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About Luckcu13

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  1. Hello? I need to be whitelisted again. I just got kicked out for some reason. Luckcu13
  2. I have a very similar problem, except that my wifi is on a school server (boarding school) Anyway, i get lag out around from 400-16000 whenever I play on dayz, but I get 200 ms from africa to the east coast in a broadband and latency test. And after i get kicked out of dayz, my computer's wifi cannot connect me to any websites, like i fried it out just trying to get on dayz... help? PS; they log the sites they go on, may that be why? If that is the case, i am techniclly sending information to three servers every second (school logger, dayz server, and another fking logger that my parents installed), all a few kb... help?
  3. I like ur idea sleepy, make the clans rage :D I also will have a better chance of not getting sniped if that were the case, poor lonely me. :(
  4. Hey, I've been playing DayZ for a few weeks now, and all i get usually is that I've been kicked by BattleEye for having ping of up to 9000. That's ridiculous. I just tested my latency across multiple places with speedtest.net, and in the NY area, my lag only goes up to ~150. I play DayZ on US servers. So what the heck is going on?
  5. Luckcu13

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    Will ask about it, thanks so much!
  6. Luckcu13

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    I just tested my latency and my bandwidth using Speedtest.net , my ping is going at 35 at NYC, and I'm in Connecticut ... And when I go on to a DayZ server, I get a latency of over 9000!? Can someone explain this to me!? Just tested this from New Mexico to here, its going at 98ms... that still amazing! WTF?
  7. Hi, can i join ur server? My IGN is Luckcu13 i think...
  8. Luckcu13

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    Yea i can get friends and join their IT department. So firewalls? why is that? How does it cause lag? are there any other options? Also, my school has a logging and login thing, but no filter...
  9. Luckcu13

    Cz 550?

    Not true I use L96. Dunno y i said that... And is sniping bandits from 1 km dishonorable? Not like that chance ever will occur...
  10. Luckcu13

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    Battleye each time it kicks me. Usually if im lucky I can get on a server for 5 minutes then it will kick me saying ping too high. Or it will just kick me saying Ping too high. I think theres something that my school's server is having a problem with, and im hoping its not me. There are some points where my school server crashes altogether...
  11. Luckcu13

    My lag OVER 9000!?

    Hello, I have been playing for a few weeks now, but my boarding school server seems to have some sort of trouble. My latency is often going through the roof (500-9000) even at 4 O'clock in the morning. Can someone explain this or send me to the right place to discuss this? I'm sorry if this is the wrong place.