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King Wally

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About King Wally

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. King Wally

    Please stop the hackers

    Thank you for the tips guys. I was unaware what the 'hives' were about to be honest but gave one a try before and had the pleasure of being legitimatly killed by someone playing fair. Was a good shot too, I just about had him lined up when he snapped me on he run! Thanks. :D
  2. King Wally

    Please stop the hackers

    How do I register or get access? Sorry to sound like a noob... but well yeah Im a noob.
  3. Title says it all... I'm a very light gamer and this is just about the only game I play right now but to be honest Im about done with it due to hackers. Last 4 times I've played (this is spread over a week or more period) Ive been killed by a hacker in increasingly weird and frustrating circumstances. In the first case I found myself being continuously showered with glass as someone threw or generated about 30 whisky bottles or something and lobbed them at me while I was inside a room. Next time in truely sureel fashion someone shoots me then revives my body taking full control of me. he walked me around the map behind him like a puppy and I have not the faintest idea how. The next time an invisible man walks into a room I am in and sets up razor wire at the exit then a ghost push bike rides at me repeatedly running into me until I die. I shot at the thing with all I had but as you could imagine unkillable. Last time I got into a shoot out with a guy and after some fun exchanges of fire a message apears on my screen saying something about god mode and I ended up booted from the game for some rule violation. Trust me I'm too noobish to run one of these hacks even if I knew how so I'm asuming someone took control of the boot function and kicked me as payback for shooting his mate (which I might add I did well!) long story short I'm starting to hate playing this game. Please someone tell me something is being done cause I've seen hackers in here since day 1 but never to the extent I've got over the last week. I can only asume we've lost the war against them and they run the show now?
  4. King Wally

    Your favorite weapon?

    I am the weapon :D
  5. King Wally

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    for the love of god KILL THE BARB-WIRE! The sandbags are cool but the barb-wire sends me totally nuts when everything is blocked up and I cant find a toolbox for hours just to get some basic loot... normally getting myself shot unarmed cause I never had a chance to get some weapons, :( It you must keep the barb wire quadruple the numbers of toolboxes to give new guys a chance ... and fix the weird graphic issues that seam to come with it... oh and the wire returning even after its cleared...
  6. King Wally

    Nice guys finish last.

    I used to try and team up with people, but I got killed too many times and now I just fly solo and shoot anything that moves. I guess now Im one of the asshole majority but hey what are you going to do?
  7. King Wally

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    This game is as much a human behaviour simulator as it is a Zombie simulator... picture yourself deep within the zombie apocalypse and theres but a handfull of people left alive in the district. You have arguably one of only a couple functioning vehicles left within miles and your offering to pick up random hitchhikers? Probably better you learn this lesson now then in the real world but it aint safe picking up randoms off the side of the road at the best of times let alone when everyone is in SHTF mode.