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Everything posted by SupWithThat

  1. One homophobic child at http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11037
  2. SupWithThat

    Revenge, how sweet a dish you are.

    I'm still laughing at it.
  3. SupWithThat

    Revenge, how sweet a dish you are.

    The search continues for their camp, ensuing screenshots will be worth seeing.
  4. SupWithThat

    Revenge, how sweet a dish you are.

    Yes, it was absolutely delicious.
  5. SupWithThat

    Revenge, how sweet a dish you are.

    I don't think they'll be laughing when they see the state their vehicles were left in.
  6. SupWithThat

    Randomly died...

    What did we learn?
  7. SupWithThat

    DayZ =MVP= Vexeon PvP

    Doubt you'd last more than ten minutes up north.
  8. SupWithThat

    Average run time Cherno - Stary Sobor

    I think I can do this trip with my eyes closed now. 15 minutes tops I'd say.
  9. SupWithThat

    Tents Outside Map

    Seems cheap to me.
  10. Game was working fine for my group until an hour or so ago. Every server connection gets stuck at 'loading' inedefinitely and requires the process to be ended via task manager.
  11. No, considering our three man core team is far better armed.
  12. SupWithThat

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    Don't ask here, none of them actually know.
  13. SupWithThat

    I'm a murderer T_T

    There's an AK with a silencer in DayZ?
  14. SupWithThat

    Major Update Pending: 1.7.0

    LOL @ the people responding to this as news.
  15. SupWithThat

    Devz, get your shit together.

    I printed this thread out just so I could wipe my ass with it. Tool.
  16. SupWithThat

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    I didn't even get the gender selection screen =/
  17. Today I committed my single most despicable act as a bandit, of which I am neither proud nor ashamed. It happened because I felt it had to, and admittedly I did laugh for a good while afterwards with my buddies. The background: Me and two friends had been playing and working our way to our preferred looting spot - On the way, however, my char became a victim of the debug plain of doom, with seemingly no way out. After numerous server swaps etc trying to get my char out of there, I resolved to run south with my keyboards autorun feature toggled to save some effort in the hope I've hit the Northern map border. This was fruitless, however, and I ended up just respawning. I went for a drink, leaving my game to reconnect and spawn me at the shore, but I forgot that my autorun key was pressed and my char just ran endlessly while I was away from my keyboard and when I returned I was Northwest of Cherno stuck on a fence (at night) with two survivors talking to me. As soon as I started moving, they pointed their weapons at me and asked if I was friendly - to which I replied 'Sure'. We then began working our way further West of Cherno for about ten minutes, into some farm houses. I held the rear whilst they led in front and let them walk into the barn in front of me before opening fire on the back of one of their heads. I then sprinted inside the barn and emptied the rest of my clip into the front guy. I only got a chance to loot the first guy I killed before zombies mobbed the farmhouse and I bolted as the other guy opened fire back, I later saw him die in chat after about three or four minutes. The food/pepsi I grabbed from the guy I managed to loot saw me through to linking back up with my friends without having to do any risky runs into towns along the way - so it saved me a lot of hassle. I'm a bad, bad man.
  18. SupWithThat

    my Tent gone !!

    Has happened to me twice brosef. Being an Alpha, I think its just one of those things you gotta suck up and accept.
  19. SupWithThat

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Me and my friends take it slow and calculate everything we do, the coast is just a lost cause at the moment though. I find the grade of player goes up the further inland you get, skirmishes are far better in my opinion.
  20. SupWithThat

    How did YOU find out about the Day Z mod?

  21. In-Game Name: SupWithThat Date/Time: - 24/05/2012, first occured at around 1 PM GMT, has not stopped since. What happened: - I'm actually not sure, in total honesty - but it appears my character has been totally borked by whatever did happen. I was knocked unconscious by a fall, came back around - fixed myself up and ate some food to fix myself etc etc - all was well. I played on for around ten minutes and left the town I was in and logged off in the treeline. Upon logging back in, however, I was back on TOP of the roof section I fell from and was unconscious for 3-4 minutes at a time, after these periods of unconsciousness ended I was still not able to move and my character was rooted in place. Upon logging into any server now, my character is now conscious but still unable to move, access gear or anything. When I move from first to third person, I cannot see my character or any of his entities at all. If I right click to ironsight my weapon, screen perspective moves forward and I can see a slightly clipped appearance of what appears to be my backpack. I cannot move still, and I cannot access my gear or anything. This problem has persisted for 5 seperate logins on 5 seperate servers now. Where you were: - Berezino, Lumber Mill. What you were doing: - Chilling, falling - then raging. I believe my initial description of the problem describes everything needed to know here. *Current installed version: - 1.5.8 (I think? Whatever the most current version is). *Server(s) you were on: - DE5 was where the initial unconscious incident occured I believe, however I have tried five more since. *Your system specs: AMD Phenom x6 1100t @ 4.0GHz 16GB Corsair Vengeance RAM 2GB AMD Sapphire HD 6970 (That's the gaming crucials, anyway) *Timeline of events before/after error: - Fell from Roof, knocked unconscious - Regained consciousness, healed - fed - Left area, entered treeline - logged off - Logged in, knocked unconscious for 3-4 minutes at a time per login, couldn't move afterwards - back at original rooftop of fall. - Periods of unconsciousness ended, now cannot move at all in any server, cannot access gear or access my scroll commands. Additional Comments: - I'd love for this to get resolved, I'm at around 20 hours survived with my current char and I'm well established in my current locale with friends en-route to my position. Would be quite gutted if I lost my char over something like this, but hey ho - I understand its an alpha and I'll just have to accept things like this. Thank you very much if anything can be done.
  22. Great post OP, repped. I just don't even.