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Everything posted by klesh

  1. klesh


    You could go into the Developer's Audio subforum and have an enlightening discussion with the audio developer for DayZ, but the guy never posts and never responds or anything. :emptycan:
  2. klesh

    [MPGS] Persistence and Auto-Restart Hotfix Deployed

    The ignore list gets bigger everyday!
  3. Jeeze guy, relax a little. No need to call me pathetic, I asked you a simple question. I haven't relapsed anything. You're having a coronary over a videogame, time for some perspective in life perhaps? Would you feel better if I admitted they made a mistake? They are human you know. Here you go: They made a mistake. Now have some warm milk and mommy will read you a bedtime story soon. Oh, characters we're wiped too?
  4. How would things be different if they told you prior to the wipe? You stuff is still gone. You'd feel better about it somehow?
  5. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I'm there now. Hot damn thats an impressive array of junk. Even in the middle of the night it looks pretty cool. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=518095825 No lag.
  6. klesh

    DayZ Item Economy \ Value

    An economy that gets wiped forcing you to start all over every couple of weeks?
  7. klesh

    Youtube gameplays (no monetization)

    Odd, I dont think I have ever once seen this included in a YT DayZ video. Apparently it's required for every one of them.
  8. klesh

    Looking for playes

  9. klesh

    No Server Hopping?

    One of the reasons I don't like private hives is I don't want to play with the same people over and over. One of the reasons I like the public hive, is that I can choose what time of day to play during. With this accelerated time night goes by too quickly. Maybe I want my entire evening's gaming session to be played during in-game night. Public hive makes that possible.
  10. klesh

    Rocket's contribution

    Most of these thoughts are like looking at and anthill and presenting a supposition of what the entire colony is doing underground. While it might be fun, it can't be anything other than guesses based on extremely limited information.
  11. klesh

    Spray painting the Winchester

    Because Alpher.
  12. I would wonder why you'd want to go to the NWAF if you're already decently geared?
  13. They're a work in progress. Their load on the servers is too great, so their numbers have been greatly reduced for performance reasons until they sort it out. Alpher.
  14. Good stuff, fellas :thumbsup: :beans:
  15. klesh

    Oak bark

    Why in the world would nails be useful in dying something? Is it simulating removing the galvanization chemicals or somesuch?
  16. klesh

    Rocket's contribution

    Don't try and convince us the Lambo warehouse is unimportant!
  17. klesh

    Adult Content

    Finally getting that "dimebag"? I suppose the cigarettes or "vo(d)ka" could make it adult as well. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/post/96739657031/status-report-week-of-01-sept-14
  18. Examine what is a fun evening of gaming is to yourself. Some nights you might only be able to walk... and I dont mean sprintrun, between 2-3 towns. Maybe you have a rough go of it. Maybe you spend an entire night looking for a suitably large backpack. Maybe its ammo for the lone gun you came across, and you're psyched when you find a dead body with the same gun and 3 bullets in it. The goal for me, every session, is to survive. That comes in many different forms.
  19. klesh

    Rocket's contribution

    This was my take on it when he said: As though the feelings he was trying to recreate from his time in the jungle aren't going to happen because people can suspend their disbelief in a zombie apocalypse and turn this game into a shooter with a side of zombie. Once those people don't take the game for its intended design, then the whole project is flawed. The spark he talks about is the suspended disbelief. People potentially or eventually fighting out of fear, being desperate, struggling to survive the harsh apocalypse was the idea. People gearing up and asking "where is the action?" is what ruins it. Edit: Ninja'd by BCB. Exactly right.
  20. klesh

    DayZ Avg Players Monthly

    I'm a mod there. :(
  21. klesh

    Coastal clam digging

    They've already got the clam digging highwater pants in. I used to dig too, B@ker. Ipswich. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/08/21/dining/deep-fried-truth-about-ipswich-clams-no-matter-source-harvest-secret-classic.html
  22. klesh

    DayZ Avg Players Monthly

    Potentially true. The amount of shit threads this forum produces lately leads me to think otherwise. "I came back and it suXX0rz so badlee!!1"
  23. klesh

    DayZ Avg Players Monthly

    It shows how many folks had no idea what they were getting into when they signed up for Day 1 of an alpha build release. They're not in it for the long haul.
  24. klesh

    [Release] DayZ Config Tweak tool

    Easy there, partner. I just asked a simple question. There have been malicious apps "released" before, and its never been from someone with lots of participation history. Who knows what you may or may not have put in that .exe of yours; I think its fair to ask a clarifying question, no?