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Everything posted by klesh

  1. klesh

    Can't Stop Running

    Running: 1) As in character moving forward without any input? 2) As in, whenever you press W, you character is sprinting instead of jogging?
  2. klesh

    Pot Shots

    You should change your username, OP. Thats not survivor behaviour.
  3. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I would not use a serrif font on the new UI.
  4. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    put -newuiin your launch parameters.
  5. klesh

    whats the plan for optimization?

    Yeah, optimization is late beta, no?
  6. klesh

    Can you sneak/make no sound when walking?

    I think they added rolling rounds. Silent roll is Arma. Crawling on your belly while toggling walk instead of run is iirc the quietest approach method.
  7. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    New or old UI?
  8. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Yet more military outfits. C'mon torchia.
  9. klesh

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    I found the FPS at the menu to be horrid. I could barely navigate to the server list to join one. This is one the main menu looks like: http://i.imgur.com/Vercieb.jpg Edit: I ran around for about 30 seconds before I decided the 3rd person camera is not for me. It really really bothers me to have it off to the side like that. Ugh.
  10. Alcohol tincture + gasoline = improvised solvent? http://www.artsparx.com/undmatsolv.html
  11. klesh

    Identify This Tree

    Show me the bark you n00b. Any man knows that.
  12. klesh


  13. klesh

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    To clarify my previous statement, I am an oldskool fan of the idea of one giant hive, like the mod. Ghosting and whatnot aside, I wanted DayZ to have all players together as much as possible. KoS'ers and PvE'ers and lunatics and hermits, everyone all playing together. Now, if you don't want to be bothered, you play offline instead of adding to the nonviolent population online. Private hives already slit the online community enough as it is. I also don't think modding is a good idea for this game.
  14. klesh

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    The more people playing single player, the less there are to populate the world. I don't think its a good idea to split the players anymore than public and private hives and 50 man servers do.
  15. klesh

    10 FT fall = Death

    I knew a woman who slipped and fell in the bathtub. Alive one day and dead the next.
  16. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TTP
  17. klesh

    More than anything

    Go post this in the Audio Developer's subforum where he doesn't post.
  18. klesh

    Today was a good day

    Did you have to even use your AK?
  19. Such a nice man with all your answers Steaks & Potata. :thumbsup: :beans:
  20. Are we supposed to take you seriously?
  21. There are more, but not in mod numbers. They are dangerous. They have several new attacks that have been added, and you cannot circle around them with ease like before, though you can outrun them. Their AI is improving. You can sneak past them, and even when running you wont agro them from 200m anymore. Shooting a gun in a town is like ringing the dinnerbell again. Not sure about spawning. I know you can clear a town out and be safe for a time. They are not insta-replacement-spawning like they did for a time. They are still a work in progress, but they are considerably better than a year ago. New animations are coming as well, such as a crawling zombarino. hoard AI has been shown as well. Looked cool, but rough around the edges.
  22. klesh

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    The neverending military stuff you guys keep posting all looks the same, and frankly looks no different than 90% of people you meet in full camo already. The other 9% are newspaws on their way to the barracks to get that camo, and the remaining 1% thats left walk around looking like regular people.
  23. I will admit i certainly have not... yet I see rl dayz videos made by kids running around in places that look exactly the same, and these videos are being made present day. So I presume, that there are still post soviet looking areas of the world in 2015 that look exactly like what we see ingame.
  24. Here is the thread I was reffering to: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213782-any-of-you-guys-wonder-what-time-period-dayz-is-in/ Some highlights are Chris Torchia said DayZ follows right after Arma 2 in a timeline. FNX.45 wasnt made until 2012. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213782-any-of-you-guys-wonder-what-time-period-dayz-is-in/page-2#entry2085262 And a further link to yet another thread discussing this, which is now dead because it mustve been merged. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/213782-any-of-you-guys-wonder-what-time-period-dayz-is-in/page-3#entry2146153