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Everything posted by 420jeppe

  1. Awesome server, would play again 3.14159/π pies!
  2. 420jeppe

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Because it's not a part of this game. Go make your own game with PVE?
  3. 420jeppe

    Instead of adding utes

    Yea Namalsk wouldn't fit I suppose, also it's a way colder climate. Although I love Namalsk. Should be the next map in DayZ.
  4. 420jeppe

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    First off - I'm a fanboy. Why I am a fanboy? I rarely get attached to brands and I don't follow any sports team. I still use an old Nokia even though I should perhaps get a smartphone already. I pride myself, rightly or wrongly, not to follow the herd in whatever is popular. Still, I'm dedicated to this game like no other. Whatever bugs or glitches this game has I look through my rose-coloured glasses and brush them off. Why? Because this studio has what few other companies have - moral, integrity and a sense of vision. I know that the DayZ team will doggedly stick with their own idea of what kind of game they're making - a game finally for adults who doesn't want to be spoon fed instant gratification. Something that'll challenge me and my friends. Just like minecraft - I couldn't care less about the graphics, destructable environment or other gimmicks, as long as the engine does what it needs to do in order to deliver that experience I crave. Which it does, and it will only get better. PS. As for the engine; CoD Ghosts is the most expensive game on Steam, and it is based off of the IW engine, which itself is built from id Tech 3, which is also around 15 years old. Does it matter? No, just like in DayZ, it does what it is supposed to do. It's a testament to both the genius of John Carmack as well as the talented czechs at BI that the original logic of those engines still holds up to this day. edit: spelling
  5. 420jeppe

    Desert Eagle

    It would add to the flavour of the game if they did exist, but only ever spawned 5 at a time or something. But that would probably not justify modelling it in or configurating it.
  6. 420jeppe

    Guitar and bonfire

    You're so cool!
  7. 420jeppe

    Doffing ones cap

    I don't really understand what "doffing" means, but more physical emotes are welcome in my book.
  8. 420jeppe

    Game suggestion: more character slots

    This game shouldn't do short-cuts!
  9. I actually agree with OP. If there's one thing that shouldn't be realistic - it's mouse movements having negative acceleration. The only thing it adds to the experience is annoyance and a feeling of clumsiness. It makes me less immersed in the control of my dude, because that's not how it feels when I look around or turn in real life. There's isn't some kind of glue preventing me from spinning or quickly focus my eyes at something.
  10. 420jeppe

    Scripting already rampant...

    Scripting may be rampant, but bad manners and lousy paragraphing are too!
  11. 420jeppe

    How do I chat in ALL-Chat ?

    When they add smartphones you can join #Chernarus and chat with your fellow survivors! With the upcoming social media integration you will also be able to take a selfie and automatically have it uploaded to your facebook account.
  12. 420jeppe

    Fishing and Boats - bad or good idea?

    Well I guess they're going to add boats anyway since they probably have the code and assets already in place, even if it means redoing them somewhat. Also, if they're gonna add Utes, swimming there will probably not be a valid option every time. As for fishing, sounds like a great idea, as long as it is realistic somewhat.
  13. 420jeppe

    safe zone

    I just want to wish the OP good luck, we're all counting on you.
  14. 420jeppe

    I am a cold-blooded murderer

    Unrelenting force? "Ok." But sure, KOS is often both the logical as well as the fun choice. I try being a hero sometimes but more often than not it's just begging to be shot. I guess it's very difficult to play a hero, or a true bandit, successfully without being shot. That's a challenge. KOS is the easy way out imho, although I'm probably as guilty as the next guy.
  15. 420jeppe

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    In order to validate your claim that the accuracy is bad, you'd have to bolt down the M4 in-game and then test-fire. Your character is not supposed to be military trained unlike in the DayZ mod. Perhaps this purported bad accuracy reflects that, perhaps it doesn't and is intended to show the poor quality of beat-up, post-apocalyptic weapons or perhaps it's merely a bug. In which case it'll be looked at in due time, rest assured. In any case no, the gun-play isn't the focus of this game. Survival is.
  16. 420jeppe

    Rumored patch tomorrow?

    Haha yea I think next year too. Fair assessment.
  17. 420jeppe

    Should they bring back General chat?

    No. No, no, no! It's out of place for this game. It's directly against what this game should be -- isolation, fear, sense of desperation, lack of awareness of what's going on.
  18. 420jeppe

    Standalone aims and goals

    They should look at ARMA 3, however, I almost think those controls are too complex for DayZ. I don't think the stance complexity suits DayZ which is a game that gets its complexity through the environment and setting rather than strict combat and game play.
  19. 420jeppe

    Standalone aims and goals

    Well I do believe rocket wants the animations to be fluid, I really do, but I can appreciate that it's not at the top of the priority list. In my own experience, developing business-intelligence applications, I know that one can get stuck working on the database model for a year without fixing the lousy design, because without a solid foundation you're not going to end up with an excellent product.
  20. 420jeppe


    Depending on what blood type you are, you can receive blood from different other types: http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/blood-types If you do receive a donation that does not suit your own type you can get acute hemolytic transfusion reaction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_hemolytic_transfusion_reaction
  21. 420jeppe

    Theres nothing to "do" in this game...

    So you're also too lazy or not creative enough to make up your own story?
  22. I've found plenty of all weapons. Mostly north of the coast though.
  23. 420jeppe

    DayZ Standalone: What I don't get

    Patience young padawan.