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Everything posted by klesh

  1. We've had this thread over and over. I cant look now, but in the past threads I have posted that the epi-pen in game has an expiration date printed on it. You can go back from this date, because epi pens have a given shelf life to which the exp date wouldve been calculated. This gives you a date when the epipen was created ingame. IIRC, i deduced the game was taking place in at least 2014.
  2. klesh

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    http://www.accu-shot.com/Atlas_Bipods.php They all need a rail. Anthony, don't come out with an aggressive tone, especially when you are wrong. It's just poor form.
  3. klesh

    Instanced Zombie Horde

    Look at the DayZ logo. What do you see in it: Look at the dayzmod.com website. What is the first picture you see:
  4. klesh

    Hands Down After Action

    I can get on board with this, its super annoying when combined with the dukes-up slow-walk. There are indeed a few instances where you put away an item from your hands and leave your dukes up, when it makes quite a bit more sense to have them auto-go-down.
  5. klesh

    Most detested item in Persistence

    I'm not interested in the protection and certainly not capacity.
  6. klesh

    Status Report - 22 Apr 15

    The audio guy you hired is silence personified. I like the developer interaction a lot with this game. He hasn't even logged into the forum in months after posting a thread to "discuss audio". It leaves the impression that audio, or at least player discussion about audio is not important. Its non-existent. Its very disappointing.
  7. klesh

    Most detested item in Persistence

    Any vest besides police or anti-stab.
  8. klesh

    Lootsplosions Still A Thing?

    Seems you answered the thread's question in your opening sentence. Well done.
  9. Seems silly to have publicized games events for an alpha game.
  10. klesh

    Developers communicating with players

    Sound guy could learn a thing or two from Mr. Hicks.
  11. klesh

    What about the new renderer?

    The real question is how drunk on Colt45 will it be?
  12. klesh

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    It was the CZ550 in .308.
  13. Guns no, magazines yes. 2-3 per station if you find one that hasn't been looted. Where are you looking?
  14. klesh

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Beats me. All I know is that thing looks pretty much like a CR527 that hits harder and doesn't require a magazine.
  15. klesh

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    Looks like the Winchester 70 is even more competition for the CR527: Winchester 70. This particular version fires .308 Winchester ammunition and features a wood stock. It has an internal magazine which accepts 5 rounds. I wonder if there will be other versions in different calibers?
  16. Police cars, magazines-a-go-go in the police stations.
  17. klesh

    CR527 Carbine Talk

    I found a CR527 mag in .55, and less than two minutes later I found the gun. A day after that I found a second mag. http://cloud-2.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537394227500563879/94A075FD3C15D787A9C10C6E24CBDAE0FA4098BE/ Thing is, I also have an MP5 with far more plentiful ammo, so I use that for zombies when needed and plan on using the rifle for hunting. I don't fancy going into mil areas to find ammo for it, so I am sticking to cars looking for 7.62x39. This gun reminds me of the CZ550 from the mod. Probably the gun that most people should have, should be the most plentiful, makes the most sense, but is the least used.
  18. Protect consumers from what, a game that doesn't fit their schedule?
  19. klesh

    Ever tried being friendly ? Video

    Playing like this takes far more skill than just gearing up and shooting peeps. Well done. :beans:
  20. klesh

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Weird, I wonder what Brian is doing in Boston?
  21. klesh

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I finally found some matches this morning, an hour or so ago. No cooking pot or tripod to be found, but I didn't search too intensely. Still like zero loot in barracks and mil buildings.
  22. klesh

    Derringer God Gun?

    Thanks fellas, allow me to rephrase. That recocking animation is atrocious. ;)
  23. klesh

    Derringer God Gun?

    I've never tried the derringer, but that delayed-recoil animation is atrocious. :(
  24. klesh

    Has anyone found any AKs in 0.55 stable?

    2x AK74 and 1xAK74U all from police cars inland.
  25. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.55.127059

    Weird, I played for probably 5 hours and didn't find one gun.