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About SMinoj

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi Sminoj here, I had just recently gotten ARMA II: CO and I was excited to play Dayz, but upon my first time of playing (just to let you know that I do know what effects are there in Dayz such as shock, pain, etc.) and I had spawned upon the coastline. As I had pretty much failed at surviving, I was more or less doing a stress test for Dayz and my computer and I had died. BUT the thing here is that I'm having the same problem as everyone else; I keep spawning unconscious and I have currently been leaving it open to try to wait it out but nothing has happened yet (and I have been waiting for 3+ hours) and would like a character reset so I can actually play :( Also, I have everything updated and I use Dayz Commander Long story short: I spawned for the first time, died, and now I keep spawning unconsciously and this condition lasts for 3+ hours and I would like a character reset. Character ID: 78909318 Thanks for hearing my plea for help :) Regards, Sminoj