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Everything posted by iegle

  1. I lost interest as the public hive died. After over a year off, I would be in for this. Actually updating files now, I used to play on one of Geryon's servers all the time, he runs a good ship.
  2. iegle

    What do you call such an admin?

    You portray yourself as a whiny child in your post. Grow a pair and move on.
  3. iegle

    Self Blood Bags

    “The deepest wounds aren't the ones we get from other people hurting us. They are the wounds we give ourselves when we hurt other people.” ~ I. Carmody Bloodbag that, beyotches.
  4. You could have been, had you invested all of the hours you devoted to this into creating miracles, etc. instead. ...or perhaps learning another language, playing an instrument, mastrering a sport. My mind = boggled. Nice work, though. :thumbsup:
  5. This, sadly. I'm afraid the mod is training a legion of douche nozzles who will ruin the SA with their absurd playstyle.
  6. I'm one of those "...moaners and 'why you shoot me brah i had nufink' types," but I love playing through the night. Actually, I don't moan, but I am shot a lot and usually have nufink. Pussy, or something else? B)
  7. iegle

    Whats your ideal server population?

    15-20, for all the reasons already mentioned. My FPS drops pretty low when the player count gets too high as well.
  8. iegle

    Get an Alpha out!!

    OP, your concerns are valid. You know the sick feeling of betrayal you get when you are stabbed in the back by some supposed "friend" in-game? Rocket has upped those griefers by an order of magnitude. The joke is on all of us, the game may never be released. Other highly anticipated titles have been shelved in the past, there is precedent for this happening. Any fan of the game should be concerned, those who are not are in denial. I hope I'm wrong.
  9. iegle

    Majority of playerbase are kids?

    Yeah, we already established this on a previous thread started by the OP. Confirmed now.
  10. iegle

    DayZ can be very frustrating

    This is clearly your problem. Dispose of these crutches and take the time to learn how to play the game properly. You have to learn to walk....
  11. Agreed, I prefer the M1911 over the revolver for these reasons as well.
  12. iegle

    You NEED bandits like me

    It's a very dark world that some here inhabit. I feel pity for anyone with such a pessimistic opinion of humanity. I don't know what their parents did to them, but your reason is lost on them. ;)
  13. I play US434 frequently, it is a good one! :thumbsup:
  14. Well, I was not expecting this. The server as you have described it does not sound appealing at all. "extreme PvP" "pay to win" blech...
  15. iegle

    Excessive military loot

    No. The Czech Republic is landlocked, there would be no sea. You would be hard-pressed to find Cyrillic signs in the Czech Republic, they use the Latin alphabet. Chernarus is a fictional former Soviet republic. The geography is based on an area of the Czech Republic, but the game is not set in the Czech Republic.
  16. Takes "Standalone" to an entirely different (i.e. real-world) level. :)
  17. iegle

    Bullet drop and lead

    Interesting. Can you comment on the different rate of bullet drop between the M4A1 and the M4A1 CCO/holo? I believe that these should have the same muzzle velocity (am I wrong in this assumption?), yet the drop rate is higher for the rifle with the CCO optics. Not talking about the zeroing setpoint here, but the rate. Nevermind - I got it.
  18. iegle

    Excessive military loot

    LOL, the OP makes a point, initial reaction is to tar and feather him for it, and in the end general consensus is on his side. It is a sad demonstration of the general douche bag culture on these forums, and in the game in general. On point, I agree with the OP, military grade weapons are far to common. Military loot spawns are as well. The decision to upgrade the firehalls, Topolka Dam, and castles has been catastrophic to the game balance. I hope it is fixed soon.
  19. iegle

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    This is the closest we have to an effective solution: social. Make murder unacceptable in game and persecute the bandits. Make their lives tough, keep them on the run. I am not a sociologist, but I suspect that this is how our ancestors kept things under control prior to the codification of laws. I sniffed around the Regulator clan a while back, then drifted away as I also lost interest in the game. The concept could work, but there is a critical mass of support that would be required for it to succeed. Lone Warrior will not be able to fix this on his own.
  20. iegle

    Why We Need A Release Date

    I develop drugs, from bench to bedside. The process far exceeds game development in terms of complexity, has timelines that exceed 10 years, and budgets approaching $1 billion. When I start a project I have to provide a commitment to my management on a first-patient-in date and a commercial release date. This is usually before I even know what disease I am targeting. My target metric for this information is 90% on time. If I miss too often, my ass gets fired. Please don't characterize me as unqualified or disinformed, son.
  21. iegle

    I think I did some good today

    Another superb story; bfisher does not disappoint. :thumbsup:
  22. iegle

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    Excellent update, thank you for this! :thumbsup: I like the new melee weapon swapping capability. Zed spawns seem different, they seem to spawn when the player is farther out, and the spawn locations are more scattered. This is great. I have not encountered any zeds spawning inside buildings yet. This was a good upgrade in the earlier patches that made the early game very challenging. The zipper sound when opening the backpack is VERY loud. Scares the crap out of me every time I open the pack. Way too much food. These are the only criticisms I have so far. Still lots remaining to discover.
  23. iegle

    DayZ 1.8 .Dev Bug List

    I think a patch is in order. I do not believe it was intended for a player to be able to carry 2 primaries, but one can as you have described.
  24. iegle

    Why We Need A Release Date

    Acknowledged. Thanks for the correction. :thumbsup: