would be best ... we got cities mixed with wilderness and rural areas Plus you could hit up the rink for some loot and use hockey sticks to beat some zeds :lol: