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DLG - Paterson

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Everything posted by DLG - Paterson

  1. DLG - Paterson

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    luck is for losers also release this already
  2. Server was FR9, here's the screenshot.
  3. Is there any way that this can be fixed? People are killing each-other here and they're loosing all of their items. My buddy lost his M107 and all his gear, and I lost my gear too because some dickhead shot us up in the forest. Not asking for a refund.
  4. Bumpity bump bump bump.
  5. DLG - Paterson

    No female model.

    I can't see my friend with the female model, she's completely invisible for me. I've downloaded all of the required files and I don't know what to do at this point.
  6. DLG - Paterson

    No female model.

    Nevermind! Admin, lock please.
  7. DLG - Paterson

    Noticeably lower FPS on 1.6.0

    Update graphic drivers.
  8. DLG - Paterson

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    Cool. Downloading now.
  9. DLG - Paterson

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Don't say that. They might -rep you.
  10. DLG - Paterson

    Dying needs to have consequences

    No it doesn't. You die, you lose your items, you kill someone, you gain items. You work together, the better items you get, you work alone, well, the easier it is to get killed.
  11. Yeah. See this shit is so fucking annoying for fucks sake, I lost my shit again.
  12. DLG - Paterson

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    hospitals and supermarkets of course. maybe even deer stands and military camps Yup!
  13. Sometimes people spawn inside of it with their weapons, and they can shoot loading players and it's really fucking irritating.
  14. DLG - Paterson

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    What about the issue with the vehicles, tents, and etc being broken... Looks good, anyway. Can't wait for the fix.
  15. DLG - Paterson

    The only solution to random PvP

    This is just stupid.
  16. DLG - Paterson

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Not even going to download this one because of what I see above. I just hope you fix this soon, Rocket. Good luck, and thanks for the quick fixes. Can't wait to start playing again.